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He asked!!! i dont know what to say :/?

my bf is talking non stop about getting married and having babies...the whole hoopla... and i do too.. its all i ever dreamed of... hes flat out told his family that im the girl hes gonna spend the rest of his life with!!! and i want to be with him forever too... but the only problem is... ( sigh,,,) i cant afford to get married... and i feel so stupid.. my family barely gets by and with todays economy its hard.. after paying rent i have enough for bills and groceries and gas... but after that !! maybe 12 bucks!! there is no way i could afford a dress , banquet hall ,, invitations.. when i my mom found out about him wanting to ask me to marry him .... the look on her face was far from ecstatic...she looked like she saw a ghost... its soo embarrassing to tell him or to even write this... and i feel like garbage sometimes.. i have always avoided getting into relationshiips for this reason but i fell for him and when my family found out they said dont bother cus " he is the crystal you look cus you cant afford it " or im not good enough for him and i feel that way sometimes... like why me? even his family asks him that! everything i have i worked for.. my own place car and the clothes i wear.. and he works too it just hes never had it hard in life..

what do i do? i feel a poor dumb idiot

7 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Tell him.If he loves you he'll understand. There's no need to feel like a garbage about it. You should share everything with him that makes you're bonding stronger.

  • 7 years ago

    Hopefully he already knows your financial situation. If not, then you really need to discuss it with him.

    Tell him outright that your family can't afford a formal wedding affair. There will be alternatives, but let him suggest some first. They might include just going to the courthouse for a legal ceremony, or him chipping in for the wedding, or having the wedding in a public park, with a pot-luck picnic to follow. It's not necessary to wear a formal gown, especially if you do a park wedding, but if you want a gown, it might be possible to borrow one from a friend, or ask on craigslist. Some communities also have programs where wedding dresses are donated and loaned to people who cannot afford a new one.


    It also seems to me that the Wedding is just a day, not important in the grand scheme of things. Don't get misled by TV shows like Bridezilla. The Marriage is (hopefully) for the rest of your life, that's what's important. To that end, it would be good to work on your self-image. If you're self-supporting, there's nothing to be ashamed of. Talk with your boyfriend about it. It's actually good when each partner thinks they are marrying someone who is just a little too good for them.

  • 7 years ago

    Respect yourself 4 all your good qualites & working hard 2 provide, few ppl do. Again reality tv makes everything look silly, only millionaires can afford the 'so called traditional white wedding'. Save your $ 4 a yr & get married n vegas or taho, fun & cheap, i had a beautiful small wedding at my church which was free, the hall was free, most churches will let u use their church if its cleaned up, the cake was made as a gift, really all i bought was my wedding dress, for $299 at JC Penny. Weddings do not have 2 break the bank, they can b done small,with family & very cheaply,now days dress's can even b rented. Get marrid n a decararted back yard, its as beautiful as your mind can make it...

  • 7 years ago

    Never feel like a poor dumb idiot. You've worked at supported yourself and be proud of who you are, always stand tall.

    You probably know the value of money more than others, and you prioritise well! Some women have no food, no gas, no.electric yet they look like beauty queens!

    In terms of the marriage and the children, if you are truelly happy then it may take awhile, noone said you have to do it all straight away! If you both want it then you can save up some money and not have to basically bankrupt yourseld for it! If you dont have tonnes of spare money then what you do save and put away will mean far more to you!!

    Dont ever feel like your not good enough, he fell in love with you! Noone else! Be proud :)

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Money is not everything. I actually think that you are worth more than him, as you have worked hard for what you've got. Although it might be embarassing tell him the truth. Tell him you love him, but you cannot afford the wedding now and you don't want him to pay for it.

    Maybe a happy medium for the time being would be to move in together to save up on rent and try to put aside some money for the wedding?

  • 7 years ago

    Marriage certificates usually cost something in the ballpark of $50-100, and that's all you need to actually be married, and have it be legally recognized. You could always get the legal bit done away with now and then go back and have a formal wedding ceremony once you and your husband-to-be get your finances in order.

  • 7 years ago

    Sit down and talk to him about it start saving up, get a loan if its real love you'll figure it out :)

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