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Theists, Is the only answer is an unknown god?

I think I have come up with a theory that most if not all will not like. I have mentioned in the past that I am an atheist, I have also mentioned that I feel there is logical proof that there are no deities. My proof goes as such.

Theists believe that their god created all mankind. If all mankind did originate from the one god then all would have that one god as their creator. This would mean that all religions would worship the same god. If group A claims that they were made by god A and not god B then god be could not have made group A because they never heard of god A till they meet group A. This would dismiss all gods as being the creator. To say your group is true and the rest are lies makes the position even weaker because all the rest could say the same about you.

I have a new theory that could allow the existence of all gods. All ancient god both still in practice and those abandoned were made by a greater god who is unknown. Each of the gods created similar humans at around the same time, in different parts of the world. I feel that this would explain how there actually could be gods. Atheists, please do not respond. I know that there would be no proof, this is just a theory.


To those atheists that answered. As I said, I did not want you to answer. I know there is no proof. As I said it is JUST a theory. Would you not admit that most theories come from trying to add logic to something that is illogical? Like Galileo trying to understand why the planets move illogically if the sun revolves around the earth, he did not have proof till after his theory of the earth revolving around the sun.

Some of you claim that it would be false because their being the same god in common. That is because their people had the one god as their creator as I said, so not false.

My initial statement is based on the origins of base religions such as Greek, Celtic, Aztec and such non-related gods that each claim to have made mankind.

The unknown god would not need or want worship from people because he did not make them. This also means that it is not a religion by definition. Seeing that the god would not be the creator of man. I do not

Update 2:

This would not make the unknown god as being god C. it would be god I because it created the others that fit the parameters. This would be like

I) unknown god ( creates gods A through Z)

A) Hebrew God ( creates in Genesis )

B) Ometecuhtli and Omecihuatl ( created the Aztecs )

C) Yu-huang ( created Chinese people )

and so on.

Update 3:

It is not a belief. Being the only person that I know of with this idea that would make me the only person who could believe in it yet I do not. I just theorize that if in the unlikely chance that any religion is true then then more than one must be as true to resolve why their would be others that worship(ed) other creators. As I said, I do not believe in any deity, and that my reason for being atheists is for other reasons. So I am still atheist.

Update 4:

I knew that nobody would like it because to accept it as a possibility would mean that their god did not create all mankind just the base people that first worshiped that god and passed down their story of creation. Religion is notorious for insisting that others are false gods or else theirs would be false with no middle ground. I also knew that other atheists would answer but unlike some, I do not praise people that answer when not asked. I asked for a theist answer or opinion not for an atheists opinion, As an atheist I already have an opinion so why would I want or need another atheists opinion? Also, No, I am not trying to start a new religion. If this god did exist it may be just apathetic about humans or anything else we know of. If anything we would treat this god just as much apathy, and ignore it.

Update 5:

The question is, if theists could think of another reason why multiple gods could have existed beside how a superior god who created them? Seeing that theists at least believe in one god having to exist, then they just might imagine how multiple gods could have existed besides of how I mentioned. I did not mean it to prove my point but for others to come up with alternatives to my point. If a theist can not conceive of how one more god could exist than they know, then how do they expect atheists to conceive of how one more god could exist than we know. As was someone else has said before. Theism is almost the same as atheism, we both deny many gods, theists just deny one less.

Update 6:

The competition factor would not deny the solution to my theory. For one, who is to say that a god would want to dominate. They may just be like farmers who plant crops and let nature make them grow. A farmer would want to get rewarded by his crop but that reward could be enough. The farmer may not have the resources to plant all the fields but if many farmers had descended from one farmer then all the fields could be planted if each farmer planted what he could. Sure, it would create some chaos in the universe as well as on earth. The universe is not as ordered as people make it out to be. Chaos exists in the universe. Suns go supernova destroying their solar systems, Galaxies collided, and many other examples of a chaotic universe. Order is just an illusion based on how we have not come to such an end yet. Chaos also does exist on earth as history can show us. Never know, maybe the great floods talked about in many religions are examples of other gods trying to sabotage other gods an

8 Answers

  • Moi
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer


  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    First of all, this isn't a theory, it's a belief because it has no logical evidence. You claim that if a god makes a group of people, then those people must have a religion dedicated to this god, when this is obviously false. If the Christian god is real, then mankind could have written the Torah and the book of Islam (or whatever they have, I'm not sure), and then people who were created by the Christian god base their beliefs on one of these books. And if you believe in any form of god or deity, then you're not an atheist. Don't claim yourself to be one. You're a theist with different beliefs than other theists.

  • 8 years ago

    How many of the gods worshipped on earth are claimed to be "The Creator" ?

    Most of the gods claimed out there are not considered "The Creator of the universe", but gods of a specific thing, like the "god of death" or "god of fertility", or "god of love" or "god of wealth" ... etc, this includes the mythical greek gods.

    These gods are all limited to "their profession" which humans claimed for them, they do not have complete absolute power, dominance, and control, nor were they the creators of mankind.

    The True Supreme God is The Creator, the Sustainer, and Owner of everything in existence. And He is the only one worthy of worship. All other gods do not even come near to the greatness, and perfection of God, our Creator. All other gods have limits and incapabilities, they are not true gods. And all were either humans, or animals, or spirits or part of nature, which many humans chose to worship and claim as "gods", or were mythical like the greek gods. The ones who did exist (not mythical) were not gods; but were people whom people revered during their life, and later generations went to extremes and started to worship them, and claiming them to be gods. Some of them didn't even claim to be a god, nor commanded people to worship them, but people did after their death. In other words, they are false gods.

    The only One True God that I believe in and worship is the Creator of all things, the one who possess perfect attributes, and has no lmits, faults or flaws, Exalted is He.

    He is God the All-Knowing, the All-seeing, All-Hearing, All-Powerful, Omnipotent, Merciful, Forgivening, but severe in punishment for the evil-doers; The Great, All-Mighty, The Sovereign, The Just, The All-Wise, and more. He does not forget, does not make mistakes, does not "change his mind", for only one lacking Knowledge "changes his mind", and God's Knowledge is complete and encompasses everything. He is One, eternal, has no beginning nor end. He has no partner nor son, and is self-sufficient.


    As for your question about there possibly being more than one god, meaning creators, that is NOT possible, because if there was more than one true real perfect god, that is capable of creating things from nothing, creating a universe, and humans ..etc., then this universe would not be stable and consistent, and these gods would get into arguments, and each one wanting to rule the universe, and be in control of everything (i.e. competition), and each god will try to rule over the other and maybe even destroy the creation of the other, thus the universe would be a total mess, and the universe/nature would not be stable, going in one course, with one law that governs it. The universe and nature being stable and governed by one law (law of nature which God created for it), and its perfectness, and neatness, and consistency is proof that only ONE GOD, created it and is sustaining it.


    Source(s): I suggest you read the book titled: " Struggling to Surrender" by Jeffrey Lang. His book is about his path from Christianity, to Atheism, to Islam. "In this book Professor Lang gives a very personal account of his search for God when he found out that his inherited religious beliefs could no longer answer his questions. A chance encounter led him to Islam. But now, how does he adapt to his new community, its beliefs and lifestyle? " It is the first book of a series of 3 books. For a free online copy (pdf) visit this link: The second book is available online too, its called "Even Angels Ask". I haven't checked the 3rd one yet. -American Muslim mom
  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Both your theories hinge on unquestioning acceptance of the existence of every weird little mythical God, including those created by people who decided that, because water fell from the sky, there must be some little god dumping it on them, etc. How can you rationally accept that in the first place? Do you believe everything you hear or read?

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Mitch, your theory breaks down at the very beginning. You said:

    "Theists believe that their god created all mankind. If all mankind did originate from the one god then all would have that one god as their creator. This would mean that all religions would worship the same god."

    Please provide proof of this statement. Philosophical proof will be just fine, so long as it is coherent. If this is your "golden assertion," then please pare it down to its bare essentials (like reducing a fraction to its simplest form) and explain to us why we should accept it.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    So, according to your logic wouldn't that make your belief your own religion, which would classify it was god C, we'll say, and prove atheism even further?

    Why do you believe that your belief is special and doesn't have to follow the parameters you just set?

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Honestly, if there is a god, they have never interacted with us in any way.

  • 8 years ago

    no, another answer is time and chance

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