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How does 735k jobs lost on October’s Employment Situation Report strike Y!A’s wild &crazy liberal progressives?

I suspect I know how conservatives feel about the ugly loss which hits American workers like a throwback sucker-punch body blow, since it’s reminiscent of average job loss counts suffered monthly during the first half of 2009. Keep in mind, the figure released Friday dwarfs all but a single month’s job loss counts under President Bush. And no, I’m not using Bush’s figures settled on months, then years, into Obama’s first term, including almost half-a-million supposed lost jobs added to the survey-based figures when Hilda Solis assumed leadership of the BLS following Commissioner John Hall’s departure in January 2012.

The latest jobs count, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Employment Situation Report released Friday morning, shows actual Americans counted in the work force fell by 735,000 during October. As a result of the nearly three-quarters-of-a-million loss, the 58.3% employment-population ratio approached Obama’s 58.2% 40-year lows reached four times between December 2009 and back-to-back summer months ending in July 2011. The workforce participation rate took a similar tumble from 63.2% to 62.8% for the month. Doesn’t quite sound like the Administration’s spun release figures, which a range of journalists buried wherever BLS estimates appeared in the media at all, does it? I’ll provide a bit more detail on the easily found and downloadable 39-page Employment Situation Report.

Household Data Summary Table A shows a loss of 735,000 jobs during the month of October, nearly equaling the losses faced monthly for the first half of 2009 during Obama’s crippling two-year jobs purge. As a group, Democrats squandered their Super Majority with Pelosi and Reid’s 111th Congress, while 8.3 million jobs disappeared. The latest painful loss comes from September’s count of 144,303,000 falling to 143,568,000 total employed in the BLS’ October figures. Elsewhere I’ve shown our economy must add well over 200,000 jobs monthly to accommodate newcomers to the labor force from amongst our own college, secondary, and trade school graduates, along with nearly 1.2 million LPR’s awarded green cards annually, H-1B recipients, refugees & asylees, and our always increasing Mexican National population. For anyone interested here, the highest workforce participation rate belongs to Hispanic males in the U.S. economy at 80.8%, trailed closely by foreign born workers at 78.5%. Our own bred and raised college graduates trail at 75.0%, which considerably outpaces all other native born categories in the civilian labor force.

Over the past 12 months, Black or African American workers have increased by 74,000, while Hispanics gained 443,000 jobs, according to the BLS Report. In comparison, White Americans lost 355,000 jobs on not-seasonally-adjusted figures, or 385,000 on the seasonally adjusted counts since October 2012, which is shown on Table A-2. For anyone willing to parse the statistics in detail, it’s inescapable that the foremost losers under the Obama regime have been White Americans and, at the head of that list, college graduates, a demographic this Administration and many on the left appear to have declared war against. Who’s under attack differs dramatically depending on the racial and ethnic group one is counted in. White Americans have been disproportionately targeted, according to a broad array of government statistics, which show Obama punishing those he feels at odds with when he’s not distanced enough from conservatives seen as skeptics of his fundamental change.

Barry and Michelle strike many in this country like Marie Antoinette who famously dismissed the French peasants’ struggles with an air of superiority and detachment. The Obamas seem similarly detached, and the reality-challenged President shows machinations of a would-be Emperor with his heavy-handed edicts and avoidance of constitutionally mandated checks and balances, which are brushed aside to accomplish transformational change few Americans want by Executive Order.


Had the U.S. Y!A board allowed this to post, Table A-1 from the BLS Employment Situation Report would have been visible to show 735,000 Americans having lost jobs from just a month earlier. Three images were available, but the included link should work to provide access to the full 39 page pdf report for anyone looking for support for what's mentioned here. This is posted on Canada's page, because after several Q's I've asked have been refused repeatedly, Yahoo! staff and the system they seem proud of won't allow substantive conservative posts (perhaps those from select conservatives?) to appear on Y!A USA.

Update 2:

Had the U.S. Y!A board allowed this to post, Table A-1 from the BLS Employment Situation Report would have been visible to show 735,000 Americans having lost jobs from just a month earlier. Three images were available, but the included link should work to provide access to the full 39 page pdf report for anyone looking for support for what's mentioned here. This is posted on Canada's page, because after several Q's I've asked have been refused repeatedly, Yahoo! staff and the system they seem proud of won't allow substantive conservative posts (perhaps those from select conservatives?) to appear on Y!A USA.

Update 3:

For those who'd like more support, the following links might help with perspective for a pathetically weak jobs report for the month of October:

The last link should take you to comments about the news release, which appeared in the Denver Post. It also allows direct access to the Paper's published report. Perhaps the opening paragraph from JD at RockyMountainPerspective might reach someone interested in learning about news media practices here on Y!A. A writer you should recognize just might know more about how releases and news reports become published material than typical contributors on this forum.

14 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't think we've ever had a president except this one that didn't think jobs were worthy of mention except at election time. And as mentioned, the corporations are nothing but evil money makers, strange and frightening times we live in.

  • 8 years ago

    The weirdest thing about our high unemployment numbers is this country is blanketed with goods and services as far at the eye can see. I have a choice of 30 places too eat within 4 miles of where I live. I can buy electronics of any kind, any manufacturer, anything within miles of where I live. Most are in the same position in this country, with rural people being the exception. Well just mail order it then. Just don't need the same amount of people working too get the same results anymore. Lawyer, doctor, dentist couple miles. There's no lack of GNP in america, just lack of need of more GNP. Europe is in the same position. Canada is too, but has resources and the profit from those resources must better balanced in a overall strategy for the people of canada, vs the U.S would just give it too the richclass and call it a day.

  • 8 years ago

    I agree but it is important to mention 2 things.

    - Many thousands of baby boomers are retiring every month, so fall off the employment rolls.

    - Traditionally the "underground economy" has always been = to about 25% of GDP. I'm guessing that # is a lot bigger now as more and more people go underground, either to avoid taxation and regulation or because their jobs disappeared. So the workforce participation #s are probably somewhat better than reported.

  • KarenL
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    RMP, you are on the wrong board. There are far too many very young people who cannot read statistics or detect any bias in the figure provided. The 220,000 jobs "added" in OCT were under the number of people coming into the job market or the number of people who died for various cause. About 187,000 people die each month in the US. So mixing the under 65 death and the number of people entering the job market (becoming 18) the number 220,000 does not cover the population,

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    What are you talking about? The economy added 202,000 jobs in october.

  • Golfer
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    L@@K for spin spin spin

    The libs don't care about productions jobs only services.

  • 8 years ago

    More cost cutting by corporate America?

  • 8 years ago

    Hillary 2016 dream bigger numbers and say NO ONE CARES now your talkin...dr

    Source(s): Oblivion the only way to go out
  • 8 years ago

    It strikes me as being parsed info, and half the story.

    According to your link, those losses were because, "This employment

    decline partly reflected a decline in federal government employment."

    Good thing right.....

    Smaller Government.

    Omitting the first sentence in the report is also misleading, and partisan:

    "Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 204,000 in October, and the unemployment rate was little changed at 7.3 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today."

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    You are killing us with words. No one can follow this unless you have a bunch of time to read it.

    You have to learn how to write. Most important, there is nothing in your source that backs up your claim.

    Just like a Republican, big bunch or words and nothing with substance.

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