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I'm in a considerably "illegal" relationship..?

I'm 15 and I have a bf that's 26. I'm very mature for my age and that's why I've always felt a connection with older men. I need advice... Is this wrong? Is it bad? Some people will say it's sick, he's using me, he has another gf his own age, etc. some will say age is but a number. Yes, we are sexually active. But he confirms his love for me in more ways than some. Help?

11 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's not really illegal unless he is going to have sex with you. I'd say stay with him until you get a few years older... Love can be seen on any age but we should always follow our laws. It doesn't really matter what some people say, as long as you're both happy and as long as you're not breaking any laws.

    Source(s): My knowledge of the law.
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I really would say go for it but i have been in position being with an older man thinking that he loved me when he was just using me. If you live in America yes it is illegal to be with somebody underage if he ever get caught he can go to jail for a long time. If he loves you then he would wait until you become legal to be sexually active with you. I dont think its wrong at all im 19 with a 48 year old man im loving it. but you are still young you have a life ahead of you

  • 7 years ago

    Definitely a child molester. Being 15 and consenting to sex does not make it ok. In the eyes of the law he is raping you and should be put on the fiddler list after a long stretch inside.

    I bet your parents are overjoyed at this situation. You're 15. Get with someone your own age.

  • 7 years ago

    I say of your going to date someone older then you it is fine! As long as you refrain from being sexually active. Not only does it mean you can't get him arrested but it also means he has the chance to prove he really loves you a lot. I say kissing, hugging, cuddling is fine, anything beyond that I would think twice about until your older.

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  • 7 years ago

    I would say he to old and would question a 26 year old guy dating a 15 year old

  • 7 years ago

    This is wrong. You're underage, so if the Feds find out you are having sex, they could charge him for rape. Break up with him at once, before you regret it. it could be that he really loves you, but that doesn't matter to the authorities. you can start dating him again when you are 18.

  • Iris
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Sorry to say but he is breaking the law and too old for you. What do you guys have in common? What do your friends and parents think? you would not be able to take him to a school dance with you or anything.

  • 7 years ago

    if you are so mature, go and vote, drive, drink

    no? why not?

    because its illegal and the law says you cannot

    thinking you are mature isnt enough

    we ALL thought we knew everything at 15

  • Jaffar
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    Yeah, he's a pedophile

  • 7 years ago

    how yew feel that yew r mature?

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