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Did aliens plant humans on earth?

11 Answers

  • Pancho
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    There are hints in the Book of Genesis, in the Book of Enoch, and in the ancient texts of the Sumerians, Babylonians and the Mesopotamians. It would appear that they blended their own DNA with that of the evolving species here on the planet. That, apparently was how homosapiens came into existence. It's a very complex and even complicated issue and one worthy of investigation ... Homosapiens was bred as a slave species and that still hasn't changed. I say this because of the mindset of most people - they can't seem to look beyond their own immediate experience and are not capable of questioning life. Not to any great extent...

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    No, the fossil record demonstrates that we evolved into humans here on Earth.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Yeah, but they forgot to plant a money tree.

  • 8 years ago

    Well, our souls may have lived on other planets first. I mean, I think that Earth is probably not the first "planet" to have intelligent life. So in that sense, when hominids became smart enough to have souls, those souls might have been living elsewhere in the Universe first. Therefore, you would probably consider them "aliens."

    Source(s): Michael Newton "Journey of Souls" and other books.
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  • 8 years ago

    No. We're mammals. Plants are completely different.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    No. Those we think of as aliens are fallen angels whose purpose is to cause great deception. They will be coming back in full force very soon.

    According to Jesus' own words the end times will be "as in the days of Noe". The wickedness that prevailed in that antediluvian world will soon return, and seem to be in the wings now. The genetic abominations that caused God to destroy men and animals will once again engulf the world. Huge, grotesque, monstrous beings, that's what the people of earth who are left after the "Harpazo-" (the great snatching away of the Ekklesia of Christ) have to look forward to in their future. Goliath, Og the King of Bashan, and the gigantic inhabitants of the Promised Land give us some idea of the size and fierceness of these creatures. They will be huge and have no feelings of mercy or kindness.

    Gene manipulation is going on in science labs today. Go ahead and put "transhumanisn" or "transgenics" into a search engine and see what comes up. These genetic abominations are being created now. Movies and television offer films that glorify vampires, zombies, aliens, and all sorts of evil. We are being led into accepting these satanic creatures, but this is just a sign that the "Harpazo-" (the great snatching away of the Ekklesia of Christ) is near.

    Because of the abominable genetic manipulation that occurred "…in the days of Noe" God destroyed all life on earth leaving only eight people and certain animals alive, protected in the Ark, to continue life on earth. We must conclude that the evil that permeated that antediluvian world was far more evil than anything mankind has seen in the past four thousand years.

    Today we once again see much evil spreading and engulfing planet earth, and yet we are still here and for the most part enjoying life. Obviously we haven't gotten to the place that God sees as the point of no return. Mankind has a great imagination and is able to construct all sorts of wickedness within his mind, but there are bounds that we are unable to cross. On the other hand, Satan has far more intellect than we do, and quite frankly his wickedness knows no human bounds.

    While the Ekklesia (the body of Christ) remains on earth, these creatures will be held at bay. The Holy Spirit is sealed in us and is restraining the evil. If we do a little research we can see that the antediluvian evil is beginning to rear its ugly head and some point in the not so distant future the Nephilim will be unleashed again. There will be outright horror for all those who remain on earth during the seventieth week of Daniel (read Daniel 9:21-27) after the Harpazo-.

    Jesus confirms that the days that preceded the Flood will be reenacted in the last days preceding our Lord's return to earth. "But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37. So, what happened in the days of Noah? Fallen angels were creating genetically altered creatures and the wickedness was overwhelming. Is the wickedness of today overwhelming? Some might think so, but it certainly is not yet to the extreme of the antediluvian world. Many of the lost of this world, as well as many Christians, believe things are getting better not worse – utopia is on its way. Whether they believe it or not, the true Christians will be removed prior to the full invasion of these abominable creatures. But for those who've rejected Christ the times will be unbearable as the shock of the antediluvian evil is once again loosed on planet earth.

    Could it be that these monstrous beings are already among us?! Transgenics, transhumanism, designer genes are already here so we can be assured that the Harpazo- will happen in the not so distant future. For they themselves shew of us what manner of entering in we had unto you, and how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God; And to wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, [even] Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come. 1 Thessalonians 1:9-10. Don't be left here to face Daniels 70th week. Say yes to Jesus – now while there is still time. If you don't accept Jesus' free gift of salvation then you will have chosen to be a part of the most horrendous time in the history of mankind. Choose wisely.

    God bless you all,

    Ron Graham

  • Bravo
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Yes, like that game PIKMEN from nintendo.

  • 8 years ago

    No, they planted dolphins, we grew like wild weeds

  • Joseph
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    What does the bible say heed the word of god .

  • 8 years ago


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