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Why do liberals love such men as Linin, Stalin, paul pot and Saddam Hussien?

10 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I though clearly about this question. . . . Now, I am no liberal. . . . I am a Constitutionalist. . . . But nowadays, I try to avoid questions! But it totally bother me when people mispronounce names in history! I think you meant Pol Pot, and Lenin! Now you have Stalin correct. Now they like a man with the name Hussein in it (i.e. Barry Soetoro. . . Oops! I again meant Barack HUSSEIN Obama) But as for the common street liberal, they probably would not like either of those men!

    Now, I know for a fact, that staunch "Progressives" idolize Karl Marx, Lenin, Mao, Ho Chi Min, and Che! If you need the proof, go to the archives and look up Occupy Wall Street protest! Do a Google search and look at some of the photos and look closely and see what banners and flags are being flown!

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Really is that how you spell Lenin? Umm someone is a bit too dense to be posting a question like this. You need to think about getting an education! You're extremely stupid! LMFAO! Hahahaha hahahahahah hahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahah!

    You're such a stupid F*U*C*K!

    Hahahaha hahahahahah hahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahah!

    Hahahaha hahahahahah hahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahah!

    Hahahaha hahahahahah hahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahah!

    Hahahaha hahahahahah hahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahah!

    Hahahaha hahahahahah hahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahah!

    Hahahaha hahahahahah hahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahah!


    Hahahaha hahahahahah hahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahah!

    Hahahaha hahahahahah hahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahah!

    Hahahaha hahahahahah hahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahah!

    What a F*U*C*K*ING IDIOT!

    Hahahaha hahahahahah hahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahah!

    Hahahaha hahahahahah hahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahah!

    Hahahaha hahahahahah hahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahah!

    Attachment image
  • 7 years ago

    In my view liberals have an aversion to free and independent thinking.They yearn for the father figure to do it for them and tell them what is good for them.

    I can sit and watch the news and whenever I see Obama, Kerry, Reid or Hillery make a statement Ican count on the liberals here and in the media echoing it.

  • 7 years ago

    Why do the Right love men like Augusto Pinochet, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini and Francisco Franco?

    It's an equally vacuous question to yours.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • whats your evidence that every single lib on this planet Earth loves linin stalin "paul pot" and saddam "hussien"

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Didn't Paul Pot win XFactor ?I believe he has had his teeth fixed now.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Pol Pot. good god man at least get your troll on right.

  • Bob K
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Why do I picture dueling banjos?

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    good men should loved.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Why do cons like a dick up their ***?

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