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Friski Jr asked in PetsCats · 8 years ago

how do you keep cats in that refuse to be inside.?

ok i need to explain this situation thoroughly. i moved into my home 5 years ago. it is a housing area where the homes are for rent. close neighborhood similar to a mobile home park, but with houses. our land lord only recently started pushing the rule that there are no more out door cats allowed.

they start setting traps for those who haven't brought their cats in yet and they are planning on having them euthanized at the local shelter. our cats were both indoor cats when we moved in. they got out when the door was accidental not latched correctly. we tried to catch them for a month and they kept running from us. eventually a neighbor let us use a live trap to catch them both. we brought then back in and they flipped out.

they started tearing the house up. they began digging at the door, tearing screens, one even almost ate a hole through the floor trying to get back outside. the last time they got out, we just let them go and started feeding them on the porch. now with this whole trap thing, i am terrified. i don't want them to kill my cats. we tried bringing one in this morning and he scratched me trying to keep me from bringing him inside. please how do i make them come in. they Absolutely refuse to be indoors.

Absolutely friendly when outside, but get mad when they are inside. what do i do? i can't let them kill my babies. i ned help, i suffer from panic attacks and am fighting a big one right now. i am scared, please someone give me some very helpful advice. PLEASE!


yes they are both fixed. they wer fixed when i adopted them.

Update 2:

yes they are both fixed. they wer fixed when i adopted them.

5 Answers

  • Sarah
    Lv 4
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your cats have made it pretty clear that they do not want to live inside. I think it's time to find them a new safer outdoor home. Maybe you know someone who will let them live in their neighborhood or barn and keep an eye on them? If you let your landlord know that you're trying to catch the cats to find them a new home, a reasonable person should respect that and let you monitor all the traps for a while until you find your fuzzies.

    Also, do not panic even if the landlord catches your kitties and takes them to the shelter. The shelter will evaluate them and try to find them safe homes no matter what your jerk landlord says. A friend of mine works at my local shelter, and they don't put cats to sleep unless they really really have to. They always evaluate them first and try to find another way.

    Good luck to you and your fuzzy friends!

  • 8 years ago

    Are they both SPAY/NEUTER? It's important.

    ADDITION: I thought you said you have 6 cats (one for every person in the house) & now you're saying they are both fixed, what is it? because 6 cats who are use to being indoor outdoor & all of a sudden having to stay indoors is not going to work. Move to a friendlier neighborhood or except the fact that your cats will be caught & killed. I have 5 indoor only cats & don't have a problem but they have never been outdoors. Are ALL your cats Micro Chipped? If not, get it done because the shelter will scan them first.

    Source(s): rescue feral & abandoned cats & kittens
  • 8 years ago

    Then you need to train the cats to be indoors. The cats will get over it. You've spoiled them by allowing them to roam.

    If you let the cats roma then the LL is legaly allowed ot set traps and take them to AC and any one who doenst claim thier cats then the cat will be put down. Its perfectly legal for the LL to set traps.

    Don't liek it>? Move.

    The cat's don't refuse to eb indoors. YOU refuse to keep them indoors. Keep them indoors. Simple as that, even if you ahve to lock them in one room for a while until they calmd down

    If the cats get out then the LL will rightfuly trap the cats. Its the LL's properlty and if he does not want cats romaing then you need to either comply, get rid of the cats or move

  • 8 years ago

    First are your cats fixed? if not have them fixed, that usually calms them down, if they are fixed you may have to use a crate for awhile (I don't like crates)especially if they are damaging your home, let them out frequently, also when they are in and you see them being destructive also while they are out of the crate squirt them with a squirt bottle, You just need to be firm with your self not to let them out.. and don't forget lots of love and special treats help to.. good luck.

    Source(s): had cats all my life
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  • 8 years ago

    Are they spayed/ neutered? Sick from being outdoors?-- I wish you well on this one. But how can someone just snare someones pet and basically discard it? Doesn't seem legal.

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