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How to make Slow cooker bread?

heard that you can make home bread from a slow cooker. How it would be such a great thing for xmas.

11 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You will love this slow cooker bread recipe.

  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): Delicious Paleo Recipes Guide -
  • Anna E
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    You can make some quick breads and cakes in a slow cooker such as pumpkin bread, banana bread etc. There are a lot of recipes for these items, just google slow cooker breads. I have also come across some recipes for yeast bread in a slow cooker, but have not tried them (but I might because my oven hasn't worked for a while). Just be aware, these breads are denser, moister breads and don't rise as much as those baked in the oven, so not everyone is satisified with their turn out. Also, it is helpful to put several layers of paper towel over the slow cooker before putting on the lid to prevent the moisture from condensation from dripping onto the bread.

  • 7 years ago

    There are a ton of recipes and ideas on Pinterest for slow cooker bread. There are artisianal style loaves as well as quick breads, soda breads, monkey breads, bread pudding and more. When looking for recipes now, I go to Pinterest instead of doing an internet search. I can almost always find exactly what I am looking for and can see the result without having to click on a dozen links to find what I am looking for.

    Check this out for a ton of ideas.

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  • 5 years ago

    Understand the many premises behind The Paleo Diet and that will help guide you toward living a complete Paleo Diet lifestyle. Learn here

    For breakfast, make an easy omelet. Peppers, mushrooms, and broccoli in olive oil; add omega-3-enriched or free-range eggs and diced turkey or chicken breast.

    Paleo lunches are easy. At the beginning of the week, make a huge salad with anything you like. A good starting point can be mixed greens, spinach, radishes, bell peppers, cucumbers, carrots, avocadoes, walnuts, almonds and sliced apples or pears.

    For dinner, try spaghetti squash as a substitute for any pasta recipe. Top with pesto, marinara and meatballs. Roasted beets and their greens make a great side dish for pork.

  • And you couldn't find a recipe?

    There must be something here. When I hear somethiing I want to know more about, I can't wait to look it up. So much better than waiting for answers here.

  • 7 years ago

    Hmm, that sounds awesome. Never heard of it but maybe try this:

    Find a bread recipe online, but add a bit more yeast and water. Just let your slowcooker cook it until it looks like it's done. Lemme know how it turns out, cuz that sounds awesome!

    Also maybe try stuffing croissant dough in layers onto the bottom.

  • RoyS
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    A very comprehensive cookbook for those who love paleo foods and diet

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