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how do you know when your marriage is over?

my husband and I have been married almost 7 years and have 2 small kids not in elementary school yet. I love and care a lot about him, hes a great father but piss poor husband. he does do a lot around the house, but sometimes...his presence irks me. he works and doesn't do anything bad as far as abuse, cheating, or staying out late. so I feel selfish just thinking about not being with him. I don't want to be with someone else.

plus hes very moody. his friend came by the other day unannounced. my husband wasn't home. I said to him today, when your friends come over can you be here. or give me the heads up? the house was a mess and I was hes mad at me.

sometimes I think id be happier living in my own apartment co-parenting. we have sex here and there. don't share any hobbies, don't want to go to the same places as far as dinner out or vacation. he sleeps downstairs or the guest room, but gets mad when he comes to our bedroom for sex and I shoot him down.

has anyone else, just...fell out of "im in love" I say it that way cause I do still love him

9 Answers

  • Connor
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    If he's a great dad then you made your bed, so lie in it. You have two kids. You can't break apart a family just because you are sick of putting up with what you have ALWAYS put up with.

    He was always this way, you married him anyways, can't complain now. Especially with two kids in the picture.

    His friend saw a messy house. Grow up. That isn't a reason to get all upset and not want to stay married to him. All you do is tell him that you were embarrassed about the house being a mess and want a heads up next time. There problem solved. Now it's not an issue.

    You are finding an awful lot of small, tiny things to turn into massive problems. I think you need to grow up. Or maybe you are so stressed at home you need a break.

    Like I said, you married the guy knowing all this about him. So why did you marry him?

    He's not a bad guy. He's not mean to you. So put up with it until your children are grown. Again don't rip apart a family over it. Being a parent means you can't make selfish decisions anymore.

    Sounds like you just need a better grip on reality.

    I'm sitting here thinking "cry me a river". Marriage is hard. Did you think it was going to be a breeze? You thought it was going to be sunshines and rainbows and no compromise? Life gets hard, especially when you have kids. You have to make a constant effort to stay in love.

    The only problem I see here is two people who quit trying. They thought being married meant without any effort you would stay in love forever. Again, you need a reality check.

  • 7 years ago

    You will see how good a dad he is when you try to extract child support of him. And deal with him during visitation times. As for a piss poor husband. You knew he was the way he was when you married him. Should have put yourself on some birth control. Now the horse is out of the barn so now you divorce him and start looking for a "replacement dad and replacement husband" There's no guarantee you will EVER find one. But for sure you put those two kids not even in school yet without a dad that's constant. What kind of Dad can he be 4 days a month?? How bankable are you as a mom with two rug rats? Men don't want other men's children.

    I have given you alot to think about here. So don't kill the messenger.

  • Marvin
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Are you sure you are not just having hormonal issues? I had a "fairytale" marriage until my ex-wife started having "female" problems. After that she was so moody that I could not stand her anymore. She alienated all her friends and mine as well. She spent all her time making rules and monitoring my behavior. In the five years we spent together I never once made any rules except "do not scald me, or break my stuff". She had a million rules I had to follow, and she carefully watched me every moment.

    I suspect that you have no female friends to hang with. If you had some girl-time, you might have a better marriage. I think you are just bored taking care of the children and cleaning house.

  • BAM
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    This isn't a situation where your marriage should be over and if you walk away, it would be a shame because you are giving up far too soon.

    You may want to push for couples therapy and tell him you have thought about ending it. You guys need to improve your communications and be more aware of the others needs. Maybe schedule some one on one time.

    Don't give up. This is all minor stuff.

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  • 7 years ago

    Improve your intimacy if possible. I know that's hard. But try and fall in love again.

    Take a break from him if need be:go out for a short vacation or visit friends etc. You may both be burned out from doing all the things. Life is hard, you both need to take care of yourselves and your kids and do some fun stuff occasionally.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    There is no such thing as "traditional" marriage, or the "traditional" family anymore. As a Christian it bothers me that there are so many other Christians that are so against gay marriage. The Bible speaks against sex before marriage - why not move to have co-habitation of heterosexual couples made illegal? Or how about sex before marriage for that fact? You may not agree with a person's sexual orientation but that doesn't make them any less of a person and any less worthy of equality. Tricky Mind says "maybe God likes gay people" - God loves anyone gay or straight. The sooner the right wing fundamentalists get that the better.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    i think you should try to improve your overall intimacy/sex life(actually like sleeping together and not seperately) talk about it with him and try to go out and do something together try to find something you both enjoy doing so you can improve your overall bond together

    "Innocent man" is basically saying you want "something different" as in someone different dont listen to him cheating is wrong no matter how badly you or anyone wants the sex if you dont want it done to you dont do it to other people

  • 7 years ago

    There's no such thing as falling out of love with someone, you either always love them or never did. 2nd a marriage is never over unless you make it. There's no sense to make a permanet decisions such as divorce for a temporary problem. Just work to work out these problems with your husband, start by fixing your sex life and actually sleep together as husband and wife. Never give up on your marriage, for its something that you will regret letting go later down the line and will cause issues in your life of you let it go.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    You Love him and aren't In Love with him, there is a big difference. You want something different but don't want to hurt anyone in getting there. Just remember, life is too short to be unhappy. Do you want to be in your 60's with a miserable life saying to yourself, "if only"?

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