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As a DFed JW how can I say Thank You with out offending JW's?

OK I am DFed

Is it OK to say thank you to the Dundas Congregation for caring for my mother after a stroke , it is not her congregation but I moved her close to me & they are really doing their best to help.

Now they are trying to help me return to the one true faith .

I understand why I am DFed & the need to keep worship pure not like false Christians who just put up with any behavior to keep the false believe Jesus loves everyone & accepts your mistakes no matter how dirty it makes their religion.

So what is the best way to show my appreciation of what the congregation is doing ?

Note I do not expect JW's to answer but I hope some of you read it & know from the bottom of my heart I thank you....Dislike me but my mother is faithful .


Maybe but there is a question

Update 2:

I try ,I do not expect idiots like you to give a half understanding answer ,I only expect real Christians to understand not fools like you . I do not even expect true Christians ,Jehovah's Witnesses to answer but I want them to know how thankful I am .

I Try ,all I have to say to you is wait until it happens to someone you care about see how you feel

14 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Write a thank you note to the congregation, the brothers will handle it from there. There are those that say we don't help and then with your question they they scoff at us on the other side of the coin, wish they would read their own answers because they would see what a true oxymoron thinks!

    I do not dislike you and commend you on your comment about keeping worship pure, it's not the pure part it's keeping any form of uncleaness away.

    Give your mother our love and i hope she gets better!

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    As a DFed JW how can I say Thank You with out offending JW's?

    OK I am DFed

    Is it OK to say thank you to the Dundas Congregation for caring for my mother after a stroke , it is not her congregation but I moved her close to me & they are really doing their best to help.

    Now they are trying to help me return to the one true faith .

    I understand why I am DFed & the need to keep worship pure not like false Christians who just put up with any behavior to keep the false believe Jesus loves everyone & accepts your mistakes no matter how dirty it makes their religion.

    So what is the best way to show my appreciation of what the congregation is doing ?

    Note I do not expect JW's to answer but I hope some of you read it & know from the bottom of my heart I thank you....Dislike me but my mother is faithful .

  • 6 years ago

    Yes you can write a thank you card to the congregation. That is definitely alright. Regarding talking to a DF person if you are caught in an emergency situation and elders are not around if you call a brother or sister to help you out that is okay.

    Hope you come back Spidey!!

  • 7 years ago

    Assalamu alaikum dear Pestie.

    i don't have much to say except that it is good to see you. God Knows our condition and is always waiting for us with open arms inshallah.

    sometimes those who think are lying in the LORD's Arms are not as close as those who are not. Only God Knows.

    this is why judgment of others whether one is a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim etc... any of the True faith....

    [3:95-101 Qur'an]... [6:18]


    "Say: Allah speaks the truth; so follow the religion of Abraham, the upright one. And he was not one of the polytheists." - 3:95

    is a sin. "missing the mark."

    Judgment is left up to God alone. (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)

    There is only One True Faith.

    That is to serve the LORD.

    THAT is up to God alleluia.

    "And whoever holds fast to Allah, he indeed is guided to a right path." - 3:101

    wishing you and your mother well. (dua). [Al-Fatiha. Lord's Prayer. amin. ameen. amen.]

    (Psalm 133).(Psalm 127:1)

    may Allah guide us, protect us and forgive us for our failings.

    wa salaams dear brother.

    [x].(1 Peter 5:14)

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  • I remember you, I followed some post long ago to see what was going on after certain things.

    What happens to many in these circumstances is people lose their dependents on God as more of Satan influences take advantage of such time. You see it in their posts and comments. Often doing many more things they know they shouldn't. And people will back them up in that. That doesn't help them does it?

    I often wonder how Godly men in the bible held on so tightly to God when they had no healthy association to be with. We do like our company perhaps sometimes a little to much. And that can be a problem too. And I heard these stories from the scriptures when young and read their stories many times after and noticed a pattern than kept some from going to far from God and his truths and their faith.

    I hope In your tribulation like them, you will be patient and humble yourself under the mighty hand of God-that's so important, perhaps with these thoughts foremost in your mind: first, that it is God who chasteneth (or allows); second, it is for your good or a good; third, God will ease the burden if you stay in contact; fourth, He will give you strength to endure; fifth, He will deliver from your affliction at an expedient time IF you keep close to him. It's rarely God who leaves us but us who leave God.

    That's what they did and found. And they never stopped believing in the Lord's power and love and often were praying to God to strengthen them. Some of King David's most powerful prayers are when he was most alone. Or in need of strength to go on. David never curse his correction he accepted it was for a reason. Moses and many others also. I see that in your own words here-that's good.

    Any sadness or hurt in your heart - never become angry, you hurt no one but yourself and only do what our enemy Satan wants you to do.

    And remember maybe not all us have to always be accountable for our sins we somehow get passed by but we all make them and we are no less guilty that one who is paying. Sometimes we forget that maybe. What happened to you may happen to us tomorrow. What you can do-You can be the one who shows us how to act during and the right way back after such a thing happens. That would be one way to show your appreciation.

    Shows us how behavior matters.

    And just show you understand you accept your responsibility for vows you broke or the sins that you made. That's not easy for many. They would rather put the blame elsewhere. And not be accountable if it is unpleasant to them. ON the same hand many do endure and get where they need to be again and it goes well for them. It's your choice what path you take.

    I'm sure it isn't easy. And who is to say how we may bear up till it happens to us. But many it seems are rooting for you here in comments. Along with the help you mother received ,That is something you should be thankful for. That you can see these people who do care for you. And do tell your elders just what you said here--thank them for their care either in person or by note.

    May it go well for you

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Wait until you return to thank them.

    And don't use yahoo answers for advice on a question like this. You aren't supposed to talk to JWs and the only people who will answer are apostates and haters. If a person who is neutral answers, they can't give good advice because they don't understand the interworkings of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    And no one from the Dundas Congregation is likely even on this site, to know you want to thank them.

    Edit-Don't worry so much about offending JWs, but think more about offending Jehovah. Don't try to reach out to them until you are right in Jehovah's eyes. From what I understand by something you admitted to, you want to have the association with them even though you are disfellowshipped and this could be you doing that again.

    The only reason I am talking to you is because there "is a time for everything" and this once I choose to say this.

  • Diane
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Its heart warming to hear the congregation are doing their best to help your mum. I would have thought a sincere thank you is all they would want or expect - just hand one of those calling a thank you card.

    Hope you will listen and return - it does sound like Jehovah is still in your heart.

  • 7 years ago

    If anyone is DF'd the only way of communication is the elders, and Jehovah, of course, until they return with heartfelt repentance.

  • Rick G
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Spiderman, since the elders from the local congregation is aiding your mother, ask them this question.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Be honest do some real research into the JWs sordid history and doctrinal scandals .

    Your delusion runs deep .

    Attachment image
    Source(s): Read the book " Crisis of Conscience" by JW Governing body member Ray Franz
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