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Jehovah Witness. Will you come to a Bible study with us at Church? Will your religion allow it?


so the answer from most is that they will not step into what they call "Babylon the Great" which is what they call the Christian Churches. Yet they will stay in what I call "the Anti-Christ" Oh but I am in error in identifying them as the Anti-Christ, but they are accurate in identifying the Christian Church as "Babylon the Great"

21 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    you do not understand what is jw.

    Offcourse, they will not: cus, how could they distribute the tons of leaflets they bought from the Org.??

  • 7 years ago

    People that study with different religions do so because they are searching for something that rings true with them.

    Are you convinced you know what the Bible teaches? I have a feeling you have some doubts about your beliefs.

    The reason I say this is that you act like studying with a different religion seems reasonable. If you are convinced you have the truth that would seem like the most ridiculous question.

    It's like this - i have learned how to divide. I say to myself 3 goes into 15 how many times? i can write it like this: 15÷3 or 15/3 the answer is 5. If someone came up to me and said I can teach you how to divide. You just put 15 into 3.

    Now, do I need to take lessons from this person? Do I need to continue the conversation? It would be a monumental waste of time if I did.

    Does my religion "allow" me to study with another religion? If my religion thought I needed lessons about the Bible from a different church it would be time to look for another religion. Quite frankly, it has never come up and the concept is so foreign I never even thought of it. I honestly can't imagine a scenario where that would happen.

    Even though you believe they teach lies?

    Also, if other religions want me to study with them why don't they come ask me? As for the people that I study with, I went to them and asked if they'd like to study and they accepted. I made the effort to go to people and share the Bible message. If you want me to study with you or consider your beliefs why don't you do as Jesus and the apostles and 1st century Christians did?

  • 7 years ago

    You seem to think that we were all BORN Jehovah's Witnesses.

    No, we have ALREADY been there - done that. We have come from ALL kinds of religions, Christian and otherwise.

    And why? Because we could see that they were not teaching the truth.

    The church I used to go to taught the trinity, hellfire, immortal soul, and it was ok to go kill your neighbor as long as it was called a war.

    Those things were enough for me to leave and decide to NEVER RETURN to ANY RELIGION that taught ANY of that.

    Does your church teach any of those things? I'm sure it does.

    And it does not matter if my religion did or did not allow - I PERSONALLY have seen it in the Bible myself that WAR is wrong. And the other things I mentioned. So no one has to allow me.


    Source(s): One of Jehovah's Witnesses
  • Micah
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    If we know the trinity is a lie, that hellfire is a lie and God is not a sadist and Christians do not vote for human leaders when we already have a perfect ruler named Jesus, and celebrating holidays based on pagan teachings is unacceptable and idolatry is a no no and that the immortal soul doctrine is a lie, and Christians do not join in the wars of nations and kill members of their own faith and we know Jehovah is Gods name but other religions despise it-----

    Pray tell, just what would you be able to teach us or study with us.

    Everything you teach we know is not found in the Bible.

    People that do leave your churches and study with us, find that out very quickly and before you know it, they become our spiritual brothers and sisters. They obeyed the Biblical command just as we did:

    Re 18:3-5

    because all the nations have drunk the wine of her rage of unchastity and the kings of the earth have debauched themselves with her and the merchants of the earth have grown rich out of the rush of her luxurious life.”

    And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come forth, my people, out of her, that ye have no fellowship with her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues:

    For her sins have massed together clear up to heaven, and God has called her acts of injustice.

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  • Suzy
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Most JW's came from the other Christian religions, I was Protestant. Why would I want to hear or study what they believe when I already know it is wrong?

  • TeeM
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    As it's been said: Most of us left 'your church' because of the untruth being taught in them.

    There are several 'churches' in my area who have instructed their members 'not to talk to us' so who is more afraid?

    From talking to members of all religions over the years, I have come to know what the different churches teach, more so than most of the members of that church.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    I don't recall saying anything about you though...Why in the world would I care what you call the Kingdom Hall? If it doesn't fit what I see, I'm not bothered by it, and it has no sting. On the other hand, Your question says alot. Just saying.

    Source(s): Praise Jehovah Always.
  • DP.
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    One can almost feel the retching and writhing this question has evoked.

    The JW answer reek of dexterous mental gymnastics.

    How quickly they dismiss your views without really knowing you or them. With such insight and wisdom they not only know your views but they have been to a place that held such views before! They know you're pork scratchings and they're prime steak!

    Curious then that they don't know these things and yet feel they do. Smacks of defensive training, naivety and arrogance.

    A great question to ask not because anyone with even a smattering of JW knowledge would not predict they give but because like the sheep they are they fell into giving the stupid answers that revealed their exuberant false piety laced with a huge helping of delusion and a plenty of preconceived rhetoric.

  • Brian
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    I already studied the Bible with Trinitarians. I found your teachings to be false and left it behind.

  • Rick G
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    What do you have that we have not already walked away from? The majority of us were Baptists, Catholics, Protestants, etc, and we found the teaches of our "mother church" to be lies and deceptions.

    There is nothing there that we would want any more. Like Paul said about his Jewish faith, a lot of refuse, (trash in the more modern terms.)

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