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What do you think of a fairly new pastor getting into a shouting match with one of the church officers?

What do you think of a fairly new church pastor getting into a shouting match with one of the church officers at a general church business meeting where the two of them are shouting, "You're a liar!" "No, you're a liar!" back and forth?

11 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I see not much respect for the new Pastor unless he isn't listening. Neither one of them should know each other well enough to call each other that word. Perhaps the meeting was started and not sincerely prayed over for the will of God and the Holy Spirit to be present there. The bible says that a soft answer turns away wrath and from how you mentioned both sides neither holding their peace or remembering the word of God as the bridge that spans the gap between the flesh and the spirit. It looks like the two of them weren't properly prepared. The Holy Spirit was grieved when each person called each other called each other a word that represents sin. And a sin that is stated in the bible that keeps a person from entering into heaven if not repented of. Perhaps one or both sides of the argument failed to keep God in mind while this meeting took place. The the Apostle Paul mentioned in one of his letters to a church that he founded that he heard that there was a disagreement between two women that was causing a problem with the peace and order of the entire church. He mentioned that it was important to get this thing resolved quickly before division and strife would cause irrefutable damage and would soon be showing the unsaved that they are supposed to be attracting with the love with one accord they were supposed to be reflecting out to the world. If they can't get over their differences then there needs to be two to four more from the elders of the congregation to see to this matter and discuss it and see what the problem is. Then take it to the word of God and pray about the problem and then pray for the two who are at a difference. The peace of Christ is supposed to be upon each of them. If these two cannot come to a decision and also apologize to each other with the love of Christ that he commanded each and ever one of us to have for each other. Then you have a bigger problem. Because if neither are cooperating with what is the truth and needs to be done in order to edify the church properly and edify the possession of the Holy Spirit in each one of them. Because someone here isn't cooperating and is in rebellion if they will not fall in line according to the word of God (which is supposed to be the priority for accessing the proper answer and authority over this matter) Where there is rebellion you will find the spirit of witch craft. In witchcraft you will find that it is used to control another against his or her will. The problem may have started with the other pastor leaving for what ever reason there was. On one side you have a froward officer that has been there longer and knows about what has been going on for as long as he has been there. On the other side you have a new pastor who knows how things in the church should be and may be trying to fix them or he is trying to bring something in. What ever the problem is and how big that it is, it won't be resolved unless the Holy Spirit is at the head of these meetings and counted upon in faith to help resolve the issue. Maybe its just the flesh on both sides and it could be that the pastor is having problems with this church officer trying to keep thing his way. The major problem is that disagreement and flesh with a little bit of pride thrown in the works shows that there was another influence there crept in unaware. And it may have been at other meetings. Acknowledge God and His word and repent sincerely. Be of one spirit and one accord. There must be an agreement of having all things common. And most important. The priority of knowing who your first love is.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    It sounds like there are a lot of big egos going on there. :eyeroll:

  • Joel V
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I have no opinions concerning a hypothetical situation.

    Did this really happen? If so, when did it happen, and where? Who were involved? What church, in what city? Was it recorded? Who witnessed this exchange of words?

  • 7 years ago

    I'd think he is human, with the same frailties and flaws other humans have.



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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    sounds a bit scary, and a little entertaining.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    But.. christians don't lie

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    sounds like both of them are liars,

    seems like a good place to learn about ultimate truth.....NOT.!

    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    That they're both acting like babies.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    They were probably arguing over who had banged the most parishioners.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    LIARS calling LIARS LIARS... how original ;)


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