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MTR 2.0 asked in Social ScienceGender Studies · 7 years ago

What is a way to increase the effectiveness in prosecuting rape cases?

Assuming that you live in a society in which the overwhelming majority of people do not commit rape.

And assuming that you live in a culture that values justice for those that are victims of a crime...including rape.

As well as considering the forensic difficulty in providing evidence to any reasonable doubt that a rape has occurred.

What are some reasonable things that a society which values equality under the law by the presumption of innocence for all those accused of a crime can do which would be productive in making prosecution of rape more effective and reliable?

7 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am a rape victim - twice. I can tell you right now, I will never report rape again. The system is sooo cruel to rape victims. If prosecutors want to prosecute more rapists -- stop allowing the system to treat its victims like scum. The guy last guy who raped me got 40 years. He confessed, plus there was tons of evidence.

    I think that some women falsely accuse men, which is a shame. BUT -- train cops and advocates to be nicer to victims and to SEARCH for evidence. Too many rape victims are discounted by the police and cops don't search for evidence. Too, many women are afraid of not being believed and don't come forward because of that. It's painful enough to be raped, but to have cops tell you they don't believe you is a stab to someone already hurting. Cops need to be objective. They should not walk into an investigation making "assumptions" -- let the evidence in the end speak for itself.

    Treat potential victims and potential perps with respect and dignity. The system works a lot better that way. The true victim and perp will show itself that way. More rape victims will come forward that way too. More people coming forward is the key to more convictions, but it all starts with the way the police approach it!!!!!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    The defendant cannot have an alibi, obviously. There needs to be signs of a struggle. DNA that proves intercourse actually happened. Victims sexual promiscuity cannot be omitted. A witness that saw the people together could never hurt, and/or video capture of the two at some point within a reasonable time length before the rape occurred. And motive.

    And that's the closest you'll get to unreasonable doubt. Anything less than that gives me reasonable doubt, and I would put not guilty in the ballot.

  • Johnny
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    We could start a permanent quasi trial sitting in each city that brings all men before it and asks them to prove that they aren't a rapist. If they can't prove that they haven't raped someone or thought about raping someone in the past then we can black mark them.

    Following on from that if you come before the trials and are shown to have associated with men who have already been black marked then you will be presumed guilty unless you provide further evidence against those already black marked and denounce your ties to them.

    Those who receive black marks can be assigned to live a life of supporting women to pay for their crimes. We could build some complexes to house them in and only let them out during the day to attend work and earn money to give to women. Those who have not been black marked can stay in society but be put on a potential sex offenders watch list where they can be recalled before the trials without notice.

    I would suggest that we get a reputable organization who has skills in this sort of justice to run the trials. National Organization of Women would be my first choice as they have been the forerunners in recognizing that all men are rapists in one way or another.

  • 7 years ago

    Capital punishment, delivered on the spot. Prosecuting costs tax payers as well as a disgusting amount of money going to attorneys and housing a prisoner. Our justice system needs a serious overhaul

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  • 7 years ago

    Investing in the development of better technology in which to analyze body damages.

    Oh, wait, that's "misogynistic". We should just lock up every man on a woman's word instead.

    Source(s): Newly converted male feminist
  • Lhotse
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Removing blame from the victim would go a long way towards increasing rape convictions.

    Victims would be more inclined to report if they knew they weren't going to be grilled over what they were wearing, or whether they'd had a drink with their attacker earlier in the evening, or whatever.

    And juries would be more inclined to convict if lawyers were not allowed to paint the victim as "asking for it" or "deserving it".

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Surveillance audio/video on every every street corner, and in every household.

    For the greater good.

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