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If Jesus didn't die for the sins of the world, then how is He any different than Moses?

What attributes His Messiahship different than Moses' prophethood?

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Jesus DID die for the sins of all mankind. How so? Adam sold everyone into sin. He forfeited everlasting life, Acts 5:12 says, for everyone. Jesus lived WITHOUT sin. Thus under the mosaic law, he had the right of everlasting life. He died without sin. So when he entered into heaven, he could present the VALUE (ransom) of his right to everlasting life to buy back what Adam lost. 1 Corinthians 15:45 - So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living person.” The last Adam became a life-giving spirit.

    1 Corinthians 15:21 and 22 - For since death came through a man, resurrection of the dead also comes through a man. 22 For just as in Adam all are dying, so also in the Christ all will be made alive.

    If you would like to see / read more, go to

    Source(s): Holy Scriptures
  • 7 years ago

    Can I just say, even though I'm an atheist, that Moses was a pretty cool guy? I like him more that Jesus.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    many. Mose is a great prophet. Jesus is the Messiah and God´s son.


  • 7 years ago

    Jesus came to uphold the law not destroy it. Moses transmitted the law.

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  • 7 years ago

    Another contradiction in the NT. Jesus first is made to say he came to bring peace. Then he is made to say that he came to bring a sword.

  • 7 years ago

    Was prophet Jesus punished for other peoples sins:No,it was his enemy whose look was turned into the look & face of jesus.jesus was taken alive to heaven by God.jesus will come back and will die on this earth as a human & messenger of allah.from Adam to Moses to Jesus to Mohammad god sent all of them as messengers & they were all muslims.God is the most just .He never does unjust.Every one will be punished for their own sins.God will never punish Jesus or anyone for the sins of others because that’s unjust & common sence.God is the most merciful he will forgive whoever he wishes to. But the sinner will have to ask for forgiveness ,beg for it & promise god to not to repeat it again & god will forgive. Pray to god:god you love forgiveness,you are the forgiver I’m a sinner so please forgive me. people judge people .Allah judges you by your heart.

    Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is mentioned by name in the Song of Solomon chapter 5 verse 16:

    prophet Muhammad (pbuh) mentioned by name in the old testament: Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is mentioned by name in the Song of Solomon chapter 5 verse 16:"Hikko Mamittakim we kullo Muhammadim Zehdoodeh wa Zehraee Bayna Jerusalem.""His mouth is most sweet: yea, he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem."In the Hebrew language im is added for respect. Similarely im is added after the name of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to make it Muhammadim. In English translation they have even translated the name of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as "altogether lovely", but in the Old Testament in Hebrew, the name of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is yet present.It’s majestic plural noun like Elohim which refers to 1 God Muhammadim also refers to 1 Muhammad even though im can refer also to be plural.(Edited by Faisal

    God does not born or die. Who has no beginning or end. Does not need to become human, animal or insect to understand his creation. He is the creator who knows what he has created. He is the most wise. So, he knows everything. He feeds everyone, but he doesn’t need to eat or sleep or use toilet. True God is the creator who is not part of the creation. So, he has no father, mother, wife or children. He’s above all & unique. There’s none like him & he’s only one, who has no partner & no gender. So, he’s the creator of all creation & not part of his or any creation. That is the definition of one true God in Islam which is Allah. Allah has created the humans in a pair of male& female to worship him & in different colors, languages, countries to respect & recognize each other.Tv,watch,computer,phone everything has a purpose. Purpose of us is not just only to eat,poo,have sex&sleep .purpose of life is to obey & worship the creator because humans are the most superior of creation & our purpose is to serve god by praising & praying.No1 is superior whether you are black or white,arab or non arab,male or female .For god everyone is equel.Islam is the only religion that is against racism. Allah is the most just & God judges you by your heart only not by your looks. Islam is an accurate, just & peaceful religion of 1 god creator lord Allah.

    In Quran, It says “If you kill one human being it’s as

    If you have killed the entire of humanity. And if you

    save one human being. It’s as you saved the entire

    of humanity”. So, for killing you go to hell, for saving you go to heaven. There was no suicide bombers in the time of prophet Mohammad. Islam believes God created the first humans were Adam & eve without any father & mother. The devil made them eat a fruit that was told by God to not to eat.

    And they got poo, but, they were not allowed to poo in heaven. You can eat everything in heaven & you wont get poo & it’s a unholy thing you get it when you eat foods on earth & the 1forbidden fruit that was in heaven. So, as punishment God sent them to earth. Adam&Eve were married &having sex for married couples is not sin in islam. All humans are children of Adam & eve. In

    Islam from Adam to Moses, to Jesus to Mohammad

    God sent all of them as messengers prophets & humans to

    spread the true religion. Because God created Adam

    & Eve without any father & mother. It means true

    creator can create everything in any way he wants

    to, for example If he says something to happen It’ll

    just happen. The same way he made Adam & Eve

    without being their father & mother plus also having

    no father & mother. He has the wisdom & power of

    over everything. Similarity of creating Adam a

    slight differently he created prophet Jesus as one of the

    mightiest messengers of God with having just

    mother without any father. Because God can do

    anything God can create humans without father &

    mother as well as having a mother but no father.

    That’s the true miracle & it can only be done by one

    true creator. And that’s the believe of Islam that the

    true God is Allah who has no partner, no parents, no

    children, no wife, doesn’t born or die, has no image

    because there’s none like him, does not eat but feeds

    everyone & does not sleep. In Islam the name of prophet

    Jesus is Isa. And Jesus/Isa did everything with the

    power of Allah (God). God gave him the power to

    do it. Who created Jesus as a messenger of God.

    Similarly he created Adam, Moses, Abraham, Noah,

    Isa as Jesus, Mohammad as messengers of peace &

    Islam towards humanity. And God can’t be part of

    creation. If it’s part of creation then it’s not the

    creator or God or Allah. Even in Bible it says Jesus

    put his head on the floor as Muslims put their head

    on the floor for praying. 80% of Quran matches with

    Science & other 20% of Quran the Science does not

    have the answers because they haven’t discovered

    or improved that much. For example Quran talks

    about heaven, hell, & there are aliens. Science has

    no answer for everything but Quran has all the

    answers since last 1400 years even when Science

    had no answers. In the Bible it talks about Prophet

    Noah & the story goes something like this that the

    Prophet received a message from God that there

    would be a flood all over the world. So, he built a big

    boat & he took some people & a pair of every

    animals. According to Science there was not a flood

    which happened all over the world but it happened

    in a particular part of earth. Quran also tells it

    happened in a particular part of the world. Quran

    also talks about humans are partly formed from

    father & partly formed from mother. And today

    Science agrees with it. So, if some one reads Quran

    & do a scientific research it’ll help to understand

    what the truth is & what is fiction. Bible says, the

    world is flat & circle. Scientifically it’s not true. A

    coin is also flat & circle. Quran tells the original

    shape of earth. Science can’t prove any error in

    Quran but tells errors on Bible. Don’t believe it! Do

    your own research & believe what’s logical. Don’t

    ask people but do your own research so, you can

    believe in true God the creator of all creation but not

    a creation. Islam also teaches black cumin cures so

    many diseases without any side effects. The ultimate

    goal of saitan (Devil) is to take humans towards hell

    & shirk. Shirk means to associate or include

    someone with God. True God has no partner, can’t

    compare him with any creation because he has

    created the creation, how can he be part of what he

    created? Remember true religion should have all the

    answers Of humanity & should not have any

    missing links. Islam believes Quran is 100% words

    of one creator God Allah. People might think there

    are 2 types of Muslims Shia & Sunni. But they both

    have same book Quran. And in Quran there is no

    Sunni or Shia. Islam is one religion & Quran is the

    only one book Of God in Islam. The followers of

    Islam & Quran are called Muslims. No Muslim is a

    Muslim unless he beliefs Adam, Moses, Abraham,

    Jesus, Noah, Mohammad were all messengers of

    one God Allah. No Muslim is a good Muslim unless

    he’s a good human being. Islam teaches to live

    peacefully with people of every religion, race, color,

    language & nationalities. So we should understand,

    respect& live peacefully with each other. In the last

    100 years to now Islam is the fastest growing

    religion in the world. That’s why some governments

    & Medias create lies & misconceptions about Islam.

    Remember, true religion is the one that answers all

    the questions of humanity. Science can’t prove any

    error in Quran. And true book of God can’t have any

    errors. Muslims believe Torah & Bible were books

    of God but they have been changed by humans. So,

    Quran is the last & final book of God. Quran is only

    one book but you can find it in all languages. Any

    one who believes in God should do research on

    Science, Quran & Bible. Fact is stranger then

    fiction. The book of God should have all the

    answers for humanity with no errors & word of God

    can’t have errors!

    He said: "I am indeed a servant of God: He hath given me revelation and made me a prophet; 019.031 "And He hath made me blessed wheresoever I be, and hath enjoined on me Prayer and Charity as long as I live; 019.032 "(He) hath made me kind to my mother, and not overbearing or miserable; 019.033 "So peace is on me the day I was born, the day that I die, and the day that I shall be raised up to life (again)"! 019.034 Such (was) Jesus the son of Mary: (it is) a statement of truth, about which they (vainly) dispute. 019.035 It is not befitting to (the majesty of) God that He should beget a son. Glory be to Him! when He determines a matter, He only says to it,"Be",and it is. Al-Quran.

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