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? asked in Society & CultureHolidaysChristmas · 6 years ago

Who else hates what Christmas has become?

I get disgusted more and more each year when Christmas rolls around and all I see is the ugly side of it. I see people being miserable and mean in the stores yelling at the poor sales associate over coupons, promotions, and prices being too high. I see everyone driving themselves crazy, spending money they don't have on people who don't even need presents. Christmas is only enjoyable for children and rich people. Most people are unpleasant this time of year. I can on and on about all the unpleasantness of Christmas, but it would turn into a novel by the time I am done. I just want to know if other people out there feel the same.

13 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    Hey, you say that if you went on, it would be a novel? Go on! Write that novel! Really, you just may have within you a novel about how bad Christmas has become!

    That said, Christmas is what you make it. I don't do Black Friday, although I did do "Small Business Saturday" at a local clothing discount store.

    I made myself an Advent wreath, and reading a daily Advent devotion book. Back in November I made two shoeboxes full of small gifts for overseas children for Operation Christmas Child. I've also donated a toy to my church's drive; the gifts will go to a local homeless shelter for families. I've bought simple gifts for my family, and decorated my room.

    Keep it simple, remember the poor, and remember God. That should help!

    Peace and Merry Christmas. He is born!

  • eiere
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    You get to call the shots on how you "do Christmas"

    I'm not a mall person. Never had a ton of money. So I shop online, or early. I like to bake and people always gush over how much they appreciate me sending cookies or cake etc.

    I'm nearly 50 and other than the odd angsty teen, I've never heard anyone actually complain that so and so didn't buy them a super expensive gift etc. Most people really enjoy the simpler traditional bits of Christmas and would love if you shared some of that with them.

    You CAN choose to not get caught up in the expense and drama.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    I agree. That's why I dropped out of the whole thing years ago. I still celebrate Christmas but if some of my family don't want to do it my way - then they can stay away. There used to be what I called "red sweater" Christmas. Where my sister-in-law got me a red sweater every year. And I had to do value in return. Seems silly. So I said I wanted to do away with the gifts unless it was fun or handmade. I no further wanted anything picked up on sale at Kohls. I said I wanted Christmas for us to be together, have a nice meal, play some games, go to church - no gifts - other than each other's company - required or needed. She got mad about it every year - until I told her and my brother that I will not be shopping and doing all that nonsense any more. They spend Christmas with other people now. Fne by me. My son and I have the same idea - we don't gift each other unless, again, it's something fun or unique. No "red sweaters". No gifts just for the sake of a gift. And that is not even every year. We spend the day, eat a nice meal prepared by his wife and her mother - play games, laugh, talk - be together. If there is a gift or two - it's not because one "had to". I don't go in any retail stores - except grocery and drug store - between Thanksgiving and New Years. I'm tired of people not being able to say "Merry Christmas" any more for fear of offending some doofus. I'm tired of being pushed, shoved and bowled over all in the "spirit of the season". I'm tired of the hype.

    Give me the day with my family that consists of a nice meal, togetherness, laughter, my daughter-in-law beating me at games NO ONE ever beats me at - which causes considerable laughter - and is - in a way - my gift to her - if you catch my drift.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    I totally agree with everything you have written

    When I was young we as children got a gift from our parents and that was all and we were happy

    Nowadays people end up buying presents for people they hardly know and also send cards to people they never see, which all seems pointless to me

    We all seem to get caught up in feeling guilty if we don't spend money and give gifts

    We have totally lost the meaning of Christmas and every year gets worse

    I get gifts I don't need nor want, and I suppose most other people do too

    I give unwanted gifts to charity shops, but sadly know people who literally put unwanted gifts in the bin

    Where will it all end, I sadly have no idea.

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  • 6 years ago

    I'm in my 50s and it's been that way since I was a kid, and people complain about it every year since I was a kid.

    There are numerous things you can do to reduce the negativity. My brother, sister and I finally said "No more presents." We each have all we want/need. Now we just get together and enjoy a nice dinner. The kids still get presents though. On my wife's, they drew names, so each person gets 1 other person to buy for + kids of course.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    The commercialization of Christmas has been going on for decades and yes, it is disgusting. Just celebrate Christmas the way you want to, allow enough time to buy gifts and send out cards and enjoy Christmas. A secret Santa system of getting and giving gifts within an immediate family can cut down on the stress and on the expense of buying gifts. My family tried skipping the gift exchange one Christmas and we all felt that something was missing. One gift per person is reasonable and none of us are kids that expect piles of presents.

  • 6 years ago

    I basically dropped out of Christmas years ago and I dropped out of the shopping mall culture ages before that. It sickened me to see people walking around as if shopping was the most important thing they had to do in their life (and I suppose for many of them it is). In short, the entire consumer culture turns my stomach. I still work two or three days a week at a small retailer, but it's one that's barely hanging on, so I can deal with it.

  • Ernie
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    I strongly dislike Christmas being about Santa Clause, because knowing everything every boy and girl does every year is impossible for any man. Only God knows everything. Santa is NOT God! Romans 10:8-10 is how anyone can be born again.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Oh yes. Tell me about it. I didn't ask for anything. My mom calls me up and starts being mean for no reason. I was feeling happy about Christmas until my mom started being mean. Its really unnecessary and uncalled for. And people should not be going broke over it either. Its ridiculous and stupid.

  • 6 years ago

    I don't see that much of that.I go with a budget,a plan and come home happy.

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