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Does anyone think it's a good idea to allow people to ask questions anonymously?

So far it just seems to lead to more troll questions and virtually no accountability.

8 Answers

  • Katz22
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, it seems, the anonymous feature wasn't a good idea.

    In theory to be able to ask questions anonymously looked like a good idea, in practice and adding the human behavior element into the equation, not a good idea.

    The anonymous feature was intended for users to ask uncomfortable questions, good idea.

    Many users are however abusing the feature and using it to troll the site and even stalk other users. The anonymous users can be reported for violations of community guidelines but some are clever and stay within the guidelines while still stalking.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    It's an interesting tool in getting an unbiased response in questions AND answers. I have been doing this for many years now and can see a very big difference in the reaction I get. Sometimes people will attack or agree just because they know your angle on things, an anonymous comment or question kills any preconceived notions about the person and elicits a more honest response IMO.

  • Grinch
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Trolls and troublemakers think it's a GREAT idea, obviously!

    The ability to ask (and answer) questions anonymously was something users had wanted and asked for over the years. So, we got what we wanted. But like MOST things users suggested/requested and got, the feature/option was not well thought out, and is being misused in ways that could easily have been foreseen.

    So it's yes-and-no. A good idea for those who use the option as it was intended, but definitely not for those who abuse it.

  • 7 years ago

    I don't, like everybody else has said. Most posters don't attack other people's questions/stalk others on this site. I've only had one---and they block everybody from responding to them, don't use their real life name anyways.

    It doesn't 'do' anything as far as protection or safety. For that, you'd have to reconfigure the block feature to it can only be used if a person keeps emailing you. in your email box---and stalkng/harassing you.

    Blocking somebody only because you don't like their answers should not be permitted under the revised rules. Posting questions to debate a prior question should not ether.

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  • Elym
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    No - we're All already anonymous here. If a member's given out personal info that lets others know who they are then it seems they've violated a few rules.

    The majority of members that are using the anonymous feature are trolls so YA enabling said feature only gave them another shiny toy to play with.

    It might be harder to report them, but I'm a person that studies others writing techniques and in most cases I know exactly who said 'blue spy' is.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I don't think many people think it was a good idea.

    It's a matter of observation that the intended purpose - to let people ask sensitive questions anonymously - is vastly outweighed by those using it to troll. Anyone of the least intelligence could have predicted that.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    No i don't,as this gives trolls another way to troll.

  • 7 years ago

    You can set your profile so that will not have so I see no need for Anonymous fact ...I avoid answering most "anonymous" questions

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