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Therapist says I was molested?

My therapist told me yesterday that with the information I have given her about my early sexual knowledge, the way my uncle acted, and the nightmares of molestation I would have that it's safe to say, "not 100%, but quite suggestive" that I was molested.

She asked,"where do we go from here?"

I have no idea. I don't want to talk about details.

Does this mean my memories are correct?

I don't want to talk about those with her.

I can't even say aloud some of the things that I'm scared of.

Should I take her words as the gospel truth? Can she really determine a yes or no?

How do I deal with this?

How did YOU deal with this?

I've never actually coped healthily in my life between anorexia, self harm, and depression.

Please help.

I'm less confused, but more...lost?



I see what you're saying, but I think I need to clarify a bit.

She actually wasn't the one who suggested the possibility. I went into therapy 5 weeks ago with the concern that maybe something happened.

I had a "flashback" after a long night a few months ago and I couldn't tell if it was real.

I also remember some things with my uncle already that I know happened that are only slightly creepy.

And then, there are other "memories" which I guess you could say "came out of repression" without any help from anyone. I still don't know if they are true, though.

Thanks for your concern. She may have a vested interest, but she didn't plant any of these. This was before I went to therapy. And she isn't one of those therapists who does hypnotism or guided memories. This makes me trust her more.

3 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    There are A LOT of things you are not saying here, and for very good reasons.

    Here's a question...

    Do you trust your therapist? Do you have a kind of trust in your therapist that leads you to tell what you know truthfully and honestly? If so, continue what you are doing.

    I have a feeling, the question "where do we go from here" really isn't a question the way you are interpreting it. She likely meant.... so based on what we know so far, shall we continue your therapy session? What more can you tell me? What more do you feel comfortable sharing?

    You said you can't even say aloud what you know. So there's a lot more you need to discuss with your therapist. No, you don't trust what she say as a undeniable truth. Only YOU know that. As you said, she isn't 100% certain. The way therapy works, you say something, she says something, you say something... and eventually, you say "AHA!" and then YOU know.

    Something like this will take LONG time. So don't give up. It'[s quite natural you feel angry, lost, confused, and continue to question yourself. That's very normal.

    I actually know some of this from personal experience.

    You will likely get a lot of answers here online. Please PLEASE be very aware, all of these, including mine, are just opinion from people who don't even know you. We don't know who you are, or your experiences. We don't know your therapist either. So take them as they are - just guesses.


  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Therapists have a vested interest in finding these things. If you don't have memories of it, then don't let her plant them in your mind. Recent research shows false memories are easily planted by therapists and are quite dangerous for you and your family.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    It's all about the dynamic, if it's helping you get better, it's good, if it just makes you focus on problems, it's not so good.

    You already know you have problems, focus on finding solutions.

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