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Christian Fundamentalists, please answer: do you believe that all species of animals + veggies were created during?

do you believe that all species of animals and vegetation were created during that first "week" mentioned in Genesis in the Bible? In other words, all the species of beings that are now on earth were created at the very beginning? (I'm just trying to figure out something about what you believe.)

If not, what do you believe? Thanks.

10 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    No, I believe creatures were 're-created' after their kind (Genus) based on the best balance of fauna from the previous generation of the earth (most of which died out during the Younger Dryas ice age). Natural selection as an adaptive response resulted in the formation of greater diversity (new species) within the various existing kinds (Genus)

    I believe, and the most current observational and experimental evidence supports, there are biological limits that prevent variation at or above the level of Genus in the taxonomic tree. While variation within a Genus (or body plan) is within the scope of genes (protein coding protions of the DNA) the actual body plan is in part mediated by intrinsic factors in the cytoplasm of the germ cell (called epigenes though none of the 40 so far identified epigenes is in any way similar in structure to DNA or RNA), and posibly the regulatory area of the Chromosome. Neither of which are subject to selection.

    Because of reproductive differences I am of the opinion that kind (Genus) in animals is probably more consistent with (Family) in plants and asexual reproducing organisms.

  • FROG E
    Lv 7
    7 years ago


  • 7 years ago

    spaghetti and meatballs with a salad, couldn't be better. genesis #1

  • 7 years ago

    Yes, but "yom" translated "day" also means "time period" meaning ages, aeons or a very long time.

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  • 7 years ago

    Hello friend wendalore, it will be nice to realize the same in a different perspective just to similar to the followings.

    For children we teach them that sun rises in the east and sets in the west as if our land is a flat body. That is apt because it fits to their level of understanding. But later when grown up they realize that earth spins and sun appears to rise and fall.

    Let us learn from another model.

    Suppose smoke is kept in a tightly closed pot and kept in a closed room. Now the pot is opened and smoke comes out and fill the entire room. Now the question is: Is the pot within smoke? or smoke within the pot? Both seem true. But the fact is smoke is only within the pot and it seems as if pot is within smoke. Same way you seem to be within this entire space but in reality this entire space has come out of you only.

    Such realization is to be for every one as they get the right education apart from getting a job.

    Thereafter no distractions due to different kind of religions or even due to atheists.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago


    Young Earth Creationists believe something similar to what you propose.

    Although it may be true that most Fundamentalist Christians are Young Earth Creationists (I'm not sure if it is or not), these things certainly are not true:

    - all Fundamentalist Christians are Young Earth Creationists

    - all Young Earth Creationists are Fundamentalist Christians

    You'll find at least a few Young Earth Creationists in almost every Christian sect - even those that don't teach such things.

    - Jim, Fundamentalist Christian, not a Young Earth Creationist

  • 7 years ago

    To Nikki, Spaghetti with meatballs and a salad may be tasty, but your statement of how good they are to eat does not answer my question.

    If you are going to refer to the Flying Spaghetti Monster, you need to refer to its dogma, not to a meal that contains spaghetti.

    I don't know what its dogma is, so if you had really answered my question from the Pastafarian point of view, it would have been interesting.

    The way you did answer it, not so much. I, too, have enjoyed this divine meal which, as you may know, should only be eaten on Fridays.

    I am looking for NEW information, I mean, new to me, and it's about whether certain people, or certain religions or creeds, who attempt to believe a "literal" view of the Bible, believe that the animals that were first created during that "Creation" period—that is described in Genesis in the Bible—the ones that were created before man, are still around now, looking and functioning exactly like they did the day, or period of time, that they were created.

  • 7 years ago

    What is a Christian Fundamentalist?

    Do you know I cannot find any of their churches?

    I can find Catholic, Protestant, SDA, Baptist, Methodist, JW and so on and so forth of churches, but no Christian Fundamentalist church... that I have seen anyways.

    Genesis1:1-31 - 6 days

    Day1: heavens[darkness over the deep] & earth[spirit over water]

    then God spoke: Light[Jn8:12, Prv8:22-31, Rev22:3]

    day2: sky

    day3: seas, dry land, plants, Eden

    day4: sun, moon, stars

    day5: sea mammals, fish, birds

    day6: beasts, cattle, that which creeps on land, man

    Genesis2:1-3 - the 7th Day

  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    God created life in the first six days

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    yes, all the kinds which translates approximately to families for the most part

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