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What do you consider the most egregious lies from Obama? Piers Morgan & Bill Maher opine, & JZ answers in song?

Let's get some of the irritating untruths and acrimony off our chests. Psychologists claim that's a healthy way of dealing with defusing and attempting to recover from recognizable external sources of anger.

Two of the left's most beloved celebrities, heroes to many for their political opinions, weigh in on the linked video. Do you agree with Morgan and Maher?

A song from Jimmy Z offers some alternative possibilities with a range of deceptive messages this Administration has become famous for. While it's likely to go unrecognized at the country music awards, there's a basis listeners should recognize for wording that's more accurate than amusing.

What do you feel are the three most troubling misstatements or cover-ups Americans have been expected to swallow from the President and this Administration’s seemingly endless lies?


Debra, our feelings about politics the left supports and their dreadful leadership in Washington remain in agreement. The point of including Morgan and Maher's video clip was their admission as extreme liberals of Obama's lies about Obamacare. Piers tried to engage Maher with ridicule of the President's misstatements. And the JZ link is to a lesser-known radio personality by the name of Jimmy Z whose odd, almost country song nails a growing sentiment about the Deceptive One's pathological tendencies to create his own reality.

Thanks for the range of jaw-dropping lies, Karen. Choosing just three is, indeed, a challenge for those who've paid attention. Of course, there remain holdout voters for the Community-Organizer-in-Chief who can't stomach how harmful their vote for transformational change Americans are suffering from has proven to be. At least Morgan, Maher, and the likes of Chris Matthews have admitted they were deceived and acknowledge Obama has issues wi

Update 2:

...acknowledge Obama has issues with lying.

10 Answers

  • L.T.M.
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Morgan is a lowlife liar himself. What he's doing there is something we see over and over in the left/media. Basically it's throw a bone of objectivity to the public once in a while so they can go on pretending they're not totally in the tank.

    Picking the top three Obama lies is like picking three mosquitoes out of a swarm.

    But for me it's his conduct..or rather his failure to conduct the war in Afghanistan. Remember he said that was the legit war. But what's he done? Forced our troops to operate under suicidal rules of engagement. I have two nephews who've been fighting there and believe me they're fed up! "Either let us fight and win or bring us home!" they both say.

    Obama has had one foot out the door from the start and our troops are dying unnecessarily because of it.

    575 US troops died in Afghanistan during the Bush presidency. As of Oct 23, 2013, 1,711 US troops have died in Afghanistan since Obama took office. Enough! Obviously they're not going to be allowed to fight so bring them Home!

  • 8 years ago

    I do not like or respect either Maher (especially Maher) or Morgan so I won't bother with the link! As for Jay Z, he thinks Barry is wonderful, so I won't listen to that either.

    The worst lie Obama has told Americans is.. I am American.. I simply do not believe it.. no matter how many false documents he comes up with. Why was he never vetted like every other president.. why are his school records sealed.. if he was so brilliant you would think he would want to show them off.. Nope.. I don't believe one word he ever says!

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    The worst thing this man could have ever done is

    screw over the lives of the Honest hard working

    people of this country. This miserable piece of

    rat crap is not worthy of any ones blood sweat

    and tears in this country.

  • KarenL
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Obama's most egregious lie IMO was to accept the Nobel Peace Prize and all of its money, without doing anything to deserve it. No one has seen his college records, his actual writings on anything, a valid birth certificate. He has not told the truth on any issue to my knowledge Fast and Furious, Benghazi, ACA, his union activities.

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  • 8 years ago

    geeze, why don't you ask what's the true meaning of life or maybe what an atom looks like!! those I can answer!!

    all of the above have made a careers lying, cheating and deceiving!! some you know are copming, others are so far out there!!!

    so many choices and all are good!!

  • 8 years ago

    His faith.

    His lack of knowledge about fast and furious.

    His lies about Bengazi.

    His lies about caring about all Americans.

    His past.....sealed or rewritten.

    His friends not being racists....rev wright et al.....

    The only thing he has not lied about.......his golf game has improved.

    Source(s): Jay z is an intellectual lightweight....and racist.
  • 8 years ago

    If your election lasts more than 4 years, call your doctor.

  • Golfer
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Obama and his supporters are not liars so to be politically correct they are truth challenged.

  • 8 years ago

    selling insurance to the sick

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    There is something more.

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