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Lv 5
gofish asked in SportsOutdoor RecreationFishing · 7 years ago

What was the most memorable fish you have caught?

Not necessarily the largest, that ONE that made a lasting memory for whatever reason.

For me it was a 35# blackfin tuna. Yes it kicked my butt, yes I wanted to hand the rod off, yes my arm ached when it was finally over and yes I had to take a several minutes break. The fish was 10# shy of the world record and 3# shy of the Fl. record at the time. Dang he was a big un!

Please share your story.


Live to fish- Just curious, do you remember the name of the party boat you were on? I know several of those fellows down there.

8 Answers

    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Me and my wife were fishing a small lake in northern mn for walleye. We picked one up with a jig and a leech and decided to back troll over that same area. We were using med light spinning rods with 4 lb test.

    I knew I had a pretty good fish on and I teased my wife if this is a mermaid your out of here. We only had a small net.

    After a bit she netted a 46 inch 26 lb pike. with a few tries. She was my hero, and still my favorite fishing partner.

    We had it mounted and we still think about that special time.

  • 7 years ago

    45lb king mackerel from a party boat out of Islamorada in the Florida Keys. After 4 hrs of fishing and catching a few small ones we were about to head back to the dock when I made on last cast straight out of the back of the boat. The fish hit like a freight train and just kept running. After half an hour we could see color in the water and finally one of the crewmen gaffed the fish. It was the largest king caught in over year in those waters according to the captain. It's hanging on the wall now. The tail width from fork to fork is 14 inches. :D

  • Andrew
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Well, yikes that's a tough one, it could very well be my first ever fish, being with the old neighborhood gang and hitting the local ponds, or maybe the first fish I ever caught myself on a solo trip.

    But, I'm going to have to say being on your turf was my favorite. Now that everyone in my house is pretty much an adult now we don't spend much time together, I don't know why but just being out on the ocean at night in completely unfamiler waters with unfamiler fish with my brother was just a great time. I have to say every fish caught those nights were the most memorable, even though they were just sea trout it's something I won't forget anytime soon.

    Honestly though, every trip I get to spend with anyone is memorable, I couldn't pick a favorite out. Each trip has it's own memorys and that's part of why I love fishing. Especially trips I get to spend with the "O.G crew" . . . Maybe gangsta wouldn't be the correct term but you get the idea. Especially on the old lake, yep I could go on for days about my fishing expirences along with everyone else here, I remember our first crappie we caught we thought was called a black striped green bass. Good times.

  • 7 years ago

    I was fishing for king salmon and a friend of mine was trying to get to a spot that was on the other side of the flowing water to which he slipped in the mud a few times and when I noticed that he was okay is when I started to give him a hard time by telling him to stop playing in the mud; so in the middle of laughing at the sight of my friend that was pretty much covered in mud is when this 23 pound female king salmon decided to hit/bite and it wasn't subtle either, because I remember having to get a firm hold of my fly rod to keep it from being ripped out of my hand.

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  • 7 years ago

    I was by a pond and saw bass in the water close to shore I had no line and no hook and so I took off my shoe laces and had some my fathers cufflinks I was plain with so used that and safety pin happen be with me and made a hook tied on the cufflinks and went fishing with shoe laces .. well haha dumb fish I caught two next to an hr took them home we had fish lol. I didn't exactly hook them fairly by the gill but hey shhhh I was just a boy but not biggest fish in the world but probably one most clever way to catch them

  • 7 years ago

    I'll share two memorable stories...

    The first one:

    My buddy and I went up to the home lake one time and we pull up to one of the fishing docks that's completely full of people. Everyone is using light spinning rods and trout bait, no one has had a bite ALL DAY. We walk out on the dock toting 1 rod apiece armed with a Texas rigged Roboworm. Alex, my buddy, makes a shitty cast and within seconds of his worm hitting the bottom... BAM! He hooks up! I make a long cast and what-do-ya-know? Double-Hook-Up the minute my worm hits bottom! We're both fighting our fish, making them jump and splash around with all these onlookers just gawking at us... we each get our bass in (his was 3 3/4 pounds, mine was about the same size) and this group of people starts clapping, hollering and carrying on, except one guy that's with his family. This tall redneck-lookin' dude between 6-foot-4 and 6-foot-6 walks toward us, a pissed off look on his face and says:

    "We've been here all f*ckin' day since 6 this morning without a go**amn bite and you two jerks show up with your fancy baitcasting gear and you each catch one on your first f*ckin'cast? What the f*ck's up with that? Are you two on TV or something?"

    It was great. And I will never forget those words or the look on that dude's face.

    The second one:

    I was fishing for bass from my older-model Fish Cat 4 float tube on the home lake using a 6 inch Texas-rigged oxblood Roboworm and 8 pound line on a 5 1/2 foot Fenwick Fenglass Lunkerstick 2000 rod with an Ambassadeur 2500C reel. I'm cruising the shoreline in my tube, casting my worm out to the side into the deeper water of a creek channel and slowly bouncing it back to me at an angle. As I'm slowly kicking backwards checking out the bottom I'm over, I don't feel any tapping, I don't feel a hit, I don't feel the bite at all, I only feel a nice, hard jerk followed by a hell of a run. It picked up my worm and took off! When I reared back and set the hook, I thought I had hooked THE bass, but after a couple seconds of the long, powerful, drag-searing run, I figured out I had hooked a carp. The carp surfaced two or three times, thrashed a little at the surface, but never offered up any spectacular jumps. 2 1/2 hours later after being dragged around this arm of the lake back and forth, I finally tire out the fish and get it onto my tube. Both it's head and tail hung 6 inches off each side of my float tube. 44 pounds, 8 ounces is what it weighed after I got it to a scale at the marina. It was an AWESOME experience, definately one that I'll never forget.

    Source(s): -B
  • 7 years ago

    Caught a small largemouth back in Jersey. 6 years later, I went back to that same exact spot at the pond. Caught the same exact bass. I could tell by the markings and the wounds it had previously. It grew, definitely. Don't know why, but brought tears to my eyes :)

  • 7 years ago

    Shark fishing in pine island sound Florida with an hour and a half tussle with a 180 pound black tip

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