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If hell is an eternal punishment, then why does hell deliver up the dead which are in it?

If hell is an eternal punishment, then why does hell deliver up the dead which are in it?

Why are they then judged a second time?

Perhaps hell is not a place of punishment, but rather the resting place for all who have died and this will be the resurrection of the just & unjust that the Bible speaks of.

What are your thoughts on this?

Revelation 20:13 (King James Version)

"And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works."

12 Answers

  • 😌
    Lv 6
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes sir. Let em know. Lol. I like this question, The thought on Hell is being exposed for what it really is. :-)

    Source(s): Praise Jehovah Always.
  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    We know for sure the concept of a fiery eternal torture chamber is the product of a demented mind. It is based on the idea Satan told the truth when he told Eve at Genesis 3:4 "You will not die".

    The Bible defines hell as the grave. And a resurrection will empty hell. And no one of these will ever go back to a hell as hell will be destroyed.

    Bottom Line

    No one can spend eternity in a place that is destined to be destroyed.

    The lake of fire in Rev 20 is in fact not literal by symbolizes eternal destruction.

  • carl
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Regarding Hades or hell, it should be pointed out that this does not refer to hell in the strict sense (hell of the damned), but to Sheol (Greek: Hades), the name the Jews gave to the gloomy abode of the dead. In the cosmology of Israel, this is the gloomy underworld where the spirits of men sink down after death to await the final Judgment. It is also the dwelling of infernal spirits that crawl up to bring death, destruction, and deception into the world of the living. Christ has authority over this realm because he holds the keys to the abyss and can order angels and demons to lock and unlock it at his discretion.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    There's plenty of hell on earth (In the world)

    The biggest mistake we make is thinking that what happens in the world is the will of God.

    John 7:7

    The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me because I testify of it that its works are evil.

    Epistle to Jude 1:4 (to this condemnation)



    What do we think Hell really is?

    Old Testament (Hebrew) - Sheol is just the grave.

    New Testament (Greek) - Hades is just the grave.

    If you were taught that it is an eternal burning fire, stoked by Satan, please realize that the Bible says at Revelation 20:10, Revelation 20:13, 14, and Revelation 21:8 that Hades and Satan are both destroyed.

    No Satan+No Hades, means there is no eternal burning hellfire.


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  • Fitz
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Mistranslation. The lake of fire and 'Sheol' are not the same thing. Ask any Jew. 'Sheol' translates as 'grave' ... not as 'hell'. Since Jesus comes to judge the 'living and the dead' the dead were ... in 'Sheol'.

    There is some debate over the translation of the lake of fire as well ... but I'll leave that for another time.

    Source(s): atheist
  • We have to look at the whole bible!

    But here's good for thought - so there's a place for everlasting life why not a place for everlasting death!?

    Have you not read about the rich man and Lazarus? Have you not read Jesus words in Matthew chapter 18 where he says it is better to enter life crippled or maimed than to have two hands or feet and go to hell and better to have one eye and enter into life than be "thrown into the fire of hell".

    In mark 9 he actually says it's better to "pluck your eye out" than be thrown into hell!

    So if hell is just the grave where we are unconscious why would it matter if we had one or two eyes or hands or feet!? Yet Jesus says better to live for ever with one eye one hand and one foot than go to hell! I mean that would be dreadful living forever crippled or maimed and the pain of plucking your own eye out and cutting off your own hand and foot is kind of barbaric yet Jesus recommends this to be better than hell! Where the "fire is not quenched" Mark 9:48

    Trouble is as well as God being love He is also just. He can't be unfaithful to His word so no matter how much people twist scripture for their own comfort hell still exists! But you see you can avoid hell by being born again and accepting Jesus as your Saviour.

    John3:16 God so loved the world He have His only begotten son that WHOSOEVER would BELIEVE on Him would not perish but have eternal life

    What did Jesus come to save us from? Eternity with the devil forever! But it's your choice. I would rather be me and be wrong than be you and be wrong!!

    But as for me I am saved I am purchased the the blood of the Lamb forgiven redeemed made whole made righteous because He took my place when He died on the cross He took the punishment I deserve so I can be free! Wow! Get born again - I tell you it's the BEST thing you will EVER do and eternal life in all it's fulness will start right at that moment!

    Jesus loves you but He won't force you to accept Him as Saviour! Get out of religion ASAP it will destroy you x

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    All will be judged on the final day, both the Living and the Dead.

  • User
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Unfortunately for us moderns, in the time of King James "Hell" was a pretty good English translation of the Greek word "hades" which (in the Bible) always has the meaning "land of the dead". (The only other meaning that the word had in Biblical times - "god of the dead" - is never used in the Bible.)

    However: in modern English, "Hell" no longer has as one of its primary meanings "land of the dead".

    This is why almost all modern English Bible translations (only one exception I know) render the Greek word "hades" as "Hades" rather than as "Hell". The Greek word "hades" simply does not mean the same thing as the word "Hell" in modern English.

    Make no mistake: 400 years ago the word "Hell" did not ONLY mean "land of the dead". It *also* meant "land of fiery, eternal torment". However: in modern English the meaning "land of the dead" is no longer associated with the word "Hell", and this is reflected in almost all modern English translations of the Bible.

  • 7 years ago

    This is why it is important to know the difference between "sheol" / "hades", "gehenna", tartaroo, and the lake of fire.

    A lot of confusion w/regards to the nature of eternal punishment has been made by inserting "hell" where "grave" or "holding place" might be better.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Translator laziness. First hell is after death,

    holding place, second is after judgment.

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