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Nedra E asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Groups · 8 years ago

Why doesn't Yahoo tell us WHATS GOING ON with this NEO realease?

I was suddenly, unexpectedly a recipient of Yahoo Groups /neo/ version of my group home page. YESTERDAY - I was returned to the Classic version most members and moderators see. TODAY - I'm back on the /neo/ version of my group.

Some facets seem improved, but others are not.

If I click on "Feedback" on the lower left, I'm taken to TOS instead and NEVER shown any place to give feedback.

The other day I thought I could see "attachments" to email; today that's gone! Where is it?

And when I clicked on Terms which SHOULD have given me the TOS, I get "Page Not Found" for the url

Why doesn't Yahoo do beta testing?

Why doesn't Yahoo talk to group owners rather than dumping us unceremoniously, unannounced into a new version of /neo/ that slows down the system, and much of which doesn't work!

I'd be happy to beta test, but it should be informed testing, not dumping me into something with NO NOTICE!

Somewhere I read that you're supposed to be able to replace that top generic graphic, but I find NO WAY to do so!



Gelsey - I tested some today and can post to group from inside the group. It took a bit to find how, but it was there.

I suspect they think a new /neo/ version will strengthen them, but if they don't talk to us and work out the bugs, it will kill Yahoo Groups! I'd rather work with Yahoo to make it work than shut down my group.

Luckily I had not yet informed my group.

I don't understand your comment on "your worthless photos"

Update 2:

↯uʍop ǝpısdn↯ - You don't sound like you're a group owner who has been moved without notice to a badly flawed version of a group you work hard to make good and helpful to your members. I suspect that's why you think I'm taking it personally.

Personally, I'd like Yahoo to be successful, but if they don't beta test and don't make it feasible for us to give them feedback and bug reports, then group owners will use any avenue they can find to try to let Yahoo know this is not working and could kill Yahoo if they don't address and fix the problems.

You have your opinion. You have your right to be wrong.

Update 3:

gelsey - I think I can tell you how to send an email from within the /neo/ group as I did one this morning. I think a new topic can also be started. BUT it's too long to post here.... I'd need an email exchange... or you can join YahooGroupOfGroups or GroupManagersForum and ask.

Update 4:

Nana B (whispering) you CAN create an alternate Yahoo ID and let it join your group, then give it moderator privileges. Then, you can go in under that ID as moderator and work with the classic version. If you like "beta testing", you could also do some comparison testing between the classic version and the /neo/ version on your own.

5 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are right. Yesterday the old view was back and everything was wonderful. Today neo is back and I once again, as moderator, cannot post or start topics in my group. Yahoo has done us a disservice. Leave well enough alone Yahoo. Let the groups work within the old format and keep this neo garbage away from us. I am very very upset, as I have been dealing with the mess all week and weekend. Things were not broken in the old groups, so why try to change them? After writign all my groups yesterday and letting my members know all was well (because most of them didnt get hit with the NEO virus), now I have to rewrite and tell them everything is messed up again. Further, your worthless photos are replacing things that managers took pride in custom designing.

    I'm ready to shut my groups down now.

    If someone can tell me how to be able to write replies, and start topics from within the group please feel free to do so. I do not accept going through the Email and off of the group site as an answer, because I receive too many emails and couldnt handle it.

    Oh, and what I mean by worthless photos...all the groups I belong to and manage are health groups. We have yoga pictures replacing photos or custom pages that managers have worked very hard to keep in place (and that make our sites personal and friendly). We don't want Yahoo selecting photos to put on our home page. We want the custom pages back.

    Btw, Yahoo wrote me this afternoon and said my case was closed because I didnt reply to their emails. Yes, yes I did. And they did not get back to me. Again, if someone from Yahoo can tell me why in the world my posts to my group are bouncing, and provide me a fix for this, I will be happy to take that as a reply.

  • 8 years ago

    I am also frustrated with the new NEO format. It reverted to classic temporarily and then today NEO was back. Even as group owner, I am unable to do any editing to our database tables that are essential to our working group. I've tried many of the suggestions given to no avail. Hoping this will be fixed soon.

  • 8 years ago

    I've now spent hours struggling with NEO bugs. And I can't even get a message or bug report through to Yahoo. Maybe they think everything is fine. I can't add members, and people who want to join my group are reporting signup failures.

  • 8 years ago

    OK, I THINK I HAVE A WORK AROUND, I know this works in retrieving pictures in full size, but I am not sure that it will work for e-mail, you will just need to try.

    I think you can stop at the no style for e-mail--- but don't hold me to that.

    this will allow you to retrieve full size pictures from groups.


    in internet explorer 10 on windows 7 here is how i worked around the neo thing for pictures; the menu bar;

    this is for internet explorer 10 on windows 7


    To display the menus temporarily


    Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button. In the search box, type Internet Explorer, and then, in the list of results, click Internet Explorer.


    Press Alt.

    To display the menus permanently


    Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button. In the search box, type Internet Explorer, and then, in the list of results, click Internet Explorer.


    Click the Tools button, point to Toolbars, and then click Menu Bar


    you need to click on the photo you want to see in full size before you do this. view----then go down to style----then go over and click on no style----then right click----go down to properties----click properties----highlight the address----right click copy----then paste it in the address bar----and hit enter----then just save the picture just as you would before.



    thanks to the helpers over at the suggestions board I found out how to get the page we are accustomed to back, here is the link to help you out:

    just copy this in to your navigation bar and you will be right back where you were.



    the above may not work, I am suggesting that people go over to google groups, or tell us where we can find another place where we can re start our desired group.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    gee, you're taking this rather personally.

    and making alot of assumption in the process.. if you don't want it then remove it.

    Source(s): and i suggest you read up on more than terms when it comes to policy which is in another section.
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