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Lv 6
Myra asked in Arts & HumanitiesBooks & Authors · 7 years ago

For anyone who has read the book, "Not Cool" by Gutfeld...would love to hear your opinion...My review is "mixed"...?

2 Answers

  • Kojak
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Have not read the book.....not likely to....Gutfeld is a "shock" commentator....not much different than Ann Coulter....while they sometimes have an interesting view....their primary appeal seems to be the manner of expression rather than the content....

    EXAMPLE Gutfeld said....: President Obama hot liking FOX news is like the football quarterback not liking the only cheerleader who wont sleep with him".....cute but hardly pithy or enlightened.... his forte seems to be his manner of expressing his views not his insight

  • Myra
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    I thoroughly agree...he's a little "over the fringe" in his "spin"...I got sucked into purchasing his book after listening to an interview. It intrigued me enough to buy & read. I liked the sound of his apparent "values" and "priorities". A big disappointment...he professes to be one thing, and comes across differently...don't waste your money! It waters down to common sense issues & solutions.

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