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Lv 6

Theists, can you give any evidence for the existence of a god?

This is a serious question. I just took a big list of logical fallacies and applied them all to the claim "My god exists." All of these ways of reasoning that a god exists are completely based off of something that is, by definition, logically flawed. And what really scares me is that I see some of these arguments ever day in this category. So I want to see if there is any evidence for the existence of a god that does not use the same logical reasoning as any of these premises.

In these examples, George is somebody who has an opinion contradictory to the person speaking.

My god exists because:

George used to believe in my god

There are very smart people who believe in my god

A lot of people believe in my god

People will often pray to and worship my god

The morals of my religion are good for society

My religion makes people happy

If people don’t worship my god, they are punished

My friends are so nice to me, and they share my beliefs

My belief is newer than other beliefs

If it weren’t true, I would be very unhappy

A lot of people approve of my beliefs

If my god didn’t exist, the world would be a bad place

People who don’t have my beliefs attack those who do have them

My religion is very old and people have believed in it for a long time

If I don’t believe in my god then my friends will reject me

My god wrote my religious text, and my religious text is true

It hasn’t been proven that my god doesn’t exist

People who say otherwise don’t want my god to exist

Some other religions aren’t true

Each place that they are not increases the chances that they are somewhere else

I do not like people who don’t have my beliefs

George is making his arguments up, while mine come from my god

My beliefs are not conflicting with anybody else’s beliefs

My religious text has many miracles and is emotionally captivating

George is an idiot who can’t tie his own shoelaces

Anything that George says cannot be trusted

World hunger is a terrible thing that needs to be stopped

I do not have to give a reason for believing in my god

If people don’t share my beliefs, they will start murdering and raping each other

If they didn’t exist, people would not exist

Any evidence for the existence of a god, that does not rely on this reasoning.

14 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sounds like you have your mind made up.

    Here's something you do not understand.

    It is not my job to prove God's existence. That is God's job, and he is doing just fine. God does not need my help in anyway to accomplish that objective.

    Romans chapter one instructs us that God has revealed himself to EVERYONE. And that they are "without excuse." There are those who choose to believe, and those who choose to not believe.

    And those who do not believe, well, it says their senseless minds will be DARKENED. What does that mean? That means you will not see what we see. So trying to convince you of anything is just a waste of time. Now do you understand it?

    ===================== (Added)

    The God who created the entire universe has already proven his existence. And he wrote a book to document it all.

    If you were a serious Bible student, you would understand that the proof is contained within the book, and your eyes would be opened. The Bible says that those who earnestly seek Him will find Him.

    That does not mean you can read the Bible, and still not be lost. Some people read the Bible with a preconceived idea that it is all nonsense, and so they are less likely to see the truth.

    If God wanted to write a book that would allow the reader to understand he was God, what would he include in the book? How can God prove that he is God? Well, to begin with, he would include information that was not known at that time. Like information about creation and science. And if you study the Bible, you will learn that the Bible is consistent with science 100%. For example, the bible talks about the earth being spherical and turning on an axis, and that God hung the earth from nothing. The bible talks about how water is recycled through rain, down rivers, into the ocean, and back into the sky through evaporation. No one knew any of this stuff back at the time it was written.

    And another way to prove he is God is through prophecy. The Bible contains hundreds of prophecies. And hundreds of these prophecies have already come true, and there are more things to come. So far, 100% of the predictions of the Bible have been accurate. Who can predict the future with 100% accuracy?

    As an example of that, you can look at the Jewish people. There is no other people on this earth that has been conquered, removed from their land, and its people scattered over the face of the earth, that has remained a nation. The normal course of events is that once a nation is conquered and the people scattered, that is the end of that nation. And we can review history to see hundreds of examples of nations that simply disappeared after they ran their course.

    God predicted that the Jewish people would still be a nation, and actually return to their land after many, many years. Who could have possibly known that?

    My point is that prophesies are unfolding, both all throughout history, and even today, and the Bible has predicted these with 100% accuracy. That gives authenticity to the Bible, and we can know only God could have written the Bible. Only God can predict the future with 100% accuracy.


    Source(s): ===================== Need more examples of fulfilled prophesy? See link.
  • 7 years ago

    The question is asked many times every day, and the answer is rejected many times every day! This kind of hypocrisy never stops! If you refuse to act on the answer, then don't ask the question!

    But once again, I will copy/paste my answer, since it isn't going to change!


    Jesus said that if you REALLY want to know if His teachings came from God (implying the existence of said God), then "OBEY THESE COMMANDS (follow these instructions if you will), and you SHALL know (one way OR the other)" (Referring to the Sermon on the Mount, beginning in the 5th chapter of the gospel according to Matthew)

    This is an objective "litmus" test that Jesus gave, and He said nothing at all about having faith or believing. If you really want to know if Jesus really IS the Son of God (the God who is there), (er – DO you really want to know?) then read and obey the Sermon on the Mount.

    If Jesus never existed, then nothing will happen.

    If Jesus was a liar, then nothing will happen.

    If Jesus was a lunatic, then nothing will happen.

    If the Bible is nothing more than the writings of some crazy bronze-aged, goat-herding cave men as the atheist mockers keep insisting, then nothing at all will happen.

    In other words, PUT UP OR SHUT UP! Actions speak louder than words, so put your money where your mouth is!

    For anyone who flat out rejects this test, I have to remind them of some other words Jesus said. Jesus said that the reason people reject God is “because they are evil (their deeds are evil), and they love darkness (i.e. they love their sins and immorality), and they hate the light (i.e. they hate Truth)!” I can only conclude that they are in an ever increasing line of hypocrites who talk a good talk, but don't really mean a thing they say, and that the only reason they don't believe in God is because they don't WANT to believe in God, and for no other reason; and their theme song is "Don't confuse me with Truth; my mind's already made up!"

    In his famous book “Mere Christianity”, C. S. Lewis makes the following observation: "A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic - on the level with a man who says he is a poached egg - or he would be the devil of hell. You must take your choice. Either this was, and is, the Son of God, or else a mad man or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us."


  • 7 years ago

    People who has expensed heaven encounters... There have been plenty.

    Also, there is really no reasonable explanation for Jesus... Expect he is who he says he is. There's theses options:

    1. Jesus never existed.

    But there's record he was a real man. There's no doubt about it. Historians agree.

    2. Jesus was a lair.

    Why would he preach against lying?

    3. Jesus was crazy.

    "Not so, according to Gary Collins, a psychologist with a doctorate in clinical psychology from Purdue and the author of numerous books and articles in popular magazines and professional journals. Disturbed individuals often show signs of depression or anxiety or explosive anger. But Jesus never displays inappropriate emotions."


    Ding, ding ding! We have a winner. No other reasonable explanation. People were willing to Die for Jesus. NOTHING can come from NOTHING.

  • carl
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    No, not of 'a god', because that implies evidence of a limited semi powerful being that also requires a creator for its existence. However, evidence for the God who is all powerful and eternally self-existing,and is the explanation for all that exists, yes.

    I recommend reading

    "New Proofs for the Existence of God" by Robert J. Spitzer.

    "The Last Superstition " by Edward Feser.

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  • John S
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Wow! "straw man" much?

    I would agree with you that these are bad reasons to believe in God, IF those are the person's ONLY reasons.

    So I applaud you for assembling a very good list of very bad reasons.

    But are those TRULY why people believe? -- That is to say, even if they offer these up as reasons -- are they actually indicating that those are their ONLY reasons or even BEST reasons?

    If they seem shallow, immature, not well reasoned out -- then you have to seriously ask yourself "Are they telling me their ENTIRE faith rests on that 1 or 2 reasons they have given me?"

    I'd seriously doubt that anyone truly believee in God SOLELY and ENTIRELY for the reason(s) you've given above. So this is why I think at best, you've underestimated or at worse, provided a straw man to knock down.


    You Asked: <<Theists, can you give any evidence for the existence of a god?>>

    Evidence? -- certainly.

    Proof? -- well that depends on the person

    Compelling Evidence? -- again, that's subjective and depends upon the person.

    But YES, I can give evidence.

    How about 20?

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Nope. Why do you need evidence? I think Atheists are missing the point... Our belief in God is based on faith, not evidence. How many times do we have to explain that?!?

    Source(s): Follower of Christ
  • 7 years ago

    Hmm, the evidence of God? Do you find comfort when you find people who agree with you on something? If you do, then that&#x27;s the opposite of God.

  • 7 years ago

    The Bible, because of the length of time it took to write it and what it is about, verifies with past history and fulfilled prophecies it’s truth. For one, look at Isaiah 53 which foretells Jesus and what would happen to Him. It did happen. Isaiah 53 was written about 600 years before Jesus' birth. The Bible contains 66 separate books, which were written by thirty six men who were chosen by God to script His words. This took place over 1600 years and the evidence is in the events and the purpose of the scriptures.

    Prophecy is one of the things that sets the Bible apart. There are 26 religious books today that people believe are divinely written, The Quran, the Hindu Vedas, the Book of Mormon etc. Of these 26 none contain any specific fulfilled prophecies. None! In contrast, the Bible is 27% prophecy. And the writers of the Bible didn’t do some vague prediction like Nostradamus but very specific predictions and results.

    The purpose of the entire Bible is to tell us about our condition of being separated from God because of our sins, God's plan to bring a Savior to die in our place for our sins, Jesus' birth, life, death and resurrection, that God's prophecy has taken place and about our invitation to belong to God as His adopted children through acceptance of Jesus Christ as our Lord and our Savior.

    The Bible is God's written Word to us.

    It was written by human authors, under the supernatural guidance of the Holy Spirit.

    “Above all you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” 2 Peter 1:20-21. (New International Version)

    Breakdown of the Bible

    36 human authors inspired entirely by God over 1600 years.

    66 separate books

    39 Old Testament

    Genesis- The creation of the world, sin, flood and birth of Israel who are Jesus’ ancestors

    Exodus to Esther- History of the nation of Israel

    (This is where many people have a problem. These books are concerning the nation of Israel and God's dealings with them and their enemies. They are not laws for us today).

    Job to Proverbs- the books of poetry and wisdom

    Isaiah to Malachi- Prophecy or foretelling of the future events to come. Some at this time, have already happened.

    27 New Testament

    Matthew to John - Four Gospels representing the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ now with all authority in Heaven and earth.

    Acts- Birth of the Church (The Bride of Christ)

    Romans to Jude - Letters to the Churches

    Revelations - The ultimate future plans for: The Church, Heaven, Hell, a New Heaven and a New Earth.

    Here are some Bible Study Resources for anything you may want to look up:

  • 7 years ago

    wow answerer named someone else just use circular reason like its ok... god made the universe the book says so the book is the world of god...

  • odd
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    "Proofs against God's existence"

    Too many to list.

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