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I'm agnostic and I have a challenge for you?

This challenge is for everyone that is religious. What you have to do is tell me why I should convert to your religion WITHOUT quoting passages, verses, etc. from your religion's holy book, if it has one. When you are finished, tell me what religion you are.


Also, I just remembered to mention, do not post any videos; I will not watch them.

Update 2:

Firstly and foremostly, No Chance Without Jesus, this is not a pentagram, it is a heartagram. Look it up. Second, I am a female.

Sans Deity, yes, I am brighter than that. While you do have a point, the thing is, I question the existence of divinity (God, Goddess, whatever), but I don't deny it.

Chouma, while I did say to refrain from quoting passages or verses from your religion (not yours in particular, of course), I thank you very much for your kindness. May your God bless and look favorably upon you.

Update 3:

., allow me to say that you do not give me a good impression of Christianity, unlike ? and potatochip did.

Sans Deity, I guess that's something we don't see eye to eye on. However, the "agnostic atheist" part IS compelling.

Yedida26, your "argument" (although I am reluctant to use such a harsh word) is very compelling.

11 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    And remember there is no compulsion in religion Truth stands out clear from error. Quran(2:256)

    From this we understand no one can be made to believe anything by force. Rather, it must be by their own decision.

    I am sure You are not a person who follows opinions of others without doing your own research,”

    O seeker of truth, if you really seek the truth put aside all preconceived notions, and open your heart….do not let others judge or make a decision for you.

    And do not follow (blindly) any information of which you have no (direct) knowledge.(Using your faculties of perception and conception, you must verify it for yourself. (In the Court of your Lord,) you will be held accountable for your hearing, sight, and the faculty of reasoning. " (Quran17:36)

    Pray to Allah,God,Dieu,Dius,Buh,Gott etc. by whatever name you know Him.

    Pray to your Creator, the Creator of the universe and everything in it and in-between with sincerity ask Him to guide you in your heart and in your mind to the religion of Truth and to make you pleased with it and you will find if you are sincere

    He will answer your Prayer and you will find the religion of truth enters your heart.

    Read The Last & Final Testament Of God The Quran On Line With An Open Mind

    Read about Jesus(Peace be upon him) Quran Chapter 3:33-84 Chapter 5 and Chapter 19

    Watch this video Christ in Islam

    Read on line Books( Islam, Muhammad, Jesus, Mary etc.)

    Read online the story of Jesus in the Quran

    "Jesus, a Prophet of Islam"

    You can watch some of the scientific Miracles of the Quran Today, visit those websites and see the numerous miracles that've been discovered since the Quran was sent by God Almighty to prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him


    e books Malcom X

    Dear Readers:

    May the light of truth shine in your heart and mind. May it lead you to peace and certitude in this life and eternal bliss in here after.

    Whenever you want to pursue the truth and verify anything you hear about Islam, we urge you to please use the only valid and divine source of Islam, Quran.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I'm an atheist and I have a challenge for you.

    Explain how you're not an atheist when you're not a theist and everyone who isn't a theist is an atheist. You're not one of those people who thinks that you can only be an atheist if you claim something like "I am 100% positive no god exists", right? You seem brighter than that.

    " I question the existence of divinity (God, Goddess, whatever), but I don't deny it"'re still an atheist. I don't deny the existence of God either; it's POSSIBLE, but since there is no evidence, the only rational conclusion is to not believe in one.

    Your answer to the question "Does God exist" is not "yes, definitely", which means you're not a theist. Anyone who isn't a theist is an atheist. You're just an agnostic me.

  • 8 years ago

    If you want to find hope, peace and joy in a world that seems hopeless, turbulent and unfriendly, then I suggest you seek the One who understands what you are going through, can give you comfort and who loves you. The God I follow created this world and knows how it works. He created each and every one of us and has a plan. He knows what is best for us and sees the big picture. The God I follow accepts each and every one of us in spite of our short-comings. We don't need to clean up our act before we come before him. We can come before God just as we are.

    Christianity. It is not a religion about doing X, Y and Z to get into heaven. It is about accepting the gift of grace.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The disciples of Jesus were told to shake the dust off of their feet of the homes of people who did not receive the gospel.

    It is a waste of time to beg plead and cajole a person into the Kingdom of Heaven. That is not how Jesus operated. People sought Him out..

    2 Timothy 2:20

    King James Bible

    But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Pamela
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Telling you about my best friend can not possibly make you his best friend also. Each relationship is unique and requires time commitment and love. I can tell you all about my friend and the joy he brings to my life. I can even introduce you to him but if you want to be friends with him too and experience all the cool things he does for me- you will have to work on your own relationship as I have:). My relationship with him is what makes all the cool things possible. Ever heard the saying - 'its not what you know - its who you know'?

    I can not 'convert ' you. I am just a beggar telling other beggars where I found bread. All I can do is share what my relationship with Jesus has done for me. It is up to you to go get the bread - get to know Jesus for yourself:)

    Jesus loves me and He loves you too:). I have found hope joy peace and strength in Him for this journey and look forward to eternity with Him. You can too. He wants to be your best friend and His hand is out-

    Source(s): but He will abide by your choice. He will not work cool things in your life unless you invite Him to.
  • Satan is involved in the wars, terror etc.

    Jesus said.. Love your neighbor as yourself.

    Satan has a no exit, no fun, terror filled destination for you.

    Jesus has heaven and never ending joy for you. There's no tears in heaven.

    God Good, Devil Bad. It's an elemental truth which you've sadly missed.

    Jesus is God Himself, The Creator.. who came as a man to pay our sin debt.

    If you accept Him you will be saved.

    If you reject Him then God can't do anything for you,

    your destination is your choosing.

    JOHNNY CASH "The virgins are all trimming their wicks"

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Said the "Agnostic" with a satanic emblem in the eye of his avatar

    I have a challenge for you

    cut the BS

  • 8 years ago

    The feeling of never being alone, and always being loved unconditionally and completely. <3

    Christianity <3

  • 8 years ago

    Cause, if you don't we will hack off your head.

    The religion is identified by this method.

  • 8 years ago

    If you're looking for people who accept you and want you to find the perspective that's right for you while working for peace and justice for all...

    Try UU.

    Source(s): Unitarian Universalist
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