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Teenage boy/girl twins still sharing a room?

My 16 year old boy/girl twins still share a room, not because we do not have enough room for them both to have a room, but because they want to. I, personally, have no problem with this. They have always been extremely close in a way that they just aren't with anyone else. Recently though, I was told that I should not be letting them share a room. Out of curiosity I attempted to broach the topic with them, but both quickly shut it down, saying that they would rather share a room than not. Why is this supposedly wrong?


Okay, this is lovely. I just wanted to see how people would react to this question. I am one half of a boy/girl twin set, we are sixteen, and yeah we still share a room. Trust me, there is nothing "inappropriate" going on, but we've gotten reactions like this more than once. So what if I change in front of him. He's my BROTHER. And more than that, he's my TWIN. I am not, nor will I ever be, attracted to him. He's my best friend. Its like changing in a locker room at school, or at a sports center. I think other twins out there will understand. Besides, I had told you that we were six, instead of sixteen, or if we were same sex twins, your reactions would have been entirely different. Regardless, though, these are some perfect example reactions for me to use on my Sociology paper. Thanks a bunch!

Update 2:

Wow, okay, sorry about all of the turmoil that caused. I expected the reactions to be a strong but accusing me of having an incest fantasy. Really? I am writing a Sociology paper on how twins have impacted culture throughout the years, and how cultures view of them has changed over time. Yes, I actually am a twin, which is a big part of why I chose the this particular topic. My brother is writing his on gender issues, and how that influences the sociological culture. The reason I asked my question in the way I did was because I was looking for REAL answers, and I couldn't be sure that I would get them by asking this any other way. Again, thanks to everyone whose answered, it really helps me get some different perspectives!

12 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    there is no problem, at all. If there fine with it, then its fine. Anyone who thinks it wrong might want to think it over.

    Source(s): thinking
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Boy And Girl Room

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    To be honest, there is nothing wrong with it if they are totally fine with it, because some siblings of the opposite gender past a certain age are actually not okay with sharing a room together and actually need privacy.

    Although some places have laws, saying that it is okay for opposite gender siblings to share a room until a certain age.

  • 5 years ago

    I am 15(F) and I still share a room with my twin brother, and there is absolutely no problem with it. There is no bond closer than that of twins, regardless of gender. We do have a bathroom directly attached to our bedroom, so normally one of us just changes in there. I can see why other people reject this, but if they were twins, I m sure they would understand why it s not a problem. :)

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  • 8 years ago

    Given the number of troll posts on this very topic, I assume you are another one.

    You know damn well what's wrong with it and if you had real twins, they would not be asking to share a room.

    Another boring troll trying to live out an incest sex fantasy for all the world to see. Try getting a life.

    Source(s): Real twin
  • 8 years ago

    I don't see anything wrong with it

    they are brother and sister, they were in their mothers stomach together

    honestly todays society is disgusting

    a family who is comfortable with one another doesn't make them incest - that's ridiculous

    I think a real family should be comfortable around everyone meaning brothers and sisters, mothers and sons, fathers and daughters - everyone!

    that doesn't mean they are incest!

    back 10 000 years ago families were that close and they stayed close, they relied on each other, it was a tight knit love - they didn't sleep with each other!

    society has totally twisted its views on what is acceptable IN A FAMILY!

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    If you have siblings boy and a girl which is 16 still sharing a room. Somthing is wrong. A girl needs her privacy when she is goin through changes and CHANGING HER CLOTHES. You should make sure nothing ' inappropriate

    Is going on. Yea I know it's gross but "stuff" can happen. 😑 MAKE them have different rooms. Or else

  • Pat B
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Not appropriate in any way for a young man and woman to be sharing a bedroom. I'm not sure why you don't have a problem with it. I don't think a brother should be seeing his sister's body and vice-versa. Some things should be private. They should be developing relationships with others instead of being in each other's back pockets.

    Source(s): Life
  • 8 years ago

    i think this is really not acceptable. they are boy and girl. regardless of being twins and how close they are. they are developing and should not be sharing a room full stop!

    i understand your ok with this and your reasons why but it really is time for them to seperate and have their own rooms.

    just explain that this is healthy and its time the have their own rooms and also explain that boys and girls shouldnt share rooms at that age. there needs to be strong rules put in place.

    once you have made those adjustments you will be fine. but do it now please for your and their sake :)

  • 6 years ago

    Its fine,there arent many inestous relations out there and if there is,its fored by parents.

  • 8 years ago

    I don't see why it would be a problem. maybe they are just super dependent on one another. Kinda like how when you get older you gotta get rid of your security blanket. Maybe they aren't ready lol sounds kinda weird but I wouldn't read into it. Unless it becomes a problem... but I don't see how it would.

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