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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsSingles & Dating · 1 day ago

Is he hiding that he likes me ?

I talk to this guy online that I really like and he likes me too but we had an argument recently and he ignored me for a long time and makes out he doesn’t have feelings or care about me any more. This other guy keeps trying to get my attention but I don’t feel anything for him and I just be civil and say hi etc. I spoke with the guy I like first time in a long time in an open chat room yesterday and the other guy entered and he said oh look here’s your boyfriend. Why would he say that if he doesn’t care? and it’s not my boyfriend. What is he saying that for? 

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    From my experience with dating... Being ignored is a red flag. When someone argues, the best thing to do is calm down for a short period and then talk about it and the apologies etc. The silent treatment can be toxic as it leaves to u second guessing yourself. I personally would give the guy who is giving you attention a go. But if it doesn't feel right with him then be honest with him. But any guy who truly wants to be with you will go out of their way to talk. 

  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    Is not really important who likes you or not 

    Meet up and give a good head

  • 1 day ago

    you need to ask him this question

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