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Young Earth Creationists: When you force yourselves to lie in an attempt to 'disprove' evolution...?

Do you ever stop and wonder if it's the right thing to do? Do you ever stop and question why you have to lie in an attempt to "support" your own beliefs?

I'm referring only to those Creationists who lie deliberately of course. The ones who are corrected on something and then continue to keep saying it anyway.

13 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Not one of the answerers conceded an inch which is what you would expect. In my experience It's virtually impossible to convince creationists that they could be wrong.

  • 7 years ago

    @ Riley, Since lying primarily comes from the prefrontal cortex, one would most definitely have at least a more difficult time lying. I know a few people who have sustained brain injuries, and I just wish they could lie at about the time they're telling me my shoes are ugly. Yes, lying would be handy at that point in time. That's the thing with prefrontal cortex injuries. It seems there is no "edit" button.

    And with those folks, lying is the last thing that I would try to teach them since I'm usually trying to teach them that running into oncoming traffic can kill them, or some other useful information that can save their lives, make their lives better, enhance their activities of daily living. When you've been around people who have those cognitive disabilities, teaching them to lie is the last thing on your mind.

    And being that the prefrontal lobe controlls executive action, cognitive abilities, it would be dang difficult to teach one to lie when one has no prefrontal lobe to control their executive functions, you know, higher thinking, which is what lying actually takes. It takes an ability to plan out an intended goal with the lie.

    The prefrontal lobe is responsible for planning complex cognitive behaviors, like lying, or like taking a bite of your pizza when you're not looking and then hiding in the crowd so you don't know it's me.

    It is also responsible for personality expression. It's also responsible for decision making -- deciding to lie, how to lie, or to just simply withhold the truth. It also controls social behaviors, like NOT telling someone their hat is ugly or their tie is hideous. Again, no edit button.

    Damaging, destroying, or removing the prefrontal cortex, either due to accident, or a lobotomy, results in cognitive deficits; an inabiltiy to concentrate, orienting yourself in time and space (vestibular system), abstract thoughts, such as lying, judgment, and problem solving ability. Forget socially inappropriate behavior. That's a discussion for another day.

    I suggest you study what those big words mean. Although I will congradulate you as it seems that your prefrontal cortex is working just fine.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    They subscribe to the philosophy that the end justifies the means. In their twisted thinking the probably tell themselves that lying for Jesus is a good thing.

  • 7 years ago

    I don't know about so called "Young Earth" Creationists but i do know about "Monkey to Man" Evolutionists.

    Those "Young Earth" Creationist may be Ignorants but "Monkey to Man" Evolutionist are pure "Hypocrites"

    There are two type of Lier's,

    1) Those who Lie in every respect and their lie's are visible.

    2) Those who hypocritically manipulate and mould a "Truth" to fullfill their selfish agenda of deceiveing the masses.

    Evolution provides adaptability to survive in ever changing environment. It never Transforms one Species into another.

    A mother's womb is a simple example of evolution.

    But unfortunately Hypocrites got this tool to counter religious belief systems.

    ["Ignorance" never stops incoming knowledge but only changes your perception to understand it]

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    The first step in becoming an creationist is to have a prefrontal lobotomy (sorry to use big words for the dumbass creationists). After that you are taught to compulsively lie and make false assumptions. (I know big words again).

  • G C
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Friend, evolution is a lie according to nature. Never do we find anything transitioning from one kind to another, alive or dead. Plant corn and corn grows up.

    Get real!!

  • Eric
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    Yes, just like some evolutionists, some creationists lie or are simply misinformed. On the other hand many are quite knowledgeable & that is why they support creation.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Hey creationists! I have evidence of evolution! What will you do now!

  • 7 years ago

    Did Jesus ask them to take every word of the bible literally?

  • I cannot imagine forcing myself to lie. Why would I? Have you ever tried to understand people who love God and hate lying?

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