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From a conservative's point of view, and ignoring what happened after he left office wasn't George W. Bush the best president ever?

13 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    He just looks like the best President ever with what we have now.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Is this one of the myths circling around the liberal echo-chamber cesspool? That conservatives think Bush was a great or even the best president? It certainly has little basis in reality, like most things liberals "know" about conservatives or conservatism.

    Bush did so many non-conservative things that most conservatives don't even consider him a conservative. His belief in big government solutions to numerous issues (can you say "no child left behind") is 100% un-conservative. His Democrat-friendly immigration reform proposal that had amnesty first and border security as a down-the-road afterthought angered conservatives.

    Sorry, but liberals need to educate themselves about conservatives and conservative beliefs, and start using facts and reality to replace the myths, caricatures and stereotypes that define most of their beliefs.

  • 7 years ago

    What events happening after he left are you talking about? Regardless no, he was NOT the best president ever. Not even close. You have some misunderstandings of Bush you seem to be basing this on or you are just being facetious for some reason.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    No he is a terrorist.

    Source(s): Using his own terminology
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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    No, he wasn't the best president ever, not from this conservative's point of view. He did many things Obama is doing now, such as meddling in other countries affairs that don't really affect us. Acting as advisors is one thing, but all this needless fighting is another, which is costing us billions. He lied (like Clinton). He lied about the reason for war and the location of WMD. Making mistakes is one thing while in office, but lying to the American people is another. And, in 2007, when America was getting over the recession of the early part of the decade, he wanted to bring in another wave of Mexicans to add to the labor force. Another thing, I can't stand hypocrisy. The current republican party points fingers at the democrats but yet, they do the same thing in office, and so do the Democrats.

    Until we break this mold and politicians become accountable for their actions, the US will continue to slide. Other countries, such as the UK (where I also hold citizenship) have coalitions where parties work together. This be damned in America because it leads to shut downs.

    Source(s): American conservative who voted with his feet in 2005.
  • Kojak
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Would not say the "best ever" but he was better than any other president we had lately.... I think he was even better than least Bush's war was justified....Grenada was a farce

    THUMBS DOWN.... post your views....

    EXPATINASIA Childishly blocks comments so I will answer him here....Conservatives forget nothing... We know his mistakes and his courage.... and who are you fooling did not leave America because of Bush.... like most expatriates in Asia you left either for economics or sex....more nubile willing young Asians will date you there ( ibid "Andrew")

  • 7 years ago

    Good presidents don't leave the next with eleven million undocumented workers, in financial crisis, forty million uninsured citizens, an unpredictable Iraqi civil war, and the job of finishing off the worst terrorist in world history seven years after murdering 3,000 innocent Americans, from a patriotic point of view

  • Bill
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    I don't like him, but I doubt any president is aware of every single thing reported to CIA, or FBI, otherwise we wouldn't need either organization.

    Plus at the time the vast majority of Americans were in favor of going to war, it's our own damn fault we didn't realize it was pointless.

  • 7 years ago

    No, because Bush often did not govern as a Conservative. He enacted a big new prescription drug entitlement. He used hundreds of BILLIONS in taxpayer money to bail out Wall Street banks.

    Conservatives hate these things.

  • RJC
    Lv 7
    7 years ago will have those that are uninformed and state he ruined the economy but he did not pass the CRA and force banks to make toxic loans.

    They are also ignorant of the fact that Clinton struck Iraq first and all democrats voted for the Iraq war.

    If you run into one of these people that blame all on Bush you have bumped into someone totally ignorant of history and fact

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