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what kind of discusting communist deports a christian family that came here?

legally for religious freedom, knowing they will lose their children if they go back? what kind of discusting communist is too cowardly to deport people that are here illegally, spiting on american constitution and laws? and what kind of cowardly supreme court lets it happen? can't the supreme court and leaders of america be compared to the german government and people that killed 6 million jews and no one stood up for them? if you're defending the actions now, then won't you probably be crying down the road when it affects you and your family?


gweilo, letting illegals in is not constitutional. letting immigrants in legally is.

Update 2:

rather have a heart and a head than spell, we won two world wars with people that had heart and couldn't spell. need to study up on retardation, there is discrimination there too. but liberals will be crying one day when they figure it out. and yes communism is a form of government, but i learned that in school.

5 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Barack Obama

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    1. Ones that can properly spell "disgusting."

    2. Religious freedom is not a matter of law; it is a matter of the constitution.

    3. Although Obama has lost his mind opening the gates, it gets their relatives to vote for him verdad?

    4. Although a highly controversial decision, letting illegals into the country is still constitutional.

    5. No, it's working backwards with the twisted up virtues of affirmative action and Obamacare, America is pretty much the opposite of Nazi Germany.

    6. Only the people with balls stood up for the Jews during the Holocaust (ever heard of Schindler). In the late stages of the Holocaust, all efforts were already concentrated on beating Germany. During the early stages of the atrocity, intervention would make the Allies look like hypocrites (look at the class structure in South Africa).

    7. Yes, if it does.

  • 7 years ago

    I'm sorry child, but German laws that outlaw homeschooling do not constitute persecution. I read about the story. It has nothing to do with their being Christian at all.

    Get a life and learn how to spell.

  • 7 years ago

    It's disgusting. Learn to respect the English language please.

    Also, I have no idea what your question is talking about.

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  • Pat
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    The word is DISGUSTING.

    And so are you.

    Communism is an ECONOMIC system, not a form of government you retard.

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