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Why do Muslims say the Bible is corrupt?

The modern New Testament comes from over 1503 ancient manuscripts which show small changes in the text, but in no way changes any basic core teachings over the course of the centuries.

What evidence do the followers of Islam have, to make this claim?

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    They say the New Testament was corrupted because they will not have it, under any circumstance, that Jesus was who he REALLY claimed to be - the Word, who was with God in the beginning and who was God. They deny the divinity of Jesus because they believe Muhammad was greater than Jesus. That is why they have to suggest the New Testament was corrupted, so they can give creedence to their own writings, the Qur'an.

    The Qur'an commends "that which was revealed" but the problem is that they are also told in the Qur'an that "that which was revealed" became corrupted. Even by the time of Muhammad, they believed the original gospel of Jesus had been lost and what now is the New Testament gospel was a corruption. When it speaks of the Gospel bestowed on Jesus, it means the lost gospel! When Muslims speak of the Bible having been corrupted, they are not speaking of later translations. It serves no useful purpose to argue about how similar today's Bibles are with ancient copies. That is not the point for Muslims! They think that even the most ancient texts are corrupted texts because they do not conform to the Muslim beliefs as in the Qur'an.

    "And if you (Mohammed) are in doubt concerning that which we revealed unto you, then question those who read the Scripture (that was) before you" Jonah: 10:94 "and we sent in their footsteps Isa...verifying what was before Him of the Taurant (Torah) and We gave Him the Injil (New Testament) in which was guidance and light...If only they would uphold the Torah and Gospel...they would be showered with blessings from above..." Sura The Dinner Table 5: 46, 66a

    Because they deny the divinity of Jesus, they say he was not killed and so he was never resurrected. The Jesus of the New Testament bears no resemblance to the Jesus (Isa of the Qur'an). Their only "evidence" is what their religious leaders tell them. LM

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    its not so much corrupted as it was altered. the catholics did a lot of it, when for example they changed the priesthood vow to celibacy even though they knew Jesus was married, and then changing the bride of christ to be only the 'church', when in fact the book of psalms prophesied that jesus would marry a woman for a wife dressed in white and gold. see psalms 45 16th century. think about this, if teh new testament says a bishop must be married and yet jesus was not married, how simple is that for being proof that the words were altered.?

    however, despite certain issues i have, the islamic world is no saint in defining and showing examples of divine unity. at the very least the shi ites and Sunis are always at war with each other. Imams are double agents from Russian and thous some muslims claim mohammed was the last prophet, the imams still pretend to be like prophets. can you agree with me there is at least this much corruption throughout Islam as well. its almost ridiculous as a hypocrisy

  • 8 years ago

    "The" Bible (for this answer I refer to the Christian Old and New Testament) is actually several works which have undergone multiple revision and translation through out the past two thousand years.

    The Old Testament should be a reliable translation of The Torah from Hebrew to Ancient Greek to Latin and on to various modern languages, but isnt. (These can be found in numerous texts and are mostly no longer disputed by academics.)

    The New Testament and is mainly the writing of Paul to the various congregation of nascent Christian communities through out the Mediterranean and North Africa written mostly in Ancient Greek. It also contains certain variations of the story of Jesus life and teachings.

    Starting with the OT the original Greek translation from Hebrew was heavily flawed. which in itself is odd since most 1st Century Christians were Greek speaking Jews. Greek was the common trading language used at the time, much like English is today.

    While the Torah is readily available and anyone comparing them will see the discrepancies plainly the NT books are more problematic. These were written during the first two centuries of Christianity and various examples of these books exist, of varying pedigree . For some of the books the authors actual identity is in question and only the writings of Paul have been verified through the multiple examples that have been found.

    Islam is part of the chain of literature and belief beginning with the Books of Moses, through the teaching of Jesus (who figures quite heavily in Islam as a prophet) to the teaching of the Prophet Muhammad.

    As the ancient writings of Christianity have past into various regions, congregations, and disciplines of faith, the Muslim sees these as corrupted telling of the original.

    (My opinion, based on the available examples and literature and 30 years of study, is that they are correct.)

    As it currently stands the Torah is almost completely unchanged. Hebrew traditions take great pains, as you would expect, to keep the copying accurate.

    Unfortunately, many Christians scholars see no reason to correct the errors within their Old Testament version. Since many of the discrepancies were deliberate to show that Jesus birth and life successfully fulfilled prophesy, it is understandable.

    Muslim Oman, like Jewish Rabbi, take their doctrine seriously, and these obvious revisions bother them as would anyone of faith based on these writings.

    However, for the Bible, it has been two thousand and some years and has past through at least 5 languages. This doesnt include translations made post Gutenberg. In the Middle Age examples of altered versions by monastery doctrine can be found. Most of these are given the benefit of the doubt owing to possible copying text without a clear understanding of what is being copied.

    Source(s): this gives you an overview of which stories are told in which of the Gospels ( A famous example of a transcription error is the "Wicked Bible." (
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    They will torture and kill anyone ANYONE who claims a new revelation the way they did.

    You see, In Islam the 'angel' that spoke to Mohammed is not questioned. But Jesus and the Jewish Scriptures warned to NEVER take a supernatural being as true and good.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Chapter 93

    Then Jesus, having lifted his hand in token of silence, said: "Truly you have erred greatly, O Israelites, in calling me, a man, your God. And I fear that God may for this give heavy plague upon the holy city, handing it over in servitude to strangers;. O a thousand times accursed Satan, that has moved you to this!"

    And having said this, Jesus smote his face with both his hands, whereupon arose such a noise of weeping that none could hear what Jesus was saying. Whereupon once more he lifted up his hand in token of silence;, and the people being quieted from their weeping, he spoke once more: "

    I confess before heaven, and I call to witness everything that dwells upon the earth, that I am a stranger to all that you have said; seeing that I am man, born of mortal woman, subject to the judgment of God, suffering the miseries of eating and sleeping, of cold and heat, like other men. Whereupon when God shall come to judge, my words like a sword shall pierce each one [of them] that believe me to be more than man." And having said this, Jesus saw a great multitude of horsemen, whereby he perceived that there were coming the governor with Herod and the high-priest. Then Jesus said: "Perhaps they also are become mad."

  • jm
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Not only Muslims, Historians and Christian scholars said the same thing. How can you verify it, if it's written many years after Jesus's disappearance?

    The Bible is methodically similar to the Hadiths in Islam. Bible was compiled many years after the disappearance of Jesus, Hadithy was compiled right after death of Prophet Mohamed. In Hadith we have lot of week Hadiths that are not reliable to the point, so anyone who claims the bible is reliable to the words of Jesus is dreaming

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Because their prophet said so. The ONE that recited the Quran. One copy. Written over the course of roughly 22 years. I've got warts older than that.

  • 8 years ago

    Because it actually is corrupt.. Especially the new testament.. There are books and parts of books missing and Kings like King James had the bible tweaked from time to time to fit a little bit more to their liking.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Muslims come from the area where religion begin, and they are the most war like people in this world, plus terroristic, twin Towers.

  • 8 years ago

    The same reason many atheists say that the Abrahamic religions are corrupt. And by "corrupt", I mean "morally reprehensible".

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