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How funny is it to watch Californians cry out in fear about the drought?

The lazy Fornios have doubled their population and built no reservoirs over the last 30 years. Now thousands of mexican-californians won't have jobs as the crops will be written off. At least the environment is saved.

8 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Nothing funny about it. As for not planning, that may be true. But look at a satellite pictures of the area--there's no water to fill the reservoirs they HAVE much less any new ones. Climate change has robbed the Rockies of their snow. No snow, no water. No water, no filled reservoirs. They are just one small picture of the inexorable march of Climate Change. It will affect us all in time. I promise not to laugh at you when your time comes. And I promise to try to die quickly when my time comes. Nice dismissal of your fellow humans'll just make the process easier if we revel in the misery of others.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I remember discussing the water problems in California in a college geography class back in 1986. The Colorado River was in real trouble even back then. I'm not sure if the flow would support more reservoirs. Doubling the population probably wasn't a great idea. If they keep on getting no rain in the rainy season it's going to be real trouble. Lots of produce comes from California.

  • 7 years ago

    Why do people believe that all Mexicans that come here are farm workers. Very little is done by hand anymore. They come across the border for the 10 to 15 billion dollars the Democrats give them in welfare a year. They take the construction, body shop and restaurant jobs. Most harvesting of crops is done by machine. What cost tens of thousands of farm jobs was Obama and his EPA cutting off the water to the Central Valley farmers. The water they had for over one hundred years. You cannot find much in the Ca, stores grown in Ca. anymore. Thousands upon thousands of fruit and nut trees died because of their stupidity. Hundreds of millions gallons of Sacramento Delta River water run into the ocean every day when it was used before.

    Source(s): I live in a predominately agriculture Ca. county.
  • 7 years ago

    It isn't funny at all. People tend to assume that what has stuck around for a few years is the natural order of things. California could never have been able to sustain its present population by natural means. It has survived and grown because of the artificiality of irrigation. While water sources depend, as always, upon the vagaries of their weather, the population inexorably increases by virtue of human whim. It may well be that the descendants of Steinbeck's "Okies" will experience another dust bowl in their safe haven of California, but while ironic to remote observers, it could never be funny.

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  • 7 years ago

    dude I live in California and its not as bad as people see it on the news. I do agree we should have built more reservoirs because California gets the least amount of rain out of anybody else so you would think we would have more reservoirs.

  • James
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I feel dreadfully sorry for the suffering endured by California. Maybe, California IS guilty of poor planning. But, that doesn't justify the suffering they must endure.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Fornians use more water for colon hydrotherapy than they do for crop irrigation.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    funny ? You must be cold hearted. I don;t like to see anyone suffer, not even my enemies (Kill them quick).

    The drought is a result of the cursings of God falling on people who chose to disobey Him. Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28. God bless America, kick perversion to the curb !

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