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Lv 4

Will either side ever be satisfied with the fight?

Concerning the war between believers and non-believers, do you think your words are going to change another person? Will intellectual debate solve personal problems? Can you go back in time with your words and change someone's decision to believe or not?

I think we need some perspective. All of us are helpless in the face of reality, and we all have people we love and need. That includes God for many. Why make it more complicated than it has to be, at least in this place?

To atheists: If you just accepted that some people believe, why does it seem to me like you are tirelessly searching?

To Christians: You know atheists in your lives. You know people who simply need guidance. You know people with whom you can make bonds of love. You know people you can teach God's way. Unless you are having a personal connection with the people on here, why are you here? I am thinking you likely have better things to do.


Belief and understanding is a continuum, to make my words clearer. But I mean you can't change the past and give them an experience they can trust. People will only ever trust their own experience.

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Christianity is personal plus seeks those searching by discussion.

    I am satisfied, and most...90% or more? of my questions are

    posed to Christians. Again, about 90% or more times, atheists

    slur/litter/abuse the questions. They don't and cannot answer

    the questions because the questions are for Christians.

    Atheists... or unbelievers (ubs)...believe in nothing at all, and

    I SSE no good reason for them here except to disrupt.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    I don't expect to change any true believers. I merely respond to their errors and/or lies so they're less likely to mislead others.

    “To atheists: If you just accepted that some people believe,...”—What makes you think that we don't? BTW, this sentence, as a whole, makes neither grammatical nor logical sense.

    “... why does it seem to me like you are tirelessly searching?”—Here you display your typical (for a Christian) bias and misperception of atheists.

    “People will only ever trust their own experience.”—Not so. Many are open, more or less, to reason.

    "My job here is to test the saints, to keep them on the right track."—You sound pretty damned full of yourself, and more than a mite hypocritical. It seems that you just want "us atheists" out of the way to make your divinely-appointed "job" easier.

    "You're taking part in an activity called 'playing with people's lives'."—How so? Haven't you been saying that no one is changing anyone's mind? And people influence each other, for better or worse, no matter what. Do you propose that everyone somehow stop doing that?

    "Christian looking for evidence? You weren't a Christian, friend."—Oh, so you're one of *those* Christians. Good to know. And what's this "friend" crap? You're not fooling anyone.

    "I knew you would speak here. You're not making anything better."—LOL! Are you a prophet as well? No, I'm not interested in making things "better" for creeps like you.

    Sarah: How childish. Grow up.

    Benoni "Darkness": Interesting, how you moved the goalposts before even allowing an answer.

  • 7 years ago

    Atheists started it they should be the ones who stop.

  • 7 years ago

    To a great many Christians, non believers are a threat. As for a war.... well I believe the real war is between Christianity and Islam. They seemed fated or doomed to be in one.

    I also see us non Christians and Non Muslims as being the ones who will ultimately survive as long as we can keep out of their way as they fight it out. They will destroy each other and then maybe we will have a peaceful earth over all.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    "To atheists: If you just accepted that some people believe, why does it seem to me like you are tirelessly searching? "

    When I fist came here I was a Christian looking for some evidence or arguments to validate my beliefs. Seemed impossible to me that so many people had come to believe so whole heartedly in something so illogical with zero evidence, so I was sure there was evidence to be found. It didn't take long for me to realize there is none. Now I'm just here to prod at Christians beliefs to discover how deep their rabbit hole of delusion goes.

  • Diil
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    Haha probably not. I think it is important that both sides keep it up actually :D

    Like you say, there are issues coming from both sides. We can disagree about what those issues are between ourselves but if one side stops or dies out then I think we might lose a line of discussion. If the 2 sides mix and become one massive group it will either mean that a group exists that learned to coexist with each other OR a group exists which frequently disagree with each other and argue. I don't see a problem with either of those things. :D

    Even if things tend to get abusive (which they often do) it's not a problem. Both sides have people who will stick up for their side and put their own side in it's place if they go too far. I think that's what I come here for. I like to answer silly questions and even though I'm an atheist I get some enjoyment in picking on stupidity from the atheist side too. In fact I think I enjoy it more. :D

    We probably shouldnt think of the 2 as sides to begin with though. It creates that group think abomination that we like to accuse our opposition of :D

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I wasn't always a Christian. Eventually words changed me. So yes, that's who I am actually here to reason with. I know that God doesn't want everybody, so I'm banking on the rare chance there is someone who is actually and honestly seeking God and the truth out. And hopefully, I'm able to express it right.

  • 7 years ago

    There is no "war" between believers and non believers. There are, however, plenty of wars between Christians and Christians, Christians and Jews, Christians and Moslems, Moslems and Jews, Moslems and Moslems, Moslems and Hindus, Hindus and Hindus, Hindus and Sikhs etc etc etc. Being atheist is to belong to one of the few groups not trying to slaughter everyone else.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    "To atheists: If you just accepted that some people believe, why does it seem to me like you are tirelessly searching?"

    When the death threats, forcing beliefs as law, anti-intellectual and downright dishonesty (creation "science" crap), killing your children (faith healers), disowning your children (that has a different belief), burning people alive (still happening overseas), pretending they own marriage (gay rights), terrorism (Christian and Islamic) et. al. stop I assure you there wouldn't be so much hostility.

    Just believing is one thing. But what Christians do is far, far worse and I assert is inhuman and anti-progressive.

    Notice no other religious group besides Christianity and Islam is like this and has no real hostility from atheists. Crap like the above is why.

    That is, Christians and Islam brought the hostility on themselves and has no one to blame.

  • 7 years ago

    There is no war. I'm a Christian. Not one? good for you. Not one and don't want me to be one either? Make your case, Show me the nail in the coffin. The one concrete and directly observable fact that blows any and all Gods out of the water.

    Source(s): Christian
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