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? asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 7 years ago

Im finding it hard to stick to the paleo diet, why? Please help.?

Hi there.

I am in my early twenties and have been on the paleo diet for a week and a half now. I am on the paleo diet for my skin, trying to rid myself of acne, not to lose weight (I am already a good weight).

Anyway I am finding it quite hard to stick to the diet, its getting expensive buying fruit/veges everyday, the oils/flours are about double the price as "normal" oils/flours and I am finding I am cooking a lot more. Cooking isn't such a bad thing, I enjoy cooking, but when I wake up in the morning I don't eat until about 2pm after I have been to the supermarket. Yesterday I had some baked sweet potato fries, 3 bowls of soup for the entire day, and some water, that's it.

I used to eat a ton more food,now I am thinking "oh well I'll eat later, I don't want to spend too much money".

My skin is getting better slowly, however not as fast as I thought, so maybe food isn't the cause of my acne.

I am thinking about just skipping this diet and going back to what I was eating. I love bread, however now to make it it's going to cost me around $15-$20, compared to when I could buy a loaf for $4 before. I mean WTF.

Please help.

8 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    If you're eating paleo for acne elimination. Than you want to watch your nuts, oil and flour intake especially those which contain too much omega 6 fats because omega 6's in excess causes inflammation. You can make bread from flax seeds and or chia seeds which both have significant omega 3's which are anti-inflammatory and will help reduce redness and severity of acne in general.

  • James
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    This isn't a full answer, but just buy a lot of frozen green vegetables and some butter. Fry the frozen veg in butter and eat that. Throw in some free-range eggs and you have a cheap paleo meal.

  • 6 years ago

    120 Paleo Diet Recipes :

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I've tried literally every diet invented, gimmicks and all! I really hope you give this a shot, it's the only way that I was able to lose the weight and get support throughout the process! The key to losing and maintaining weight is to find a lifestyle you enjoy. Otherwise, you will jump from diet to diet, never to lose the weight which is VERY frustrating!! The way I did it was joined (free) .Super easy and you can do it for life, that was really important to me! I was introduced to it one day while logging on myfitnesspal. I absolutely LOVE it, it's so easy!! HSK gives you a "zero weight loss number" (based on your criteria) You either eat below your zero weight loss number to lose, at to maintain or above to's that simple! Tons of groups to join, I joined the low carb group called "AtkinsBound" but if that's not your gig then there are many other groups to join as well. They also have live daily chat and on Wednesdays, there's a scheduled chat for all HSK members to join in on (4-6 PM PST). Tons of recipes, tips and advice in whichever group you choose to join or you can incorporate your own diet into the program. I also walk, jog or hike daily and do light weights 3 x a week but you can do whatever exercise you chose, just log it and HSK will adjust it into you zero weight loss number:) Anyways, I hope this helps:) Good luck!

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  • Joe
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    It's not sustainable and it's uselessly restrictive, if you want my advice don't waste time on that diet.

    If you got dairy/gluten intolerance avoid these foods but going paleo is useless.

  • Tina
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Avoid anything made with sugar or flour. This eliminates bread, pasta, cereal and all baking. Avoid heavy starches such as potatoes, white rice and corn. Eat tons of meat and veggies. Raw, cooked, salads.. you name it. Fresh fruit and nuts are good. Canned fruit/fruit flavoured beverages are not. Yes, your body needs carbs, but it needs complex carbs, not simple carbs. Simple carbs are found in sugars and flour. Complex carbs are found in whole grains, brown rice, beans, lentils, etc. If you try to only eat food that is in it's original state or minimally processed, you'll be eating healthily. Fish fillet good - fish finger bad Chicken breast good - chicken nugget bad Apple good - apple juice bad Sweet potato good - sweet potato pie bad Oatmeal good - Toasted Oat Crunch bad (see where I'm going with this?)

  • 7 years ago

    This girl bought a book to help her get rid of her acne and the book turned out to be about a special diet. It eventually worked. She made photos of her healing progress, pretty cool stuff.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Eat nuts, seeds, fruits vegetables, eggs and meat. It's not expensive if you know how to shop. You don't even have to cook most of them.

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