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Has anyone got any self help tips for pleurisy?

I have developed pleurisy from a chest infection and have antibiotics and pain killers from the doctor, I have never had this before so I don't what to do to make myself more comfortable. Anyone found anything that helps?

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    How to Cure Pleurisy With Natural Home Remedies?

    By Peter Filinovich

    Pleura is a vital membrane that envelopes lungs and lines the inside part of the chest. If this membrane is inflamed it leads to pleurisy. Pleurisy can be limited to only one side of our chest or it can cover the both sides.

    Small epidemics can lead to pleurisy as well as an effect of a wrong treatment of pneumonia.

    Pleurisy is marked by a stabbing and sharp pain felt over the diaphragm or in chest.

    Whenever the suffering person takes a deep breath or coughs he feels and acute pain.

    The disease generally starts with chill, congestion and then fever. The severity of the disease depends on the fever degree.

    Common cold followed by the pleural membrane swelling and congestion, a wrong treated pneumonia, uremia and rheumatic fever are the common causes that lead to pleurisy.

    Fortunately there are many different home remedies that can be successfully used in treating pleurisy. They must not replace the drug therapy but to complete it so that the patient could recover more quickly.

    Because celery has antispasmodic properties it and its seeds can be very beneficial in treating this disease.

    Hog weed as it is also called is a powerful enemy against pleurisy. The root of this plant can be also successfully used. Grind the hog weed root until you obtain a fine powder. You can take small quantities from this powder three times every day.

    Another well known treatment for its beneficial effects in treating pleurisy is a loose poultice of linseed seeds. Poultice has a counter irritant effect that can be easy enhanced if you dust mustard powder.

    Sun baths, dry friction baths and air baths are recommended, too. Water has a great importance in treating pleurisy. Persons that are suffering from this disease must drink at least 5 glasses of water daily.

    Hot chest packs are very useful because they are able to reduce pain. Apply them gently on the chest several times a day.

    Cotton heating pads reduce the pains provoked by pleurisy. Heat the chest 3-5 times a day for about half an hour.

    Holy basil leaves have the property to dry out the pleura fluid. 20 gm of holy bail leaves taken before breakfast every morning will help a lot.

    The persons who are suffering from pleurisy should consume much milk daily. The quantity of milk drunk must be increase gradually till 4 litters at most.

    Capsules of black seed oil have the property to increase the immunity system and consequently they are of a great help in treating pleurisy. Capsules of olive leaf extract can be taken daily to accelerate the cure.

    A humidifier is very helpful because it maintain the air moist and the patient's sputum thin.

    Eucalyptus or rosemary can be of a great help. It is well known that eucalyptus has the property to evacuate infection and rosemary to relieve pain.

    Chicken soup is also recommended due to its nutritive power.

    Ionic minerals are a mixture of numerous trace elements, salts and minerals. Consequently bathes in salt lakes or breathing the air from a salt mine are very beneficial.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    it doesn't sound like asthma to me i suffer from asthma and when i have an attack it doesn't feel like a stabbing pain, it feels more like someone has laid a weight across my chest and is pushing down on it, if this pain has been going on for only a matter of weeks if sounds like it could be a pulled chest muscle which is very surprisingly easy to do and you don't notice it straight away. i have also experienced this and it sounds exactly the same. But since your going to the hospital anyway i'm sure you'll find out soon enough.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago


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