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rsc3033 asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 7 years ago

Liberals, what would you do?

Liberals, if we could make it happen that you get everything you want, total control. What exactly would you like done? What would the society look like if you had complete control? Would you send your children to war to protect that society? Is it a world thing, or just our country, either Canada or the USA? Just the major issues, I guess, nothing too detailed. But what would life be like if you had complete control of the laws and regulations? What would taxes be? Your answer should be something possible, not something like world peace or eternal life. I am sincerely curious what you would like done.

9 Answers

  • L.T.M.
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ever see the Nanny Cam videos with the abusive nannies shaking the babies? That's the left in full control. Don't let them fool you.

  • 7 years ago

    Raise the top marginal tax rate and cut the defense budget and close foreign bases to balance the budget, grow the economy and strengthen the middle class. Rebuild infrastructure and create more shovel ready jobs. Immigration reform to let immigration judges give green cards to those who are a benefit to the US and deport criminals quickly on a case by case basis. Enforce Anti-trust laws to prevent corporations from becoming too big to fail, and help small business. Better social safety net and single payer health insurance. Encourage Bi-partisan cooperation and compromise. Cut the influence of corporate and special interest lobbyists by eliminating private financing of political campaigns. If I could do only one, the last is the most important since it is the most necessary to prevent oligopoly and restore democracy.

  • 7 years ago

    Typical liberal answers on most. No real ideas or methods of accomplishing what they want. No one mentioned abortion, or gay rights, racism, women's equality, and all the typical liberal propaganda.

    One guy was just out right rude. I asked a simple question, and really one or two gave an answer to the question.

    But it was typical. Higher taxes, free health care, and damn the corporations.

    The one guy with the list was banning almost everything. I am not sure I would want to live in a country with all that restriction. Anyway, thanks for the answers.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I wouldn't worry about it. You don't need to ask this. Just let it go. You're freaking out a little too much.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Reinstate progressive taxation.

    Increase government spending on infrastructure, education, science, and technology.

    Ban complex financial products.

    Break up the banks.

    Reinstate the Glass-Steagle act, only make it tougher.

    Close the "revolving door" between government and big business.

    Ban corporate involvement in politics.

    Ban all but public funding for political campaigns (no corporations, unions, special interest groups, churches, or private citizens).

    Institute term limits for congressman and senators.

    Institute an age of mandatory retirement for congressman, senators, and supreme count justices.

    Pass FDR's Second Bill of Rights.

    Recognize the authority of the International Court of Justice.

    Abolish the Uniform Code Justice

    Abolish and expunge the idea of corporate personhood.

    Ban corporate news media.

    Ban reality TV.

    Have religious indoctrination correctly labeled as child abuse, and ban it. Children should be allowed to chose their own religion once they reach the age of reason.

    Ban infant circumcision.

    Ban the ownership of military style weapons by private citizens, and confiscate and destroy every single one in private hands (I'd give the owners one time tax breaks for cooperating).

    Adopt an education system based on the British and German models.

    Ban public vouchers for private and charter schools.

    Demilitarize all police departments.

    Require all police officers to wear cameras to discourage them from using undue force.

    Add an amendment to the constitution banning all involvement by religious organizations in government, and visa versa as long as they don't hurt or abuse anyone. This involvement would also make it clear that "Freedom of Religion" requires that "Freedom FROM Religion" be respected.

    Remove "in god we trust" from all federal and state documents.

    Cut "defense" spending to about 35-45% of the current level. Close all foreign military bases; except in countries that REALLY want us to stay, in which case THEY'LL have to pay US to stay. Reduce our military's manpower to around 500,000 soldiers (about 25% the current number). Cut the Navy to 100 ships. And merge the Marine Corps with the Army.

    Commit America to total nuclear disarmament. Donald Rumsfeld said awhile back that those weapons are useless anyway.

    Replace the minimum wage with a living wage so it was chained to productivity and inflation.

    Limit executive pay to no more than 5 times the LOWEST wage paid by the company.

    Ban executive bonuses and compensation.

    Set the estate/death tax to 85% WITH OUT EXCEPTION.

    Remove the "tax exempt" status from professional sports leagues and religious organizations.

    Make most white collar crime capital offenses with life in prison set as the baseline sentence.

    Universal socialized healthcare, of course, implemented at the federal level so state governments have no say over it's institution.

    Nationalize the entire fossil fuel industry and BAN American coal and oil exports.

    Increase the federal budget for prosecuting white collar crime by 1000 fold.

    Give the EPA massively more funding and serious teeth.

    Have Grover Norquest tried for sedition and treason.

    Adopt European standards for car safety and emissions.

    Overturn all state laws banning same-sex marriage and legalize it at the federal level.

    Legalize marijuana, LSD, and medical grade MDMH for recreational use at the federal level.

    End the domestic spying programs, and destroy all the equipment and stored data. Prosecute the people responsible.

    Grant statehood to Washington DC and Puerto Rico.

    Force state governments to cooperation with the federal government, using the food, water, power, and money they get from the federal government as a carrot.

    Promote cooperatives as replacements for corporations.

    Abolish all tax breaks and corporate subsidies.

    Put public transit in every city larger than 20,000 people.

    I can think of a few more things, but you get the picture and I want to go to bed.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    "Take, Lord, and receive all my liberty, my memory, my understanding, and all my will, all that I have and possess. You have given them to me; to you, O Lord, I restore them; all things are yours, dispose of them according to your will. Give me your love and your grace, for this is enough for me." (Prayer of Ignatius of Loyola, 1491-1556)

    Daily Quote from the early church fathers: Walk as Christ has walked, by Caesarius of Arles (470-543 AD)

    "When the Lord tells us in the Gospel that anyone who wants to be his follower must renounce himself, the injunction seems harsh; we think he is imposing a burden on us. But an order is no burden when it is given by one who helps in carrying it out. To what place are we to follow Christ if not where he has already gone? We know that he has risen and ascended into heaven; there, then, we must follow him. There is no cause for despair—by ourselves we can do nothing, but we have Christ’s promise... One who claims to abide in Christ ought to walk as he walked. Would you follow Christ? Then be humble as he was humble. Do not scorn his lowliness if you want to reach his exaltation. Human sin made the road rough. Christ’s resurrection leveled it. By passing over it himself, he transformed the narrowest of tracks into a royal highway. Two feet are needed to run along this highway; they are humility and charity. Everyone wants to get to the top—well, the first step to take is humility. Why take strides that are too big for you—do you want to fall instead of going up? Begin with the first step, humility, and you will already be climbing." (excerpt from SERMONS 159, 1.4–6)

  • 7 years ago

    I do not want control I want economic security and freedom for all.

  • 7 years ago

    NO MORE MEDIA! Let people make their own decisions and not be influenced by TV!

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Silly, it would be Heaven. You haters would be gone.

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