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I don't understand why asian guys don't think other races like them?

I'm a half asian half white girl myself, but I adore asian guys. That's all I've really dated. Hmong, Cambodian, Filipino. My main favorite ethnicities. I'm just saying, Asian boys branch out. Have more confidence! Cause there's a lot of girls out there that would be interested. Don't be afraid to branch out.

8 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because 2nd answer is one example of how they love putting white guys on a pedestal where the media plays a massive part which leads to East Asian guys being concerned.

    Non-East Asian girls have been interested in me and we never acknowledged race, they were very nice and aren't your stereotypical girls who want an Asian guy because of Kpop, whenever I see an white guy with an East Asian girl, the white guy is some dorky unattractive mug with no personality and make cheesy jokes which leads to his self hating East Asian girlfriend laughing. You could ask me why would I care with these stereotypes and interracial dating regarding East Asian guys and women... Why? Because I feel sorry for my fellow Asian guys who may fit these stereotypes and I am going to defend them and attack East Asian girls for putting foreign guys on a pedestal and making out like East Asian guys are the worse. I'm sorry if this may offend you but its because the media plays a part, the most common interracial couple is white guys and East Asian girls, with many of them most likely self haters and brainwashed into thinking western guys are what you see in Hollywood movies, if East Asian girls don't want Asian guys, then why would it be a higher chance in getting non-East Asian guys.

    If East Asia became multicultural, you'll see more lonely Asian guys and more AF/WM than AF/AM.

    Source(s): SadTruth
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I disagree with your statement about how Caucasian girls think that Asian guys aren't attractive. I guess it's just the place that you live, because I'm in 8th grade and a lot of girls really like Asian guys. I think the thing that turns some girls off are Asian guys' heights. I rarely see Asian guys who are over 5' 10'' feet but I have a couple times.

  • Blue
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    Oh mi oh my. Preach on. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that we live in America, and TV movies and basic news even isn't really skewed in our favor. I'm Asian, and I've never met a girl I couldn't handle of any race (except Asian girls, I'll get to that in a minute). Even when girls say "I'm not attracted to Asians," that's not something I take too seriously. Because all their saying is that they're not attracted to the stereotype. Give them 5 minutes alone with me and I can flip their world around. We don't live life in a vacuum. The world doesn't have any hard and fast rules. Life is organic. Anything is possible, even when the world is against you, especially when the world is against you.

    Actually, I find it harder to date Asian girls, especially ones who are not Americanized. Because they seem to care more about who I am, than what I do for them/to them. With non-Asian girls, I can make them laugh, make them cry, make them feel good, turn them on, and have them begging for more. With Asian girls, I feel like they don't really care what I do for them, they only care what I am for them. Does that make any sense? And in that sense, I can't compete with white guys because I'm short, dark, and weird. I'm a good looking guy (by every girl's standards), but I score low in terms of things that are quantifiable - height, skin color (light skin is a symbol of wealth in Asia), which are important to Asian girls. But I score high in the intangibles, like creativity, charisma, and ability to take control of every situation, things that non-Asian girls go gaga over. Plus girls tell me I have "very kissable lips," whatever that means. (I'm also really hung, but most girls fall for me before they find out about that, lol)

  • 7 years ago

    Are you crazy. Have you ever lived with Asain parents. First they tell little boys their dick is ugly. To little for anybody to

    Like except an Asian girl . They they tell you if you get a non Asian girl the ancestors will kill your children or maybe your balls won't release sperm because the old dead ancestors will drink it before it gets out of your dick . So you will never have children because the old dead ancestors don't want their blood mixed with non Asians . The your father when you are 14 put his hand in your underware and say oh not much hair. No woman want that white woman want man with hair like a monkey you have no hair they don't want you . Then your mother say you have to get Asian girl or I will die a failure and if you don't get a girl like me Asain Then her life is wasted . Then your grandfather tell you he had sex with a white girl and she give him bad desease that white people have but only Asian men can get it like dick cancer .

    Source(s): So who wants to disappoint all the old dead ancestors , kill their own mother, produce no children and have a little dick just for a white girl. I think I better stick with Asain girl who Likes to suck my little dick and who keeps all old dead ancestors who are watching us have sex happy.
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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Asian guys like dating their own race most of the time, maybe because traditionally asian parents wants their daughter/son dating their own race.

    Answer Mine? c:

    Source(s): Been there, done that. lol
  • "My main favorite ethnicities." <~~~ What the hell do we look like to you? Your favorite pick out items?

    Branch out? <~~~~ Dating is not a global marketing.

    Have more confidence? <~~~~ So you say they're insecure just because they prefer to date traditional Asian girls with Asian cultural values?

    You must be 1 stupid happa I've ever heard of.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Me im asian but I adore american guys more than asian. ♥just saying LOL

  • 7 years ago

    Some of them are sooo cute, especially the Japanese guys.

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