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Are more Americans working than when Obama took Office? What about the 92 million Not In Labor Force BLS count?

These are related questions whose answer is important to understanding the nation's current economic woes. When substantive, supported answers are posted, some of us have watched the questions pulled from the Y!A board. I'll give everyone a chance to answer the above with a little bit of information for reference purposes. Perhaps a graph will be helpful for some. Sorry, Y!A doesn't allow it to post in more readable form (a range of files and file sizes have been tried, which post clearly elsewhere). Much of the information is still recognizable and possible to follow with regard to the ETA's quarterly employers' payroll counts nationwide.

The Department of Labor offers a number of sources to answer such questions, including the Employment & Training Administration, which is a sister agency to the BLS within the DOL. The ETA is responsible for the nation's only comprehensive counts of the unemployed who've filed new (also called first-time) claims for unemployment after job losses, along with cumulative employers' payroll record counts on a quarterly basis. Their value and accuracy is unmatched by anything coming from the BLS, which estimates figures and rates from surprisingly limited survey responses. That's at the heart of why former BLS Commissioner John Hall panned figures released in the fall of 2012 ahead of the election, calling statistics released by the agency he ran for four years "deeply flawed".

The accompanying graph might help some who like the visual representation it provides. Note that the 133,886,830 workers counted on employer's payroll records in January 2009 lost 8.33 jobs during 2009 and 2010, before a modest turn appeared in the first half of 2011. Obama's current workforce numbers on the ETA's nationwide employers' payroll record counts have come back to 130,938,360, which is still 2,948,470 behind where the workforce was when he took Office. And that roughly 3 million loss coincides with more than 112 million workers who filed distinct new claims for unemployment after job losses during this Administration and somewhere between 36-40 million come-of-age, ready and trained native workers along with record numbers of immigrants and migrants, combined. Those figures come from the Digest of Education Statistics, The Yearbook of Immigration Statistics, and ICE internal documents.

So how does 3 million fewer jobs look against evidence that nearly 40 million newcomers have sought entry and opportunity to become part of the workforce. Just what are Americans supposed to think happened to the 112 million separated from employment under Obama? By-far-and-away, the most significant increase of any employment statistic over the past five years has been the Not In Labor Force count that's vaulted to 91,808,000 on Table A-1 of the BLS' comprehensive monthly Employment Situation Report, while a separate link to the BLS' Table A-16 shows 92,338,000 who've simply been removed from all counts. That along with a 20 million rise in EBT/Food Stamp recipients, along with painful tens of millions of other entitlement program registrants, including a historic rise in disability claimants adds support to what the ETA data shows clearly enough.

This is a shrunken workforce still, millions down entering the President's sixth year in Office. How real recovery is supposed to take place without significant numbers of the 112 million American claimants for unemployment after job losses returning to gainful employment is a mystery apparently only Obama's inner circle is adequately security cleared to know. Yeah, right!!!

With nearly half of college graduates over the past five years unable to secure full time employment in their field, it's fully understandable why millennials are abandoning the rock-star President who remains aloof from the dismal economy he abandoned long ago. Among the truly amazing statistics is that a majority of those polled under the age of 25 would recall the President, if the option was available, according to a recent Harvard Institute of Politics poll.


Felon-M -- I'm guessing you didn't follow the first BLS link to Table A-16. If you had, you probably would have noticed the 2.7 million hike in Americans relegated to Not In Labor Force status. At 12 million across the President's five years in Office, the NiLF count has increased at rates dwarfing every other workforce metric under the Obama Administration's "virtual" recovery. That's key to understanding the falling U3 and U6 rates, because those removed for not searching for work over the prior four weeks show up in none of the six counts you referenced of the unemployed.

Perhaps you missed when the U1 through U6 counts were designed and instituted. Those changes in 1994 were considered major, while adjustments to the questions on surveys have been more subtle. Under the Obama Administration changes in questions have become surprisingly common, and there is but a single purpose -- to shift more out of work Americans from being counted amongst the unemp

Update 2:

the unemployed... to Not In Labor force counts. That's a metric which only slightly trails the 19-million-plus formerly self-sufficient Americans who've swelled the ranks of the poor reliant on SNAP EBT assistance under Obama's mystical recovery, which evokes images of the Emperor's New Clothes for many.

Since you mentioned sky-high U6 real unemployment rates, I wonder whether you're aware that's a figure where George Bush's 9.162 average for 96 months bested Clinton's 9.175% rate. On U3, the edge belonged to Clinton with 5.204 besting Bush's 5.27% rate.

Since Obama's average at the end of 2012 was above 16% but has fallen closer to 15%, since that time, the more than 6% difference (7-plus% across Obama's first term) would translate using your suggestion of a 35% U6 figure under this Administration to about 20% during the Clinton and Bush years. By way of comparison, those rates would be just over double the U6 averages for each president.

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7 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    About four years ago, I was visiting Portland, Oregon. Not one person with an Engineering Degree from that area had gotten a job in their field, no matter where they looked.

    Thanks for compiling all the information. Part of the problem is unemployment runs too long, but a bigger part is that we don't have enough decent jobs. In many areas of the west, Idaho to Colorado and to the coast, Hispanics have jobs, Americans do not.

    We can expect to stay home, get obese, be impoverished with government largesse and have Hispanics run most blue collar jobs.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The easy (and correct) answer is that an economy the size of the US's does not turn on a dime. The empirical answer is that decades of economic research shows that job growth does not really begin until 6 to 9 months after the end of a recession. Since we are not there yet, we may still see some more job loss, but with luck, the downward trend will continue. You also know, of course, that the money doesn't get spent right away - so therefore, can't even begin to have an affect for months after the spending bill (not the February request) is passed. From the perspective, any quote of job loss before say July can not be attached to failure of the stimulus, but rather a continuation of the existing recession.

  • 7 years ago

    The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) measures unemployment at 6 rates. The U6 rate reflects the total number of people not in the workforce. The U3 rate is the "unemployment rate" we hear about all the time. This obviously means the U6 rate is much bigger.

    But America has been reporting the U3 rate since 1940. Are we supposed to suddenly change the way we report unemployment?

    If America had traditionally reported the U6 rate, then unemployment of 35% wouldn't sound so shocking because the historical rates were around 30%.

  • Golfer
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    People will still be support Obama because like someone said it is easier to fool someone than to convince them they have been fooled.

    A Lib is a Lib before God, Country or family--J. Miller

    The left wing media will cover it up or spin it like what are they saying now--People will have more time on their hands to do other things, yeah right but they forgot to mention no money. Those that write that garbage should be the first to have more time on their hands.

    One thing that has hurt Ore, and Washington is the people have left CA and went North and now those states are in trouble.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Here's the problem:

    People are suffering

    Democrats will demand more money and programs to fix the problem. Republicans will deny the funding.

    Who will get the blame?

    Job training programs will be funded through taxing the rich who will lay off workers to pay the taxes

    It's like the movie "Groundhog Day"

    Stop the train and let me off

    The only solution is invisible:

    The free market.

    Capitalism's invisible hand.

    "Capitalism" is used like a cuss word by the left. It delays their march toward socialism. The dirty little truth is ~ Socialism only works, as long as capitalism can find it's way around government regulation and taxation. As the left unnaturally forces socialism upon economic structures it destroys profit. All jobs derive from profits. There is no mystery as to why jobs are being destroyed.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Our present person who calls himself Mr. President,

    Has serious problems with math, Don't quite know

    where he went totally wrong. But man he sure did,

    If you have 93 million people not working. You have

    93 million people out of work. No matter if they are

    looking for a damn job or not. Old Chinese saying.

    No Tickee, No Washee.

    Obama juggles numbers like a fat Haitian woman

    throwing bones on a blanket. Her brand of Voodoo.

    Is like Obamas math. Makes no damn sense.

  • 7 years ago

    More than WWII

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