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Hey haters, where are the huge increases in healthcare costs?

The study is from the Kaiser Family Foundation, not the NY Times.

Health Care Costs Climb Moderately, Survey Says


Premiums for employer-provided health insurance have increased by relatively modest amounts this year, according to a new survey, a further sign that once-torrid health care inflation has abated for now.

The average annual premium for a family rose 4 percent in 2013, to $16,351, according to the survey results released Tuesday by the Kaiser Family Foundation. Annual premiums for individual policies purchased through an employer rose 5 percent, to $5,884.


The data also suggest that the new health care law is not leading, at least so far, to a rapid escalation of insurance costs.

“The critics will have a much harder time blaming big premium increases in employer insurance on Obamacare this year, because there aren’t any big premium increases,” Drew Altman, chief executive of the Kaiser foundation, said in a telephone news conference Tuesday.

17 Answers

  • Ted
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ask the families of UPS who will be losing their health insurance next year.

    Or, ask Delta airlines about their 100million dollar increase in healthcare costs

  • 8 years ago

    Not there.

    One thing you forgot to include is the comparison of increases. Insurance premiums increase every year no matter what, and that is due to rising health care costs. In 2011, they jumped about 9%--but according to insurance companies themselves, only 2% of that was due to the Affordable Care Act.

    Insurance premiums have risen almost 200% in the past twelve year years (before Obamacare). Wages have increased about 50%.

    Edit @tha white man: That 88% number has been debunked:

  • 8 years ago

    The expensive portions of the bill are being postponed until after the mid terms. The nastier realities are continually being put off, kicking the can down the road.

    If you had any touch with business, they are moribund, waiting for the other shoe to drop. Hiring is down, or it is part time. No one with their own personal skin in the game wants to make a move.

  • emp
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    So healthcare costs are going up and this is good for Obamacare why? The costs are still going up and so the main public goal of the program isn't can we get rid of it or do we just deal with the invasion of privacy with no benefit seen?

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  • 8 years ago

    That's hysterical. And just what kind of raise did you get this year?

    Better save your money because next year you're gonna pay out the nose. That is of course if you're not on your mommy's insurance or sponging off the taxpayers.

  • James
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    May I inquire HOW is a young American, working part-time ONLY, at minimum wage, with NO benefits-----going to pay $5,884 for health insurance? And, you call THIS affordable? OK, you are correct. He can move back home with Mom and Dad, and draw food stamps. Why don't you just shoot the poor kid and put him out of his misery?

  • they're just going to cherry pick a few select programs in a few states that have had large increases and ignore the average...

    it's what cons do... if you can't talk about the national level, talk about the state... can't talk about the state, talk about the county, can't talk about the county talk about the city... can't talk about the city, just talk about yourself...

    BUT NEVER, EVER look at the actual stats in any kind of context... always just blindly move to the next level that happens to support your ideas...

    EDIT: Spock... by when? when did he say he would save that money by?

    by the first year of full implementation? nope... that's not what he said... before the first year as you seem to imply? nope... that's definitely not what he said... lol

    context... it's important... actually looking at exactly what he promised instead of just pretending he promised it would work miracles before it even started...

    who's lying now?

  • 8 years ago

    Maybe the have modestly increased, after dropping employee's spouses and cutting people to part time

  • s h
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    A lot of the worst provisions are being put off until after the mid-term elections.

    Source(s): What makes you so confident in a man with no business experience, no healthcare experience, and no private sector experience. As long as he keeps printing monopoly money, I guess sheeple like you will keep drinking the Kool ade.
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Costs are going up 88% in Ohio

    The Unaffordable Health Care Act/ ObamaDoesn'tCare is causing businesses to cut hours

    77% of the jobs this year are part time:

    31 million people will still be uninsured even after ObamaDoesn'tCare takes affect

  • 8 years ago

    2009 ... President Obama, in the push to pass Obamacare, said that per family costs will go DOWN $2,500 per year.

    Looks like he either lied, misspoke, or hasn't a clue.

    let's be charitable and say he hasn't a clue. why then did we elect his foolishness??

    Source(s): grampa -- you don't have to believe me -- look it up
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