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Have Christians gone completely crazy?

‘Christian’ Pastors Suggest Executing A Gay Person During Rose Bowl Parade


for all of you saying these people aren't Christians you are wrong they are bible believing Christians. They identify themselves as Christian and they practice biblical way of life. You can't just say because you're a Christian and don't agree with them that they aren't Christian. They are the ones with the microphone and this way of thought is growing stronger everyday. So all of you Christians that want to label them as not being Christian that's not good enough. Your religion is becoming more extreme every day and what do those so called Christians do that disagree with the pastors during the rose bowl parade? They deny the problem exist and turn their backs on the problem instead of making it stop. So you're to blame just as much as these two pastors for the destruction of hate that Christianity is causing.

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Seriously devout christians have always called for the murder of anyone above them.

    No, maybe not the lukewarm, rote, nominal christians.

    But "real" ones always have. Its what cults do. Sick.

  • 7 years ago

    That's pretty bonkers, I agree, pumpkin.

    Luckily, while too many agree with those nitwits, most people are not foaming-at-the-mouth hatefilled extremists like them.

    @Joe, cupcake, if you expect anyone to listen to you - and your misunderstanding of what your free speech rights encompass indicate that no one really should - you should probably stop spreading lies and myths about gay people and gay pride parades the way you've tried to do in this comment. That alarmist NAMBLA lie was refuted ages ago.

    You can't lie the way you do and then claim some moral high ground. Liars don't have any credibility and shouldn't be taken seriously.

  • 7 years ago

    You're right. Just because I disagree with these self-righteous jerks doesn't mean I can claim they aren't Christian.

    On the other hand, this DOES illustrate the fact that just because some Christians are self-righteous jerks doesn't mean the rest of us agree with them. Similar points could be made on behalf of other groups, including atheists, of course.

    I'm glad I wasn't present when they said it. Properly, the thing to do would be to walk out and dissociate from them. But the urge to slap them across the mouth would have been hard to resist....

  • 7 years ago

    You are right. Christian apologists have a lot to answer for. It's time for these Christians to work against hatred within their ranks. If Christians truly disagree with the disgusting rhetoric of the hateful bigots, it's time to work against it, not make excuses for it.

    Auntie Kookoo

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  • 7 years ago

    It's not Christian who have gone crazy, It's those bigoted pastors who have. Not all Christians think like that. In fact, more than half don't.

    So, don't act like Christians are bigoted, when it's just some of them who are. I'm Christian, (Catholic) and I support gays and support gay marriage. And that breaks every rule of the Catholic Church Teachings.

    So, there.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Some of the are way over the top, like the Westboro baptist church. But you can't put all Christians into one category, some are great people.Some are total closed minded idiots who need a reality check. It's the same with everyone really.

  • 7 years ago

    And that is merely the kind of thing they dare to say publically. Think about that for a moment.


    Joe is a first-level who doesn't allow any contact.

    I have never been less surprised in my life.

  • NERD
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    First off 'Christians' have not gone completely crazy.Are all the Christians in the entire world calling for the execution of that man? No.So don't say 'Christians' you should say 'These Christians'

    Secondly,Jesus came to the rescue of a prostitute once who was about to be stoned to death.He told her persecutors "He who is without sin throw the first stone." The fact that they're doing the very opposite of what Jesus taught and said makes them about as Christian as my foot, so i wouldn't even call them Christians,i would call them crazy fanatics and hope they get arrested =/

  • 7 years ago

    I wonder why you have not directed your question to the muslim community it is forbidden on the pain of death,

    is it because you have no balls, and Christians are easy to pick on

  • 7 years ago

    certainly not ALL would subscribe to this point of view....

    Now, I am unsure of the state laws etc....but this does sound to me like a case for conspiracy to commit murder could be made here...possibly....

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