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Favorite Answers16%
  • Comments on the VIPRE anti-virus/anti-spyware software?

    I've seen it being presented on HSN (Home Shopping Network), offering affordable Lifetime protection for 2 to 3 computers, and received 3.6 out of 5 star ratings. I've read it is the software the US government uses, but would like to get feedback or suggestions on it. Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersSecurity10 years ago
  • This message shows when I use Google chrome:?

    When I access my Yahoo email account on Google chrome, this message shows in a secondary window:

    "Your profile could not be opened correctly.

    Some features may be unavailable. Please check that the profile exists and you have permission to read and write its contents."

    What does it mean, and how do I solve this? I know that I have permission to read and write in my own existing profile. Thanks in advance. God bless

    1 AnswerGoogle10 years ago
  • When I turn on my computer, (I have Windows 7 Home Premium) this message has been showing up ...?

    Configuring Windows Updates

    0% complete

    Do not turn off your computer

    (With a spinning circle icon)

    It takes a few minutes , then it shows this message:

    Failure configuring Windows Updates

    Reverting Windows Changes

    Then it starts as usual. I've been noticing that I didn't have these messages before.

    Is this normal? What do I do to fix it? Thanks in advance for your help. God bless!

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • What does it mean when I access Facebook and it says "Service Unavailable - DNS failure"?

    I restart my computer and I still can't access Facebook. Please help

    25 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago

    or are we really the inferior ones, adding to the destruction of the very planet we live on?

    20 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • are there any international airport luggage content restrictions ?

    I am gonna travel from Hawaii to the philippines and from philippines back to hawaii, and was wondering if there are any restricted items that i cant carry back from the philppines to hawaii.

    I couldnt access any info on the web. If any one knows any sites or info, please let me know

    thank you and God bless...

    1 AnswerPacking & Preparation1 decade ago
  • POLL; TO LOVE or TO BE LOVED? (explain ur answer)?

    That is the question

    God bless us, everyone.

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • ?:1< do u prefer a long detailed question OR a short brief question? & 2>>>?


    2>>> do u prefer answers to be long and detailed OR a short answer?

    I just wanted 2 know, since i am both an asker and an answerer of questions, just curious w/ preferences. then i will take your answers into consideration the next time i ask/answer a question.

    God bless u.

    1 AnswerYouTube1 decade ago
  • poll: Are cds/dvds going to be obsolete in the future or will there be a comeback?

    i also have a secondary question; SHOULD I KEEP/SELL MY DVDS AND CDS/

    I know with technology , everything is all on the web, still i am new w/ computers, and from time to time, still play my library of cds/dvds. Contemplating whether to keep some or sell a majority (about 75%). Still, vinyl has "come" and "gone", yet there are purists who still swear by that format.

    With cds, there is still the factor of the cd booklet and pix. I still have a Bose cd system.

    with dvds, thru the years, i have amassed quite a bit, and i know theres the possibility and probability of watching thru the internet.

    so please help a tech newbie, w/ comments suggestions, etc...GOD BLESS

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Is buying those pre-packaged computers on those shopping channels a good idea?

    I am borrowing this laptop from my friend right now, and would like to get one of my own. considering buying from SHOPNBC, HOME SHOPPING NETWORK (HSN), QVC. They often have deals with the printer, the computer, software and accessories included. I know there are the best buy stores, the walmarts kmarts costco to buy from but don;t u have to buy the software separately and in the end if that was the place i were to buy them from?

    I don't really need much of software, yet i feel might as well get a good deal. suggestions and feedback on this.

    also, this popped into my head, is getting the biggest screen (about a 17) laptop better in the long run, thinking of either a 15 or 17"...

    God bless. Please reply quickly as I am not sure when my friend will need this borrowed computer back.

    2 AnswersOther - Electronics1 decade ago

    1. what %AGE do you think the 'ASKERS' are genuine? (vs. fake)

    genuine ; 'really honest w/ their questions VS

    fake; asking just to get laughs, for entertainment, etc...

    2. What %age do u think the 'ANSWERERS" are genuine? (vs. fake)

    genuine: they really care to help the person and answer honestly VS..

    fake: answering w/ wise-*** and/or rude comments.

    u can also explain/comment on how you derived the %ages..

    by the way, i am asking this 100% genuine , and would appreciate 100% genuine answerers..

    GOD BLESS U...

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • what do u do to help u sleep at night when u can't sleep?

    List and explain why for each...thank u and God bless u...

    6 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • CATHOLICS --How many of u say the Rosary daily, i have ???....?

    i say the rosary daily except on Sunday (i just go to church or watch a mass on tv), I sometimes encounter times when i feel like im busy to say the rosary due to being busy or 'JUST DONT FEEL LIKE IT', yet i feel guilty. i know i cant be perfect and say it 6x a week , but if i 'skip' saying it i feel my conscience telling me u can say the rosary it only takes 15 minutes, and whats 15 min compared to having all the time to do other things.

    id like to know if other catholics feel the same, say the rosary daily but if sometimes something happens and they skip a day or two, i guess its like exercising, just do it and do it before u find an excuse to say no, right/

    feedback, suggestions, comments , etc.... please.....


    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • should i return this pleather "PVC" jacket, not sure..?

    im undecided if i should return a fake leather jacket, because everytime i use it, i sweat (the fabric doesnt breathe), yet when u think about it, a real leather jacket would cost more ( got the jacket at about $40 at macy's, still have the tags on...Been looking online for comparable leather jackets, and the ones that have that assymetrical zipper motocycle jacket style run from $100 and up, and the really nice ones are $200..i am wishy washy if i should just bear the sweating and wear it on cold days or return the jacket, and get a real genuine one, im assuming leather would "breathe' more. i do like the style of the jacket i have, so anyone w/ fashion sense have any opinions...

    maybe i should just keep the pleather jacket and get a real leather one? ADVISE ME!!

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago