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  • Cats: it takes up to 3-6 weeks for a sprain to heal?

    i posted last night that yesterday my cat fell off the fridge and hurt his leg, i managed to come up the a way to get him to the vet, they said that it isn't dislocated. that it is a minor leg sprain. the vet says that it wil tale 3-6 weeks for it to heal, he also said that he may not want to eat or drink much.

    i forgot to ask him how long he will go without eating. he is still growling every time he moves he will eat a little, but i cant get him to drink. any ideas on how to do this. a cat can only last a week without water. it takes 3-6 weeks for his leg to heal, if he won't drink till he feels better then what. how do i get Water into his system without hurting him.

    again he is a 15 year old black and white male. rescued from an abusive home, the vet said to continue to keep him in the dog kennel until he starts using it more.

    my question however is how to put water into his system. please.

    3 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • cat hurt himself?

    Tinker is a 15 year old black and White male. he likes to climb on things and jump around on the furniture. he was just an hour ago jumping on the refrigerate and he lost his balance. he fell on his side and i think he dislocated his hip.

    i called the vet, and they told Me that if it is a dislocated hip, then it will cost nearly $300 to fix. i told them that i cannot afford that and they said that to put him down would be $200. i can't afford that either. so i called to see if the humane society could take him, and they said that they require $150. how do they expect people to give pets the best care possible if they charge so much money.

    anyway, i am waiting for a call from someone that may be able to help. i am praying right now that it is not a serious injury because of the amount of money involved. i also do not want to put him down. that would be bad. he is in a large dog kennel away from my other cats. so that they cannot mess with him. i gave him a litter box, food and water. he also has a comfortable place to lay.

    he is stretching the leg though it hurts, and he is trying to stand on it. meaning he it putting pressure on it, but it just hurts. please tell me that it isn't serious. i am scared. he growls hen he moves it that how i know it still hurts. he is also digging to get out of the kennel. i just put him in there to keep him from injuring it further and to prevent the other cats from picking on him.

    3 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • is this concidered kidnapping?

    ok, my boyfriend and i have 4 children. i have 2 teens from a previous marriage, he has one from a former girlfriend. i have full custody of my 2 and he has full custody of his son. we also have a 2 year old where custody has not been established.

    now, my boyfriend and i had a big fight this afternoon and he threatened to take our 2 year old from our home in new york state and bring him to his parents in Ohio. he said that i would never see him again. NY my daughter and i are the ones who take care of him. we change him, bath him, feed him his meals, and put him to bed. all my boyfriend does everyday is clean up the yard and drink beer with the neighbor.

    what i need to know is if he can legally take him, or can i have him arrested if he tries?

    5 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • Do you think that this is concidered kidnapping?

    my boyfriend and i have four children. i have two from a previous marriage, i have custody. he has one from a previous girlfriend, he has custody. we also have one child together, there is no established custody.

    my boyfriend during an argument told me that he was going to take our son out of new york to his parents house in Ohio. my daughter and i are who changes his diaper, bath him, and take care of him. all my boyfriend does is pick up the yard once and a while and drink at the neighbors house. now i need to know if he can legally do this, or can i have him arrested if he tries.?

    please help me.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • how do you keep cats in that refuse to be inside.?

    ok i need to explain this situation thoroughly. i moved into my home 5 years ago. it is a housing area where the homes are for rent. close neighborhood similar to a mobile home park, but with houses. our land lord only recently started pushing the rule that there are no more out door cats allowed.

    they start setting traps for those who haven't brought their cats in yet and they are planning on having them euthanized at the local shelter. our cats were both indoor cats when we moved in. they got out when the door was accidental not latched correctly. we tried to catch them for a month and they kept running from us. eventually a neighbor let us use a live trap to catch them both. we brought then back in and they flipped out.

    they started tearing the house up. they began digging at the door, tearing screens, one even almost ate a hole through the floor trying to get back outside. the last time they got out, we just let them go and started feeding them on the porch. now with this whole trap thing, i am terrified. i don't want them to kill my cats. we tried bringing one in this morning and he scratched me trying to keep me from bringing him inside. please how do i make them come in. they Absolutely refuse to be indoors.

    Absolutely friendly when outside, but get mad when they are inside. what do i do? i can't let them kill my babies. i ned help, i suffer from panic attacks and am fighting a big one right now. i am scared, please someone give me some very helpful advice. PLEASE!

    5 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • Do you think that cats can have birth marks?

    i have a 15 year male cat that i had rescued from an old woman's house who had passed away. when i brought him home i noticed a brownish black spot on the corner of his left eye. i mean in the eye. the woman's daughter said that that had been there since he was born. i asked the vet about it, he looked him over and checked it out, even he said that he'd never seen anything like it. the cat is healthy, but the mark on the eye has me stumped.

    2 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • My cat is hold her eye close and teary, what is wrong?

    okay, this isn't like milk eye or an eye cold. it is like the eye is irritated, but i looked at it and i don't see anything. it doesn't look infected. she doesn't have a fever, she is eating, grooming and drinking, but she isn't playing, she is seams lazy all of a sudden. i know cats can be withdrawn when in pain, i would just like to know what is wrong with her eye.

    it isn't red or swollen, and it isn't sealed shut by crusties. it actually looks normal except that it looks like she is crying clear tears. oh, and no mucus discharge either.


    no judgmental comments on how i should take my cat to the vet, the appointment has already been made. any mean or nasty answers or comments will be reported. please be nice and thank you for understanding.

    2 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • Will bread hurt my cat in anyway?

    i was making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich because i was hungry, and my Bella started crying like she wanted some. at first i kept telling her no and like any owner i showed her some bread so that she could see what i was eating. she actually started eating it. so i tossed it on the floor and let her finish it.

    after she ate it she was fine and nothing seems wrong other than she went to get a drink afterword. it was just a slice of white sliced bread, so i am just wondering if the bread that i have given her will cause any problems that will warren a visit to the vet or will she be fine?

    3 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • what diseases do you think were alive 25 million years ago?

    What diseases do you think would have been alive 25million years ago?

    what may they have been called?

    what animals would get them?

    what would be the causes?

    just curiosity, there are no wrong answers with this question, i would like to hear some serious ones though, as well as those that choose to make up a disease that might make sense.

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • POLL: If you are innocent untill proven guilty........?

    Then why, when cops think that you committed a crime, with no proof they still slap hand cuffs on you, place you in that back of a car, and places you in a jail cell. kind of sounds like a person being treated like a guilty person. just wondering.

    for the record, this is a poll question. i have no record with the cops, and i never will. i am a 34 yr old married mother of 4 kids, and i love my life as a wife and mother. so please just answer the question without assumptions. or accusation, and please no nasty stuff, pleas and thank you.

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Do you think that the rabies virus exstsed is the time of the dinosaurs?

    Curiosity, what animal back the got rabies? could dinosaurs get it? how old is this virus? did it exist in prehistoric times. does anyone know?

    i have always been curious about old time periods and what diseases existed in those times. are there even diseases that went extinct before humans came along? it is interesting to think about, isn't it.

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Old cat poops in the sink, how to stop him?

    I moved into a mobile home park, for the Soul propose of living next to my aunt. My uncle had just died and she needed some one to care fore her. Three years after we moved in she passed away. When she died she left behind a 14 year old cat that she had raised from birth.

    Now, my aunt was a hoarder. She lived in this trailer with my uncle fore almost 40 years. She still had everything that she owned from then til her death. Her death was in 2012. When my uncle died, my aunt stopped cleaning up after the cat. He was allowed to poop and pee where ever he wanted, and most of the time it was in the bathtub and the kitchen sink.

    When we ended up taking in the cat, he was fine at first. He was good about using the litter box and followed the rules wonderfully. Then we started bringing some of my aunts stuff into our trailer. we put a shower curtain up from her place in our bathroom. suddenly he started pooping and peeing in our bathtub and in our kitchen sink. i would clean it up and he would do it again. He even stopped using the litter box. i don't know what to do.

    i just want to know, what is this behavior, and how can i get him to stop?

    3 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • What are the best shows of the 80's?

    curiosity, i have been stuck watching a Marathon of Alf. just wondering what shows anyone else remembers.

    i like roseanne, and i miss the show MacGyver. i am also a huge fan of the 80's version of the Ninja Turtles.

    how about anyone else. what shows to you remember?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • my daughter and i would like to know a little more about an Erin Hunter book series?

    My 12 year old daughter Rae, has gotten into the book series "Warriors" about the warriors cats. she has a number of the books, 2 series and books from each one. however, there are some missing, and we recently found out that there is a 3 series to the Warriors, and some side books.

    we want to know what series' from the Warriors book there are, and the names of every book. she would also like to know if there is a movie that she can watch to help further understand the stories.

    thanks in Advance from both myself and amy daughter.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • todays style for boys, can any teens in middle school help me?

    As we know school is getting ready start up soon. i have 4 children. one is a boy that is getting ready to enter middle school. i wish to surprise him with new cloths in the latest styles. i mean shoes, backpack, pant/jeans/shorts, and anything else that today's middle schools are wearing. I don't want to ask him, because i don't want him to know that i am surprising him.

    can someone in the teen scene help me to surprise my son, thanks in advance.

    8 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • Ortho bug b gone possable poisoning, what do i do?

    My cat laid in some Ortho Bug B Gone. she licked it off herself and is now slightly drooling. she keeps biting to the side like she is trying to get something out of her teeth. she is breathing good and acting fine other than that. this was over and hr and a half ago. the poison is the pellet form.

    she is also nursing kittens so i am afraid to bring her back inside. i am afraid if i let her in and the kittens rush her, then she may poison them.

    i called animal poison Control and they would not help me without a credit card. the nearest emergency vet is 2 hrs away. i don't have a license, no money for a cab, and my neighbors are either not home or sleeping and probably wont take me anyway. i need a remedy that will help her til morning and i can take her to my vet around the corner that is within walking distance.


    3 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • i think that my cat has been poisoned, please help?

    my neighbor has roaches, they sometimes spread brown pebble looking stuff around their house to prevent them from spreading. my cat got out and i think she laid in it and then licked herself. she is drooling a little bit and licking her nose profusely. it is 2am and i cant call a vet right now, do to the time. i have no car to get her to an emergency vet because all my neighbors are asleep. HELP, i cant let my cat die. home remedies to save her until tomorrow please.

    5 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • how to make a cat weight fast?

    she had her one litter that i will allow her to have, and she is getting fixed beginning of next month, the appointment is made. i made it for the day that her kittens turn 10 weeks old. so it will be done. NO MORE BABIES. she had 2, i am keeping one and my mother is taking the other. so no shelters.

    anyway, she has gone into heat again and is getting to be skin and bones no matter how2 much she eats. she is still nursing regularly and i just want her to put some meat on. at least get rid of the feel of her back bone. give me some ideas to try please.

    WARNING: any stupid and nasty remarks or answers will be reported. please be nice and answer the question without judgment, thank you for understanding.

    3 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • 5 week old kitten, with butt hole sticking out, is this normal?

    we just got her a few days ago, and she seems ok. she plays, eats, drinks, and grooms, but i picked her up a few hrs ago and (as weird as this sounds, i swear that it true, i am NOT and toll) he but hole is sticking out and kind of red. i put her into the litter box, and she doesn't go. i not sure if she goes while i am not looking, i don't watch 24/7. just need to know if she is okay. any one know anything. please.

    2 AnswersCats8 years ago