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Could someone please explain this to me?

Why are there a lot of Christians out there that believe that us goth people supposedly "hate" God? I've heard that multiple times from people, and in most cases, it is not true. I've seen many goths that are Christians (myself not included). I think it might be just because of the clothing we wear, but if I could get any additional insight, I would very much appreciate it.

And one more thing, if you planned on saying something like "Because you're all a bunch of freaks," please keep your opinion to yourself if that is the case.


By the way, only answer if you actually have an idea as to why a lot of Christians think this.

Update 2:

Believe it or not, Paul, I do think for myself, and I actually started dressing goth before I even heard of the subculture (although it is very hard to believe, it's true).

9 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You Goths sacked Rome.with your leader Alaric in 410 AD but when the time for 2 out of 3 comes, watch out.

  • Julian
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    In my experience it's because Christians (and the religious in general) tend to be very narrow-minded and anything that doesn't fit into their little mold is considered wrong or evil or just a threat to them.

    Added to that, people tend to be a bit misinformed or vague about "goth" and what it means. To some it's an expression of self and to others it seems like they're being deliberately negative or depressive. For some it's simply a style of dress that they favor. Of course the imagery associated with Goth tends to look evil or satanic and the knee-jerk response of christians is to cry "Devil!" and throw crosses at them.

    Christians of course get all bent out of shape over just about anything if it's different or challenges their perception of "normal".

    Anyway I wouldn't take it too seriously. The bottom line is that it comes from ignorance and the oddly Christian trait of refusing to change that ignorance. Honestly I've never known a demographic so adverse to educating themselves and this comes from experience with the scared little doves.

  • 8 years ago

    There are people who call themselves Christians but are yet to read some of the lessons Jesus taught.

    There are some who wear clothing of the style that those who describe themselves as goths but they aren't necessary goths.

    Jesus taught this.

    What comes out of the mouth reveals the heart of man.

    If we prejudge a person according to the way the dress we will never know for certain what makes them tick.

    There are many people who call themselves Christians who judge on appearance, this is a human response sometimes the person dressed less conventionally desires that response from others whilst others don't.

    We all have a responsibility to understand what sort of reaction we can expect if we dress or hold beliefs that are not mainstream. However, we also have a responsibility to keep our opinions to ourselves, unless we are specifically asked.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Because they consider the "goth look" to be satanic or demonic.

    Now maybe you can explain to me why you can't think for yourself, but instead feel the need to identify with some "group" by dressing up in particular clothes, and abandoning any individuality or self-worth?

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  • 8 years ago

    When a person is confronted with something they don't understand they have two choices. An intelligent, reasonably mature person will try to learn more about it in order to understand it. A person who is told not to question, not to look for knowledge, not to ever step outside of their uneducated little box of beliefs, will simply fear what they don't understand. They will then seek to vilify and condemn what they fear in an attempt to make it go away and stop scaring them.

    Pity them. You can always walk away, but they have to live with themselves 24/7.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Because a lot of Christians believe everyone that doesn't believe, worship, think, act, dress, speak (or anything else)...exactly like them, is a god-hating Satan worshiper.

  • JohnH
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    i don´t know about this. but if true, there should be no hate.

    i guess is more likely a misconcept and misunderstanding.


  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    they don't like anyone different

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago


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