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Why are Christians allowed to have children?

All they'll do is pound the bullshit their silly little religion is about into their children's still developing brains, and threaten their children when they're naughty telling them that there is an evil force called Satan who is out to destroy their lives and a crazy God that will torture them for all eternity if they don't be good little boys and girls and repent. Not to mention how difficult it is for LGBT individuals who live in a religious family. I've heard of so many LGBT youth struggling because of their brainwashed parents and they suffer from severe depression and anxiety. Some even commit suicide.


@mr. black

It's child abuse, No one has a right to do that. Democracy or not.

13 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    They should be able to have children,but indoctrination should be considered child abuse.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    You sound a bit angry.

    You know, I could say the same thing.

    Why are atheists allowed to have children? All they'll do is rant at their helpless little children, stunting their still developing brains, forcing them into a godless existence, and eventually leading them into death.

    Not to mention encouraging them to be selfish, nasty, mean little brats who don't care about anyone or anything but themselves. Oh, and encouraging them to be sexual perverts, taking their pleasure without any regard to the consequences for anyone else. Some even go on to become pedophiles, or serial rapists.

    It is definitely child abuse.

    Or...why are supermodels allowed to have children? They won't give the child the love and care that every child needs and has a right to expect, because they are too caught up in themselves...they spend all their time primping and preening themselves, and the poor children are neglected. They grow up with little or no self esteem, and fall prey to anyone who will give them just a little is a very sad situation. It is obviously child abuse.

    Or...why are science geeks allowed to have children? They will see their little ones as nothing more than experiments, and use them like lab rats. Talk about child abuse!!

    See, anyone can make these kinds of generalizations about anyone else. That doesn't make them right. Sure, there are Christians who beat and threaten their religion into their kids, and I agree, that is wrong. There are also atheists who are cruel and abusive parents, and science geeks who really do tend to use their own kids as lab rats. There are also parents in all of these categories who are kind, loving, and supportive parents. It isn't up to you or me to decide who may have children or who may not, nor is it up to us to tell anyone what they may teach their children or what they may not. Nor should it ever be. We have the right to protect children from overt abuse...but not from being exposed to their parents' beliefs.

    Now, get a cookie, and give one to your sister, and stop bothering the grown along and play. That's a good kid...

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Okay, lets pass a law in the supreme court that violates human rights as bans all Christians from having children. That is totally not genocide.

    I'm an agnostic, I'm apart of the LGBT community, but don't be so damn harsh. You sound like a fascist. Most youth these days are becoming less and less religious, you will still have the bible thumping Christians, but they don't harm anybody outside of annoyance.

    Source(s): Secular Jew
  • 8 years ago

    Humans have the right to have children. I don't care if you're Christian, Mormon, Atheist or whatever. I'm Christian but I'm not religious. In my opinion, religion is man made which drives people nuts lol. I love people. While, black, gay, bi, fat, skinny, every which kind. Yes, I believe in God. I don't expect you too. That is your choice. People need to respect other people's choices. My kids have a choice too. There is evil in this world which anybody can obviously see. But there is good as well. Not all people (Christians) are the same just like not all white people are rednecks. Yes I'm part white lol. Oh, and God loves gays and He moved you too!

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  • 8 years ago

    I agree lets ban freedom of religion and all those other things that Islam has been doing since its inception. Its only right. But just in case we will keep the right to bear arms and disbanded freedom of the press. Praise be to Allah and his prophet Mohammed.

    Or we could let people grow up with parents giving direction the best way they know how and choose their religious beliefs for themselves when they leave home. Some may even recognize the right to be atheist, or hate their parents

  • ChiMom
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Anyone can have children--there is no 'allowing'.

    Every religion has beliefs, and parents generally raise their kids in the faith that they believe.

    It isn't just 'Christianity'--it is every religion. When children grow up they can choose (just like their parents did) whether to believe whatever religion they want.

  • 8 years ago

    Why do non believers not take their lives and prove god is not more powerful than them? They never were given much in the prove it stakes.

    ifthere is no next life..why get around in this life whinging and ranting your crap to believers...We all look forward to the destruction of nonbelievers as God says in the bible.. So the whining and cowardace stops.

    Thank God for that day to come soon..when he does what nonbelievers havnt got the guts to do.. end the misery for believers in having to listen to angry little cowards complaing about God all the time.. while they sit back and do nothing for the planet but murder and rape etc.. all the things they know how to do so well.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Because we have a Democracy.

    And whether we like it or not, people have a right to raise their children however they want. If they grow up being mindless Christ zombies who can't think for themselves, or if they grew up hating their parents for forcing them to believe lies, well then it's all on them.

    It's child abuse to force them to believe something and destroy their self esteem by telling them they're sinful just for existing, yes.

    But your question was about Procreation. We live in a country where people are allowed to raise their children how they want.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't like what Christians do any more than you do. But I do believe in Human rights and people are responsible for how they raise their kid, and unless they verbally or physically abuse them, they're within those rights.

  • 8 years ago

    Because no one wants to really live in a country where government laws get to decide which people (based on beliefs) get to procreate.

  • 8 years ago

    Because it's not legal to deny someone rights on the basis of their religion, and hopefully it never will be.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    "All they'll do"

    Can no one form an argument on here without generalizing people?

    Jeez, you invalidated your point in the first few words.

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