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Can someone explain what the ice bucket challenge exactly does?

So i know it's to raise awareness for people with ALS, but the challenge says if you don't do the challenge you have to donate $100...Wouldn't the $100 be more helpful than the actual challenge itself..I don't get it..


I understand the whole afford thing but i see kids buying sneakers and other things for $100 but can't donate for a fundraiser..

3 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The challenge is to raise awareness for ALS. If you get nominated you can either poor ice cold water on yourself AND donate $10 or pay $100. Most people forget about the $10 you are obligated to pay if you dump water in yourself. The foundation needs to get money somehow.

  • Alan
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Not everyone can afford $ it is the aspect of being a part in this fundraiser that also adds to its popularity.

  • 33Q
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Hi Trish T,

    Click the link below for more info. Hope that helps. God bless.

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