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Where did Energy and Matter come from?

4 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, .., No event in our universe just happens. Rather every event has a cause. Every cause has an effect each effect may itself may become a cause or multiple causes in a causal event chain. Such that if the universe is at size (x) it will be of size (x+1) in a few moments, and a few moments later size (x+2) and so on. Conversely, one can walk the causal chain backwards such that we see the universe at size (x-1), and size (x-2) all the way back to ... size(1) a singularity and here in lies the rub.

    Logic dictates that someone or something had to have "caused", "created", or "made" the initial singularity that caused all things to come into being. At the point before the singularity was made we enter a realm where there is no chain of cause and effect (at least as this universe knows it). The universe does not exist yet someone or something does exist that is capable of creating the initial singularity but has not yet done so. Whatever that initial agent is, it exists outside of chain of cause and effect, outside of this universe. In other words nothing caused it to come into being. It is eternal, unending, and not in need of a casual event (as we are) to justify it's existence. Essentially, this entity is the "Uncaused Cause".

    Even a spatially resonant Higgs field must be placed into existence. Particles, atoms, and electrons all need a reason to fluctuate. They either must receive energy to rise to a higher shell layer or lose energy to collapse to a lower level of entropy. If nothing exists to perturb or add energy to it the field remains static and eventually collapses due to entropy. Thus a first mover, or first perturber, of all things must exist to created and add energy to the field.

    The question now becomes, is this "Uncaused Cause", progenitor of the singularity, conscious or unconscious? Does it have personality or was it impersonal? If it is unconscious and impersonal then you have to ask yourself how consciousness and personality could arise from the mechanical, unconscious, and impersonal. In fact it could not as that would be a violation of entropy and that is an impossibility. However, if it does have consciousness and personality then both the impersonal and personal, conscious and unconscious can arise from it. Thus, the "Uncaused Cause" must have personality and consciousness and ergo we arrive at God.

    Only those things that had a beginning had a cause. Since God does not have a beginning, He did not need a cause. He then is the only one who can be the ultimate beginner – that first uncaused cause. This uncaused cause of all things is who we call God. This makes God and only God necessary since He was needed to begin it all. The universe and everything in it is not necessary outside of serving God’s purpose, plan, and causal objective.

  • 7 years ago

    It's an excellent question; all we really know is that energy was present at the Big Bang; about 300,000 years after the event, the energy present became cool and diverse enough to form the particles that became matter.

  • 7 years ago

    Occam's razor tell us they always exist, is no creator god, science not need them.

  • 7 years ago

    Not from non-existent sky-daddies, space fairies, nor resurrected jewish zombies.

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