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how many remember that obamacare didn't have enough votes to pass and they had to?

go in the back door to get it passed? so why do the back door democrats object to waiting a year? obama certainly made sure his buddys got to wait a year, didn't he? now he, reid and the rest of the name calling democrats refuse to talk about it, why? everything has been approved by the republicans and they are not the ones that closed down the government, are they? it's the back door democrats, right? After getting this deleted or calling me names, why not try looking it up for yourselves? why don't the democrats be brave for once? let it be delayed, since you voted it in a little backward and not majority vote.?


owg, josh: you don't what party i belong to, and the republicans put out a much better bill, but reid and palosi wouldn't allow it to come to the floor. backwards.

Update 2:

josh, have a copy and i read it. it was unknown that the democrats would be afraid of an honest vote.

Update 3:

the votes were counted and bush won the election, unlike the military votes lost to the ocean in the last election. the bill can be repealed anytime there is a majority, hopefully not backdoor like the not libertarian. if you have a book of the constitution, where does it say forced to buy and tax on unpurchased items?

10 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Anyone who wants to admit the truth, ie, not the Democrats.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    You are confusing an up or down vote with a filibuster proof vote. The cons have held the government hostage so long you think we need 60%.

    After compromising with Republicans several times and stripping out single payer, this is what progressives say they do like like the law, we finally took a vote and none supported it. It did pass with a majority though.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The vote was 219-212 for the passage of Obamacare in the Senate. And yes, Pelosi had to make a deal with some Pubs to get that majority..but deals are legal, are they not? It still passed and thats that.

    In 2000 Bush had to go to the Supreme Court to get them to stop the Florida recount, but it worked and was legal and he became President. We were very unhappy about that but not so reckless as to threaten to shut down the government.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    A 51 vote majority is what our founders intended. Its in the constitution you cons claim to carry around. Read it. None of them would have predicted the filibuster and how it would be misused by your party.

    The bill passed fairly & deal with it

    Edit: Its not hard to figure out what party you belong to based on this question. What are you a libertarian? Then you should know better when it comes to how legistlation is past

    Edit: so you read the Constitution huh? Then point out to me whete in it does it say that a 60 proof majority is needed in the senate. Let me save you some trouble. It doesn't

    Source(s): US Constitution
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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    But now that its the law, give a chance before you complain. I don't remember any Republican replacement bill, just a lot of Hot air.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    That was a long time ago, yes. It is a law now; you may not like it but you need to accept it.

  • Chuck
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I remember. Man, do democrats get mad when you remind them 0bama had to buy the last two votes.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    It passed both Houses with enough votes to make it filibuster proof.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    everyone..except the dishonest Leftists will never admit that!..not even after you post the LINK proving it!

  • 8 years ago

    what????! Jay-Z never said nothin about that!!!!!1

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