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Atheists and other non-believers, how have Christians ruined you life and the earth?

In another question, a user said " I'm full of rage because of people like you [Christians] who have ruined my life. Because people like you are ruining earth."

Can anyone tell me exactly how their life has been ruined by Christians. How, exactly, have Christians ruined the Earth?

I'm not asking for a challenge of belief. Simply how Christians have ruined your life or the Earth?

25 Answers

    Lv 7
    6 years ago
    Favorite Answer


  • 6 years ago

    Christians have ruined the earth because they are humans, just like the rest of us. We have all ruined the earth no one can remove blame. I guess he just felt like calling christians out.

    Christians I doubt ruined his life.. But he's probably mad at the lies they have fed him for most of his life.

  • 6 years ago

    Their belief that god created them as special and better then animals and such, has followed through to using the land around them without respect or thought of how it would effect this planet. The care more about themselves then anything else or its future. They have ruined my life by taking my family away because i am not christian, so i must be evil and my family said they want nothing to do with me.

  • Adam
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    I was in a shared house a few years ago. One of the neighbours, Polish dude, was awful. Every single weekend he would have his mates over to get loudly drunk until 2am at the earliest. There was even an occasion when they started throwing glasses around right outside our window. They ignored all polite requests to check the noise levels so we complained.

    Unfortunately, the neighbour would do odd jobs for our landlady, so she took his side. She refused to look at our video and audio evidence, refused to look at pictures of the broken glass, refused to get involved at all. Turns out she was the most vindictive, spiteful, uncompassionate woman I've ever met. When I finally moved out, she threatened court action even though I did nothing wrong.

    She was also a Christian. Told me herself the day I moved in.

    ...So was the neighbour.

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  • 6 years ago

    Ask him. He is the one making that statement, not atheists in general. As far as ruining the earth no religion or society has a lock on that. We all have a part in that.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    6 years ago

    Well, I cannot speak for the guy who said christians ruined his life, but he could have quite a lot of anger if he was rejected by his peers and family for being different (possibly atheist or gay or both).

    I can't say my life, personally, has been ruined by any theist group, but I do believe that since many wars are at least partially due to religious differences, religion has done f*cked up the planet quite a bit.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    There is tremendous pain and blind rage in the statement you paraphrased, where the individual seems to lash out by blaming others for own misfortunes. One needn't blame a general group, we have it within each of us to find someone to blame, and depending on the level of pain and suffering involved, we can amplify the shortcomings of those we use as scapegoats, even create an entire campaign of hate and blame directed at the target in question. I sense more "unresolved issues" in the person you are referring to than rational arguments. In my life I had many just causes to blame those who wronged me, and badly at times leading to considerable prolonged suffering. I could come up with a whole list describing the ways others hurt me, all the other bad things they did to me and others, like say the environment or their pet dog Fido... Then it dawned on me - I have the wrong outlook on life. Sparing you endless tirade involving the changes leading to the development of healthy coping skills, right outlook on life, and proper context to everything, I realized after the "initial" wrongdoing of others, it then became me who by dwelling upon the initial harm lead me to spiral further down. I could have sought professional help, which didn't occur to me until much later, but I digress. Yes, they the "bad people" "started the process", but in retrospect, they were incidental triggers, if not them, someone else or even some situation in life would have set me off on a downward spiral.

    Still, you ask for examples? There is a generalization, that, since Americans are polluting the environment, and most are Christians, it stands to reason Christians are polluting the environment - minorities do not apply, since they are too small to count their shared contribution to the ruining of the Earth. And, since some Christians are proactive, asserting their agendas which may have some detrimental effects, or mental effects, on others, again... generalization is made. The irony throughout all this is, as I mentioned, there is the initial trigger - may even involve years of type of mental abuse a young developing mind may crumble under later, leading to young adulthood of mental illness and psychiatric care... but in all cases, initial cause reduces to incidental triggers.

    A Fascist maniac ruined my grandparent's lives when he declared war, borders closed, ,and they were prevented from leaving for Rio de Janeiro as they were just about... Still, they adapted, survived a terrible ordeal they did not ask for, and life continued, and it did well once the madness of war ended, there was no dwelling upon losses of property and loved ones, there was looking forward to a brighter future and even enjoying glimpses of light already shining into the post-war present. They had "coping skills", without which events and actions of others become triggers, spiraling the individual lacking them into a tail-spin downwards in life.

    We Christians are incidental, as are atheist Bolsheviks who did much harm despite of which many Russians prevailed, as was that demented cultist maniac who wrecked Europe and still Europe rose from the ashes to its former glory and beyond... All triggers are incidental, but when they occur a whole list can be drafted specifying the particular injuries and harm done to the individual and beyond.

    My childhood best friend was an atheist, he never harmed me, nor I him. But then he wasn't full of blind rage either, no triggers seemed to have had an effect upon his docile good-natured personality.

  • Greg
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    They haven't as far as my life goes.... although it would seem they are working hard on destroying the earth (either by denying demonstrable scientific positions or by the dozens of ongoing religion-based wars).

    Denying demonstrable fact can have pretty wide reaching effects.

  • 6 years ago

    "Ruined" seems a little strong for the most part, but the harm that theism has done should be plain and obvious even to a theist without the expedient of asking non-theists to provide a list of misdeeds.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    I wouldn't say they ruined my life, but Christianity was turned vices into virtues, and virtues into vices....that really sucks.

    If Christians are desperate for a god....that I can sort of understand....but sheesh at least pick a good one.

  • Pukka
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    Atheists are individuals, you can't bunch them together and demand an explanation for the behaviour of one person.

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