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Lv 7
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 8 years ago

Do you think things will be different?

Will there be a bi-partisan budget? Or in January, will the same thing happen?


@Nathan: Thanks for the belly laugh. Beautiful!

11 Answers

  • laslo
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Same thing until the American voters wise up and give the government over to one party, so something can get done. It works in California, which is Tea Party free---yeah, THAT California---you know, the one with a booming budget surplus at the present time---the state with the 8th largest economy in the WORLD---the one with rational gun laws, modest abortion restrictions and new laws on immigration reform. You know, the state that actually gets things done----and all run by commies---imagine that!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Unless the administration and Senate create a budget there will be not a budget. In the last 4 years the only part of government that has passed budgets was the House and Reid refused to allow them on the Senate floor. There can be no bipartisan budget when one party refuses to make one and will not accept the budget submitted by the opposition. That is why we go from month to month with CRs, we haven't had a budget for over 4 years. This is part of Obama's plan to make irrelevant the Congress and strip their powers within the government making them inconsequential.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    The same thing will happen. They'll just put a new dress on the same old whore.The pols love the drama and the face time on TV. It's good for their ego.

    They don't have the courage, the decency or the smarts to reduce spending the way it should be reduced (10% per year across the board).

    Maybe they'll go home and grow a pair, but I doubt it.

    They got us into this mess. It's up to them to get us out of it.

  • Geo
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    I do not believe anything will be different. The promise of change has been every campaign slogan of almost every president since LBJ and none have really followed through. The wealthy increase their wealth tenfold each year, congress, seems to do less and less, and lobbying groups get bigger and bigger.

    Those of the middle class, and the lower classes do not seem to realize how bad things are getting and how things have stayed the same. It appears its almost an insanity mechanism that those that are not wealthy suffer from. Expecting different outcomes but naturally everything stays the same.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    No , I don't look for any improvements until we elect some Independent candidates .

    Seems like the only thing bi-partisan is wasting tax payer money on spending and tax loopholes to the wealthy .

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I think it will start out the same. But the public will probably jump in earlier this time and show them who's boss. z

    @Smilin Bob: President Obama has submitted his budget every year and the GOP has refused to work on it at all. Advantage: Dems.

  • 8 years ago

    Yes but not what you think:

    Your premiums will skyrocket and insurance companies will leave the market. Those who voted for Obama Care will be defeated. Furthermore, if the US elects another douche bag president then you ill never know your parents success. Say good bye to capitalism and all the freedoms that you now enjoy.

    Noname looks like the type who will blow his foot off.... lol

    Good luck to you...

  • Rob
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    We all have those people in our lives that are just about completely insane - they may know they're wrong, but they still push their way just for principle; they think everyone is against them, therefore everything you do is to irritate them; basically they are largely unreasonable, and seemingly impossible to live with.

    Source(s): Ted Cruz
  • I think the Tea Baggers have learned you can't keep repeating the same thing and expect anything but the same result. They seem stupid, but they are not That stupid.

    Attachment image
  • 8 years ago

    Who knows??

    Obammy has yet to submit one on time, or that got a single Democratic vote....

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