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Lv 6

Is man's existence after the fall from grace a sin in itself?

13 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    It's not man's existence that is a 'sin', it's his 'sinful nature'.

    Basically, a long time ago someone noticed that when left to their own devices the vast majority of people are selfish, greedy, lustful, etc. etc.

    The concept of 'gods' had already been established to explain various natural phenomena (including the existence of mankind). They were assigned certain attributes 'all-powerful', 'all-knowing', 'all-wise', etc. - and as the followers of the competing 'gods' upped the ante again and again, people were eventually left claiming that their 'god' was 'perfect'.

    This left one untied shoestring though - how could 'god' be perfect, and humans be made in 'his' (because of course they inferred a male god) image, and yet be so fundamentally flawed?

    It's similar to the (typically intended as a red herring) question that people toss out in here about how god could simultaneously be all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving, etc. and allow untold numbers of children to be raped and abused.

    Eventually, the person/people doing the reasoning back then came up with the idea that we must have somehow been responsible for the situation we find ourselves in - and the rest is a bloody mess of history.

  • 7 years ago

    There's a big difference between being in a condition of sin and our existence itself being sinful. Since Christ came into this world to redeem sinners, those in a condition of sin (aka everyone), then we see that our existence isn't sin, but that our natural condition prior to salvation is a most chronic condition of sin in the eyes of God.

    And it's not really just existence we're talking about, it's life! A rock exists, but it doesn't live.

    Furthermore, if life were a sin, then suicide or suicide by cop would be the best answer. Thanks be to God, this isn't what we're called to.

    To sum up: Existence is good. Life is good. The putting of anything or anyone else before God within life, which is good, is the sin part.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    No, of course not. 'Sin' was invented.

    Our existence is not wrong or abominable. We have a purpose here, to be kind to others and make the world a better place. We are lucky to be conscious. Life is a gift, not a 'sin' or some disease.

    Source(s): God believer, not affiliated with religion.
  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    See, it's questions like this that only enforce the idea that religion poisons everything. You think mankind's existence is some kind of disease? What other way of thinking besides religious thinking can make someone come to that conclusion?

    No, our existence is not wrong, it is not a sin, and it's absurd to think that way.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    That's Original Sin in a nutshell.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Nope. The affection of God for fallen humanity was the the gift of clothing to Adam and Eve to decrease their shame.

    God has been friends with man. Israel's experience of this is transmitted in the stories of Abraham and Moses.

    Because God is friends and give gifts to fallen humanity you can reasonably conclude that existence in a fallen state is not a personal sin.

    There are other concepts of sin that might be applied to the human condition, but to conclude that it can be reduced to existing is too far to go.

  • 7 years ago

    Sin is defined as an offense to God, something that God finds offensive.

    Human beings are God's children. Their existence could never be a sin, because God created us and God does not make mistakes.

  • 7 years ago

    No. If God had not wanted man to exist, man would not exist today.

    You were created for God's pleasure. Revelation 4:11

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    It's a sign of God's incompetence...

  • 7 years ago

    Life is very precious and God has provided a way to escape the hold and consequences of sin which leads to death or suffering.

    Sin is a common-to-all attitude of mind that makes us inclined to make our own self number one in importance. To place God first in our lives and to consider the needs and feelings of others before our own are learned attitudes. If we fail to learn these higher values which are supposed to be a feature of civilization, humans sink to the level of jungle law - which basically at its lowest level is - kill or be killed. Violence and barbarism, is a outcome of sin, such evil is not far from the human soul and daily, we see strong evidence of this in the News.

    The motivation of the radical Islamic terrorists is seriously unspiritual for they are operating at a very low level of grotesque behaviour arising from the sick belief that all those who are different from themselves are scum bags, which gives their hard corrupted minds and hearts, license to kill, torture and abuse.

    The gospel message is that even if we learn good and noble attitudes we still fall far short of our maker's requirements, for sin in the beginning broke our contact and intimacy with God. Our life flows from God, and so does spiritual eternal Life, but we lost this - God wants to plant it back into our spirit and soul, a process called the New Birth.

    God's remedy for sin was the provision of a Saviour to save us from the futility of a self-focused life and to reconcile us to God. he suffered for the sin of the world he met torture and death but overcame both, on our behalf! God's repair job is the work of the Holy Spirit which God sent into the world (as part of himself) to bless those who humbly seek for God, his forgiveness and spiritual Truth.

    We can become members of God's Kingdom now on earth and experience the joys of Heaven - even now we may enjoy a kind of taster of the pure Love and untainted Joys that are to come! Praise God!

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